Recent content by Makemakean

  1. Look to the West Volume V: To Dream Again

    What I am looking forward to the most about the next volume is finding out what theme the new opening quotes are going to be. Since Volume 4, we've had: Volume IV: Solely quotes taken from Pablo Sanchez. Volume V: Random notes found around in the house of David Batten-Hale. Volume VI...
  2. Look to the West Volume V: To Dream Again

    My comment literally was that it was something I would have expected to see in Look to the West but not in real life. Of course, as Thande is fond of pointing out, in many if not most ways, OTL is far stranger than anything we can come up with. No doubt that Societists will be very fond of the...
  3. Look to the West Volume V: To Dream Again

    Yes, it is interesting. Scania didn't really have much of an identity of its own during the years of Danish rule, being nothing but "eastern Denmark", but after a few decades of Swedish administration, suddenly a unique Scanian identity had emerged existed. I take it something similar has...
  4. Look to the West Volume V: To Dream Again

    Adding more to the inconsistency of OTL, in Swedish, we actually call tungsten wolfram. So basically, it would probably be best if you play a little loser with the whole consistency issue. One of the way you can tell that Klingon is a constructed language after all is because its grammar is...
  5. Look to the West Volume V: To Dream Again

    Funny thing about the name magnesium. When Scheele was working with manganese, his colleague and fellow Swedish chemist Torbern Bergman suggested that they call this new substance magnesium because it came from a mineral called magnesia negra. However, because Scheele was basically Leonard of...
  6. Look to the West Volume V: To Dream Again

    South America alone would still cover a population more than three times of what the old Soviet Union could muster, and they would start off their cold war with the Diversitarian powers with far better infrastructure, far more developed industries, and a more sophisticated financial system than...
  7. Look to the West Volume V: To Dream Again

    Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaay! Leap Into The Dark
  8. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

    Yes I noticed that myself just a little while ago. Oh, well, since it's still a work in progress, I needen't be worried. Ah! Thanks for pointing this out, I was particularly uncertain about the Schleswig-Holstein border. When now attempting to more exactly re-allocate how many seats the...
  9. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

    Made a new Canadian-style election map graph for the Nordic Empire series: As some (well, @Utgard96 at least, I hope) might be interested to know, the regions are in no sense administrative regions of the Nordic Empire, but follow the traditional lines of the landsdelar, with the addendum...
  10. Makemakean draws stuff

    Seeing I haven't uploaded something in a while, to keep this thread from dying, I'll just upload this one thing I drew for the menu card for my vegan Burns night back in January:
  11. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

    The Nordic Empire uses a wide variety of electoral systems for its different constituencies, with most countryside constituency using FPTP, but some using what we would call French two-rounder systems. As for the cities, that's where the real problem is, with some using variations of STV and...
  12. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

    Here we go then! Updated version of this old wikibox:
  13. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

    Having gotten some help from @LeinadB93 I think I am now ready to start rebooting my Nordic Empire election series again! :D (In this timeline, Sweden has retained Swedish Pomerania, Denmark has retained Holstein-Schlsewig, Finland has retained Karelia and Ingria, and since the Russians never...
  14. Makemakean draws stuff

    Drew a Cato the Elder while the forum was down:
  15. Makemakean draws stuff

    Admittedly not Roman, but related by way of Virgil...