Nah, because NUSA idolizes Rome-they think it became Inferior after the Western empire fell and that it’s modern descendants (barring Protestant French) are Infee’s, but Rome itself (as well as Ancient Greece) was awesome. The US in OTL took a lot of Roman inspiration and loved classical Greece and Rome well for a long time thinking of modern Italians and Greeks as racially inferior-this is just amped up a ton TTL.

I’m not sure who they’d blame for Jesus death (if anyone). The Supercatholics and such would definitely blame the Jews but that stance is probably getting a lot less popular in Europa. However, I don’t think blaming “Latins” would be popular in Fundie nations either.
French necessarily aren't infees. If they converted from Catholicism then they'd be fine under the ORRA structure - I wonder if that did happen in Keybeck, all the pure-blooded Francophones converted en masse like the Jews in Spain

As for Rome and Greece, they probably say that all the repeated invasions by eastern barbarian tribes plus the muslim settlement from Turkey destroyed the "ancient pinnacle blood" of the Romans and Greeks.
French necessarily aren't infees. If they converted from Catholicism then they'd be fine under the ORRA structure - I wonder if that did happen in Keybeck, all the pure-blooded Francophones converted en masse like the Jews in Spain
Hence why I said “barring Protestant French”.


Gone Fishin'
Given the destruction of traditional religions in East Asia more so than IOTL would an attempt to portray Dutch Formosa, Aynam, Annam etc. as preserving Chinese culture?
And now you got me thinking what Pokemon would be like in this god forsaken universe.

Mewtwo's misanthropy is far more justified and his birth in a lab is far more traumatic but still results in wiping out the lab and its staff to the last.

Mewtwo's already a powerful Psychic type but I wouldn't be surprised if his powers were on par with Tetsuo Shima if the NUS are the ones responsible for creating him.



"Oh you thougt the Illuminati weren't that bad? Well, think again b*tch!" - Napoleon53 on his way to traumatise the readers even more


Gone Fishin'
With all centers of power solidly dominated by white people and not even an equivalent to the honorary Western/White/Aryan model afforded to say Iran, China or Japan IOTL it seems that the idea of a defacto racial hierarchy (and its sub-reflections within the European race and among the Illuminists in practice with White Slavs on top of Caucasus, Turkic, Mongol and Han races) is firmly ingrained
I really cant wait to see Whats in store for Africa. I hope the world doesn't end before we get to see all of the Wacky regimes to pop up there. Its about time for there to be some anti colonial resistence especially with the Loomies doing there thing. Since Middle Africa is basically an American vassal state I wonder how much the US will fight for them or if they will let some of the bigger countries on the perefieral go like Nigeria and Ghana. Im also interested in the Status of Europan Africa i know otl the french planned to forcefully assimilate their colonies although it never worked. Under the Bonapartes i wouldn't be suprised if they went much harder on this than otl. It seems like their Muslim inhabitants are very much not intigrated but I wonder if they'd be able to Assimilate those who converted to Christianity. The one part of north Africa that may stick with Europa is Algeria as i could see it having a much larger settler ideology than otl. Hopefully we get an analogue for Bokassa ITTL he is right out of the madnessverse.q