Recent content by Bughuntertf

  1. Fear and Loathing in Reagan's America.

    always up for more Fear and more Loathing. watched.
  2. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    Inasmuch as a second Carter term is an inherently enticing and fascinating prospect, I think I'm especially interested to see how he'll handle the AIDS epidemic.
  3. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    I usually lurk, but: Really enjoying this. Up there with McGoverning and the (sadly, it seems, now deceased) Spiraling out of Control: 1992 TLs. Incredible that two writers with such fantastic prosesmithery are writing at the same time. I second that I would absolutely read the suggested...
  4. Hell or Highwater: Buddy Cianci and the Decade of Malice

    I usually lurk and follow, but popping in here to say that I'm enjoying the heck out of this and excited for whatever's next (those hints laid down for what's to come are utterly compelling).
  5. DBWI: France never went Fascist

    OOC: hope y'all don't mind some invention. If France hadn't gone fascist perhaps we wouldn't be in this awfully tense situation, the stand-off between the Capitalist, Communist, and Fascist blocks over the oil in the Middle East. I'm becoming legitimately concerned, maybe I'm just paranoid, but...
  6. Ike Dodges the Draft, Or How We Got a Three Party System

    Signed on for this - I mostly lurk but as this is a new timeline with an interesting twist, I want to pitch in a few words to say that this is very enjoyable so far and I really like your prose style. This, especially, I loved. Cool and conversational. I can almost hear the speaker sighing.
  7. DBWI: Make the Republicans “the party of the right” and the Democrats “the party of the left”?

    In the very early 1900s the imperial economies of Germany and Britain were in competition with each other. Let's say that there's something in the 1900s or 1910s that sparks a massive European war -- and comes to entangle the US some way or another. Engineer a massive depression erupting...
  8. WI: Reagan wins the GOP nomination in 76, loses to Carter

    Gerald Ford, with the spectre of Richard Nixon's pardon and the jokes of Chevy Chase, managed to pull just about even with Carter and come within less than three percentage points of victory. Ronald Reagan, on the other hand, with no such spectre and considerably more skill at campaigning...
  9. Crimson Banners Fly: The Rise of the American Left

    Wonder if the author's gonna be doing anything with the German Revolution of 1918-19 - would be surprised if not since this TL is called the Rise of the American Left (and if you'll forgive my presumption I'm guessing there'll be rises of other non-American Lefts).
  10. McGoverning

    Rereading the TL and stumbled upon this and... kinda wanna read that TL where that happened, to be honest.
  11. DBWI: LBJ Escalates Vietnam?

    I imagine that the political life of the country would've taken a much different turn. Johnson was a liberal, after all, and if he escalated the Vietnam War, it's easy to imagine it turning out like Korea did. Except that Johnson, who was almost pathologically dishonest, would've made an...
  12. Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears Complete Table of Contents for Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo, with links to each update...
  13. Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears

    No .PDF, but I have a masterlist post of all Rumsfeldia's story posts.
  14. TLIAW: Living in the Plastic Age - America Post-Legion 1980-2016

    This is a successor TLIAW to TLIAW: Tear Out A Man's Tongue.