Recent content by AdanALW

  1. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    Btw, it was supposed to have five engines, not four. The point is such a weapon would have a greater range and because it could go basically anywhere (along with the hidden submarine), would be far less detectable. If the basic concept works, then this could allow for the Soviets to have a...
  2. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    VK-1 was not supersonic, but I am not completely sure about the VK-2, VK-3 was supposed to be pretty powerful, but they never completed it to try and work out the bugs. Again, the A-57 was supposed to have the R16D-17m or RD16-17b. But again, I can do more research, although it will have to...
  3. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    This is alternate history isn't it? Why not have them pursue a different engine design in the first place and save wasted time? that there saves around two years of work. See above. If that was indeed what slowed things down, by pursuing a different engine from the gate you save two wasted...
  4. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    This was the VK-1: By this point they had the VK-2, and were working on the VK-3. Five of these jet engines could be used in a A-57. Bartini wanted it to be as fast as possible, but if the idea was to have it ready for 1954, then they could compromise and...
  5. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    That probably means there is room for more than one outcome. The alternative may be just to scratch getting the Tu-95 altogether. Instead if the Stalin was to rehabilitate Bartini, or to never have even had him fall out of favor in the first place. Then the A-57 might be developed with an...
  6. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    I will also add that if the US wants to do a land war in Asia, get ready for China to turn into a bunch of Vietnamese all over Asia. The Chinese suffered the century of humiliation, but they were never conquered. That would be very interesting, that Ike starts the war on China, and it turns to...
  7. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    If it can be done, it gets done. Wartime footing. Do it in Nov or Dec of 1953. This would limit how far troop redeployments would go. At this point it the UN preference is not to launch advances in the Korean winter. If they do then the face the Chinese in a winter war backed by more Soviets.
  8. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    Give it even higher priority and rush it. It is not as if this has never been done before in the Soviet system or any for that matter. At this point, delay peace talks a few more months, at least until December 1953, so that by Spring the Soviets will be ready to join and have their TU-95s. I...
  9. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    No. The idea that Stalin would go into Korea was often considered a possibility, but as you pointed out, not the expected outcome. The US doesn't significantly change their strategy, most likely assuming all is as it was in OTL. The Soviet Union will once again get the drop on the US. Again...
  10. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    Well, if this is the case, we'll arbitrary cut the production time in half. We'll just say it was given higher priority and more resources.
  11. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    The Soviets took chances like this ALL THE TIME. It's one of the reasons they did so well in the space race. The Soviet union build a prototype, hopefully that can be mass produced by the Soviet Unions Heavy Industries. Any problems detected early on will of course be corrected, as they were in...
  12. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    In your estimation, if given high priority, how many tu-95s could realistically be made in a year using Soviet capabilities of the early 1950s? How long would it take for the Soviets to achieve MAD? I am suggesting that they go straight from first flight to automatic go-ahead and green-light...
  13. What if Soviets enter the Korean War in 1953 under a longer-lived Stalin?

    First off, here is a pretty good documentary about the Soviet involement in the war. It has some pro-American bias, but is all around pretty good: Now if the Soviets who had already flown the Tu-95 at this point, mass produced them to be ready for...
  14. WI: 2002 Venezuelan coup attmept succeeded?

    You know, I'm not going to complain, considering it was Chavez who helped me and many of my neighbors in the Bronx get cheap heating oil for the winter. I wish our own president showed us as much concern.
  15. WI: 2002 Venezuelan coup attmept succeeded?

    I am against this. Think of the reverse: how would you feel if China or Russia or the Saudis or Israel began to fund candidates for election in the US? In my opinion, all campaign funds should come from the state, and give equal time.