Recent content by Dunash

  1. 1982:Spaniards seize the Rock whilst the RN's in the Falklands

    And just like the Brazilians quietly helped the British against the Argentinians, so might the Portugese help them against the Spaniards. Even Morocco might get militarily involved. Actually don't some of Nostradamus' quatrains depict such a scenario?! (30% of Spain's GNP is from tourism; none...
  2. 1982:Spaniards seize the Rock whilst the RN's in the Falklands

    In some nations, national or ethnic pride can sometimes spontaneously overrule all other considerations and thought-processes. Didn't two Hispanic nations actually go to war over a football match? Once Gibraltar is occupied, the Spaniards (who also have a dislike for "Los Yankee Gringos") would...
  3. 1982:Spaniards seize the Rock whilst the RN's in the Falklands

    Whilst the entire 50 warship strong Royal Navy is away fighting the Argentinians in the Falklands-Malvinas, the Spaniards in a similar act of reckless Hispanic macho send a division over the border and take Gibraltar. After 100 killed on both sides, the British regiment there surrenders. King...
  4. Gore-Lieberman appease Bin Laden after 911

    The very definition of an Orthodox Jew is that he never goes in public with his head uncovered, ever! Lieberman may be a Liberal Jew, a Reform Jew, or a Conservative Jew, but his claim to being an Orthodox Jew is spurious. Maybe he's trying to appeal to the Christian Right?
  5. Gore-Lieberman appease Bin Laden after 911

    How would Gore & Lieberman have reacted differently to 911? Being big liberals and inclusivists, would they have had it in them to invade Afghanistan? They certainly would not have attacked Iraq. Would they try and open a dialogue with Al Qaeda or even try and appease Bin Laden eg by using...
  6. Germany 1945-46: more extensive Werewolf resistance

    This subject was also discussed in this thread: "Werewolf resistance continues after 1945"
  7. Morgenthau plan accepted for post-war German reconstruction

    This subject was also discussed in this thread: "Morgenthau Plan implemented:Germany levelled 1946"
  8. Final Solution in Palestine during 1930s/WWII

    The AH book "The Moscow Option" has Rommell (or is it Heydrich?) sniped to death whilst on his victory ride to Jerusalem by the Stern Gang. If united, the Jewish groups would put up a hell of a fight. They weren't averse to shooting up whole trains and villages and prisoners when the fight...
  9. TV keeps broadcasting through WW2

    The BBC & Deutsche Rundfunk both started broadcasting TV in 1936. In OTL it was not used at all during the war. WI television sets had been more much more widely distributed before the war and they kept on broadcasting as a propaganda tool, so that people would be able to watch Pathe News &...
  10. No Dieppe raid

    The biggest question: what would have they have put the brave but incompetent for high command Dickie Mountbatten in charge of instead? This has been discussed before at "Alternative Dieppe:the poor Canuck sods hold on"...
  11. Chernobyl USA: 4 New York Nuclear Power Stations Hit on 911

    WI the terrorists on 911 had instead succeeded in simultaneously plowing their aircraft into the four nuclear power stations in New York State, creating four instant Chernobyls? Whilst the immediate number of those killed would be only in the hundreds, vast clouds of radioactive spume would...
  12. A Female President:Hillary Clinton vs Elizabeth Dole

    WI Bill Clinton's sexual indiscretions came to light before the 1996 election, forcing him to step down; and Bob Dole's injures himself seriously falling from the podium so that he's out of the running. Counting on a sympathy backlash, Hillary steps in as the Democratic candidate, compelling the...
  13. North Koreans reach out & touch Alaska

    From the N.Korea border to Vladivostok is 50 miles. How will the Russians take to nuclear debris wafting over?
  14. Thanksgiving Assassination: President Dick Cheney

    WI Al Qaeda had got wind of President Bush's surprise Thanksgiving visit to Iraq and assassinated him? Assuming Dick Cheney's dodgy ticker held up, what kind of a president would he turn out to be? What changes, if any, would he implement to try and put his stamp on his 11 month presidency...
  15. North Koreans reach out & touch Alaska

    The US may not be able to subdue the N.Koreans with conventional weapons. In A War With US A Strategy Of Massive Retaliations Against US Attacks By Han Ho Suk Director Center for Korean Affairs 4-24-3 North Korea has not only the...