Recent content by obamaslovechild

  1. Highest possible development of piston engined aircraft.

    If you look at the great leaps and bounds that piston engined aircraft made from the beginning of WW 2 till the end. What could have happened if you delayed development of jet aircraft 10 to 15 years ? More use of counter rotating props, swept wings, bigger more powerful engines. Are speeds...
  2. What if drive in movie theaters never died out

    The one near me has digital projectors now and instead of the speaker on a pole you have a low powered fm transmitter for each screen. They also tend to be cheaper!
  3. (Medieval Stasis) Stretching Iron-to-Medieval Age Tech for... 5000 years?

    I would say a good example of this is Game of Thrones. Yes its fiction, but they have had roughly the same level of technology for thousands of years,
  4. WI George W Bush had become an astronaut?

    There was a story on here years ago were George W. Bush married Barack Obamas mother and went into the astronaut program and Obama went to the Naval Academy. Unfortunately the author got into a tift with someone and pulled it. I think if you google Barry Bush you can still find it. I just...
  5. What if Taylor Swift keep focused on Country Music

    I know I'm being a smartass, but as someone from the south she aint no Patsy Cline. Her stuff was never Country as far as I'm concerned.
  6. Interesting AH ideas that aren't commonly used

    This is an idea thats been floating around in my head for awhile. A timeline based upon Oliver Stone's Any Given Sunday. My thoughts were that the AFL is never founded and the league from the movie takes its place. The movie mentions the Miami Dolphins so there are two competing leagues.
  7. Awesome WW2 experimental Aircraft

    What about the XP 67 Moonbat?
  8. Women's Suffrage

    Oops, that wasnt the one I was looking for.
  9. Women's Suffrage I know that this is a serious subject but it reminded me of a skit from the Man Show. Enjoy
  10. Best Looking Fighter of All Time .

    XP 67 Moonbat Never went into service but it looks good.
  11. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Does the USAR's military continue the tradition of a strong NCO class and the flexibility for commanders or is it in the regimented top down USSR style.
  12. If Carter loses in 1976...

    How come Ford couldn't run in 80. LBJ finished JFK's last year and could of run in 69
  13. Alternate Fashion

    Butterfly away the social upheavals of the the 1960's and men's fashions might not of got so bad (wide ties, bell bottoms, loud colors, etc). I think that men's fashion pretty much stayed the same from about 1900 to the late 1960's to the early 1970's.
  14. Works with "United Earth" trope subverted

    There is a Star Trek story that pops up on here every once in awhile, were a united earth government never developed. The funniest part is in the aftermath of the Romulan War, all of the countries are fighting over the occupation of Romulus.
  15. Barack Obama Put Up For Adoption

    Thank You Sir.