Recent content by GTD Aquitaine

  1. Nixon the used car salesman and other examples of historical figures from OTL in ATLs

    For Want of a Nail has already been mentioned, but in addition to Abraham Lincoln it also included Thomas Edison, Sergei Witte, and Robert Sobel. All of them are pretty minor except, of course, for Thomas Edison, which made his presence even more irritating.
  2. Best name for an American Monarchy

    Even if it became a monarchy, there's no reason it couldn't remain the United States of America.
  3. Map Thread IV

    Dutch Anglesey? :eek:
  4. GURPS' Infinite Worlds

    Damn, and I thought I'd never have a legitimate reason to post this thing I made! Some people may remember where it comes from. Maybe. It's a bit less wordy than the example you provided, but it was modelled after the sideboxes in the original book. I have more info somewhere. In a box. In my...
  5. Putting maps on flags...

    Putting a map on a flag is a crime against vexillology. For that matter, so is putting writing on one. If you need a picture of the country or a bunch of words to get across the point of the flag, it's not really a very good flag.
  6. In the Courts of the Crimson Kings

    I may pick this up when it's out in softcover. As for The Sky People, though, I still maintain it would've been better had it been more than the Giernas Expedition On Venus.
  7. Sliders fans which worlds were the most implausible?

    Honestly, I think you'd have an easier and quicker time listing off the least-implausible ones. Though one that does come immediately to mind, as far as implausibility goes, is the Earth that is destroyed by pulsar fragments which do not appear to be an issue for any other Earth. You'd think a...
  8. A Flag Thread

    Are you sure that's a thunderbolt? It looks more like a Great Old One to me, the sort of things you'd find on the bottom of the Pacific or beyond the Mountains of Madness.
  9. Zipang

    I did it, and found it pretty good and watching as well. Point of fact it was one of the significant inspirations for that one story I wrote a while back. :D
  10. Beyond the Gap and The Sky People

    Much of The Sky People reminded me a great deal of the scenes in Against the Tide of Years and On the Ocean of Eternity that dealt with the Giernas expedition going across North America. I think the only thing Giernas didn't have that Vitrac did was a zeppelin. And even then the Nantucketers...
  11. Questions about "Jericho"

    According to Wikipedia, taking together all the clues in the show so far, the following cities were destroyed: Atlanta, Georgia Baltimore, Maryland Boston, Massachusetts Charlotte, North Carolina Chicago, Illinois Dallas, Texas Denver, Colorado Detroit, Michigan Hartford, Connecticut Houston...
  12. Alternate First Men on the Moon thread

    NAME: Malcolm MacRae COUNTRY: Confederation of North America SHIP: Eos 5 FIRST WORDS: "This is Serenity Base. The stars are out and the Earth is shining." YEAR: 1988
  13. Map Thread III

    Considering that the United States was superior to the Confederacy in terms of manpower as well as sheer industrial might, and seeing as how you don't seem to have European powers intervening, how is it possible that the Civil War could grind on for eight years without the United States...
  14. John Birmingham's Axis of Time trilogy

    No... there are only three books in the Axis of Time series. Are you thinking of Turtledove instead?
  15. Map Thread III

    The first one - and as long as I'm here, I'd like to ask a question. Why does your map have a hundred thousand people living on a moon that is so volcanically active that it completely resurfaces itself within the space of a thousand years, and where Jupiter's magnetic field is so intense that...