Recent content by troosvelt

  1. AHC : Make North Korea the Best Korea

    Another way would be to have North Korea go through some sort of Prague Spring except the Soviets/Chinese do not intervene because they are preoccupied with each other. North Korea has a quasi democratic socialist government that gradually grows a la Hong Kong. South Korea becomes hard line...
  2. A Second Chance

    Could have been an even more interesting map if the Oklahoma elector still defected....
  3. AHC: Both parties nominate a former President

    Well in theory you could make the Carter Presidency less troubled so he still loses to Reagan but in a close race. Reagan picks Ford as his running mate in 1980 Reagan does not run in 1984 for health reasons. Ford vs Carter 1984 Or if you want Ford as a pure non incumbent, have...
  4. "Alternate History, Nazi"s win the war" How Plausible?

    Arguably if you avoid the Balkans mess in 41 so Barbarossa takes place on schedule and Hitler sticks to the original plans you could have the USSR defeated (or at lease ceding European portions). Then if you have Hitler move down into Middle East and cut off Suez, plus a better Battle of...
  5. Challange: United States LOSE the World War

    WW1 maybe WW2 is ASB Indeed I would argue there was never a point the US was actually losing in WW2, it was only a question of extent, time and cost of victory
  6. Week Of Devastation - Hurricane Andrew

    Now there is a possibility for a double nightmare Disaster in Houston (a bigger city that New Orleans IIRC) plus the destruction of the oil facilities. So we have the local disaster in Houston plus the potential national economic disaster of energy mess
  7. WI: Nixon keeps the gold standard?

    I was going to pop in and explain why the gold standard had to be dropped but someone else explained it well. However a thought does occur, could the standard have been kept if there was some method for adjusting the $ 35 value to better reflect the real value of gold but keeping world...
  8. WI: Virginia Stayed Loyal in the ACW?

    One interesting option is to have Georgia stay loyal. Although the final vote on seccession was top heavy, the issue was actually quite close. You had a lot of middle of the roaders tip over to secession once it was clear which side had won. If GA stays loyal, FL probably does too, you could...
  9. WI: Terrorists hit Congress instead of the Pentagon on 9/11 in 2001?

    Are we sure people would be that upset if they blew up Congress ? (obviously joking but someone had to go there)
  10. The US doesn´t get the bomb

    Yeah but the conditions they required meant basically no surrender. 1. No occupation 2. They disarm themselves 3. They do war crimes trials 4. They get to keep conquered China/etc
  11. RC:Moon Landing during the Kennedy Administration.

    In theory if you avoid the the engineering mistakes on Apollo and thus avoid the 1967 Apollo 1 fire then you could have things running a year or two ahead and land on the moon in 68. Of course the main reason for the engineering mistakes on Apollo was the rush to get to the moon, so those may...
  12. What if RFK survived?

    IMNSHO there is zero chance that RFK would have won in 68. As has been noted, much of the nomination process was controlled by the party bosses (and in turn LBJ). LBJ was absolutely obsessed with not being the 'accident' between the Kennedys. He would have done anything he needed to do in...
  13. Fear, Loathing and Gumbo on the Campaign Trail '72

    Like I said before, liberals shouldn't worry. This TL is on a clear path to abolishing all center right views within a decade.
  14. WI the Ronald Reagan assassination attempt succeeded?

    If Wellstone gets in for 8 years he'd find a way to abolish opposition parties......
  15. Double Tragedy: The Deaths of JFK & LBJ

    No need to worry about DeLay, the way this timeline is going the GOP will be abolished in a few years