WW1 Cliches

Insired by WW2 cliches thread. There you can list cliches about WW1. It can be with anything POD.

- Not matter how early POD is, there will be always World War/Great War/Global War.

- Not matter how world war ends, there will be always second.

- If Central Powers win war, France turn always as fascist state.

- If WW1 is shorter or Russians are better on WW1, Russian Empire survives.
The first one is pretty hard to avoid. The Europeans have been having those sorts of things for centuries, let them industrialise first and an alt WWI think will almost definitely happen. Round two is pretty likely too.

As for cliches, trenches, and tanks equaling victory seems likely.
Britain will never surrender or seek peace. Even if Germany and the Central powers have claimed total control and victory over the continent, even is the British are totally bankrupt and on the verge of financial collapse, even if the US is neutral and unwilling to support them in any way shape for form.

The British will still remain in the war and refuse any terms the Germans offer short of Germany actively surrendering themselves.
CP victory is always better than OTL (not that that's saying much), and will result in sunshine and daisies for Europe.
No matter how badly the Entente are crushed, they always get most to all of Germany's colonies despite losing practically everything else...:rolleyes:

Yeah, when you have three armies in an area and the other guy has one, even if the other guy wins somewhere else you'll win that front. Just ask the British in other wars where they sent men to the colonies, got a black eye in Europe, but traded the colonies to get their European holdings back. Unles you mean getting them in treaty, in which case it's still possible in a Britain vs. Germany treaty as a recognition of the state on the ground.
Britain will never surrender or seek peace. Even if Germany and the Central powers have claimed total control and victory over the continent, even is the British are totally bankrupt and on the verge of financial collapse, even if the US is neutral and unwilling to support them in any way shape for form.

The British will still remain in the war and refuse any terms the Germans offer short of Germany actively surrendering themselves.

THIS. A thousand times this.
Oh yes, delay the war just a few years and Russia will be easily able to steamroll over Germany due to those legendary military reforms. The crippling corruption and endemic kleptomania as well as the other serious internal issues that the Tsar showed no interest in addressing will surely not hamper Russia's ability to fight. And of course Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottomans will make no attempt to modernize their own military forces either.
If the US does not enter the war and grant the Allies unsecured loans, the Allies will still not go bankrupt and fund their 1918 war machines, somehow.

The Second Reich was just the Third Reich with better mustaches.

It is evil for the Germans to break international maritime law, but perfectly fine for the British to do so.

If the war continues into 1919, the Allies will be deploying mechanized armies following a blitzkrieg doctrine.
- Not matter how early POD is, there will be always World War/Great War/Global War.

- Not matter how world war ends, there will be always second.
These are usual mistakes. With the right PoD both WW1 and WW2 could be butterflied away. The question is what the right PoD is.

- If Central Powers win war, France turn always as fascist state.
Or Communist

- If WW1 is shorter or Russians are better on WW1, Russian Empire survives.
Or Russia always become Communist no matter what.

More WW1 era clichés:

If Central Powers win Austria- Hungary is still doomed

If Central Powers win Austria- Hungary survives

If Central Powers win Germany becomes a democracy

If Central Powers win the Ludendorff- von Hindenburg junta stays in power forever

Central Powers could have won the war

Central Powers couldn't have won the war

Italy could have been a Central Power

Sweden could have been a Central Power

Ottoman Empire would have survived with no WW1

US might have stayed out without the Zimmermann telegram (bullshit, you need to butterfly away unrestricted submarine warfare altogether for this)

The Entente couldn't have won without US involvement

Germany could have gone Communist after the war
Austro-Hungary had so much internal problems that collapsing is quiet difficult avoid. Victorious A-H might give for this more time but it hardly save the empire.
Which is why I said them surviving is a cliché too. Austria- Hungary itself has become a AH cliché by now.
The Russian Empire cannot win the war. Yes, it did have severe internal problems which made survival more difficult for it then for others. But, even though it held out for most of the war in OTL, I don't recall seeing any scenario on the board where it actually manages to survive and win.

Also, automatic reduction of Russia to Brest-Litovsk borders if it does not win. Did the war end in 1914, with Germans in Paris, but Galicia and east Prussia overrun by the Russians? No matter, Brest-Litovsk still happens.


Japan, despite having the fourth largest navy on the planet (and by far the most professional,) and being a major creditor to the other Entante nations, will be completely irrelevant to the war.

Also, nothing matters but the Western Front, as the Eastern Front is a forgone decision, and the Ottomans and German colonies will be quickly rolled up (the exception to this being any force led by Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, which is automatically invincible.)
Sir Douglas Haig as a willfully incompetent butcher.

Sir Douglas Haig as inspired military genius is a newer cliche. The truth, I think, is somewhere in between.

Communist revolutions everywhere in any timeline.

Short Victorious War as an actual possibility even if most of the participants fight it out.

Royal Navy as inherently fragile/incompetent vs. ruthlessly efficient High Sea Fleet. (The High Sea Fleet in particular.) The reverse isn't considered quite as often. (The only one I remember is 'The Flashman Plan' timeline.)
If CP wins the Ottoman Empire will modernize and Bulgaria will be huge.
The Netherlands must stay neutral.
Whoever wins Poland will be independent.