Recent content by kreepysam

  1. What happens to the Austrian monarchy in a Greater German Empire?

    There is also Pola, if it proves impossible to retain Trieste in the service of placating Italy. Would they worry so much by this time? The Lutherans accept some of the Catholic sacraments anyway too, so they're not completely different or 'alien' in practice.
  2. Alternate German Colonial Empire

    If Germany retains a larger interest in East Africa, then in addition to Tanzania they maybe seek to expand influence in Kenya and eventually parts of the Horn? This may impact Italy's expansion into Somalia.
  3. How could the Europeans pull off settling Southern Africa?

    That makes sense, except Angola and the Cape both have some salubrious climates for European settlement, and the Portuguese didn't much bother with a concerted settlement effort in Angola until the 20th century - which they'd had for centuries by that point. The issue with Portugal could be...
  4. Pre-Columbian knowledge confirmed: A monk in 14th-century Italy wrote about the Americas

    How definitive is the source? Its sounds quite vague and like others have said perhaps mythologizing the unknown areas to the west was common. It also seems even if true it couldn't have had much bearing on Columbus. He sailed from Spain and ran into the West Indies, which is a long way from...
  5. WI: Ted Kennedy didn’t run for re-election in 2006

    Could Caroline Kennedy run?
  6. WI: Kaiser Billy = Bismarck 2.0

    Germany would have controlled large deposits of uranium also, through their holdings in Namibia.
  7. 1904 - Germany Betrays Russia

    One front war with Russia is the dream scenario for Germany. But can they manufacture even a flimsy CB for a war of aggression against Russia? Also, if Russia sees Germany trying to stab them in the back, might they not just offer the Japanese an armistice? Keeping hold of Poland and Ukraine is...
  8. Other 'Hong Kongs'

    For alternate Hong Kong-like sites in China, Sansha Bay may be a good candidate. It seems to have mountainous terrain that would provide adequate catchments for a fairly sizeable population, and rugged, defensible landward borders and peninsular choke points. Similar to HK being downriver from...
  9. Name of a Dutch Cape Colony Dominion

    They may give it up in exchange for a permanent lease at Simonstown. It's the naval stations they want after all, not the bother of administering boers and natives. In terms of names, maybe something biblical or classical? Nieuw Kyrenaika? Nieuw Canaan?
  10. Revived HRE after Congress of Vienna --> Großdeutschland

    Accepting a degree of constitutionalism and enfranchisement (probably only outside Prussia proper) in exchange for becoming German emperor and guaranteeing the security of your kingdom from a rival dynasty is a pretty good trade. A truly smart and realpolitik/machiavellian Hohenzollern would...
  11. The American/European Split

    It's hard to see how the Europeans, aside from De Gaulle, would rent the US enough to essentially walk away from NATO. Sounds like you would need a different WW2 ending with more of Germany and maybe Eastern and Southern Europe in the Western camp.
  12. Demographics of a surviving Austria-Hungary?

    Do you know how many of those immigrants on-transited through Galicia eventually to leave Europe? I know OTL a lot of Galicians went to America, but I don't know what percentage of those were ethnic Ruthenians and Poles v Ashkenazim. One wonders whether, if alt-Budapest becomes a homogenised...
  13. Demographics of a surviving Austria-Hungary?

    To take a different line of enquiry on this topic, what are people's thoughts about the Jewish population of a surviving empire? IOTL the Jews in Vienna reached 200,000 by around 1920. Meanwhile Budapest appears to have surpassed 200,000 by around 1900. If I'm not mistaken that would have made...
  14. Create More European Settler Colonies

    Roughly speaking, north of Angola/Zambia and outside of East African Highlands, yes that's correct. Southern Africa south of the Zambezi watershed however is reasonably dry and temperate, lacks the same extent of endemic disease present in equatorial Africa, and in the mid-19th century was very...
  15. Massive European Immigration To Africa?

    750,000 immigrants a year is a lot for an underdeveloped part of the world. For context, it would equal or exceed in most cases the annual migration intake of the US during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which was a truly staggering amount even for the world's largest developed economy...