Recent content by zomboy

  1. what would have been the outcome of WW1 with mexico as a central power

    Spur of the moment speculation - NOT trolling Yes DL, just speculation. Please don't freak! I'm of the opinion, if there's a will there's a way, even through difficult obstacles. If you were in the Kaiser's Intelligence in this scenario, and needed to get arms to Pancho Villa, by what...
  2. what would have been the outcome of WW1 with mexico as a central power

    Hmm, cool idea, but we'd need a big pre -1900 POD for that, say a continuous state of hostility across the 49th Parallel since The War Of 1812. Canadian society in WWI largely supported the war; there was less support for it within French-Canada; there were also increasing demands for a...
  3. what would have been the outcome of WW1 with mexico as a central power

    Good point! A Zeppelin would add a cool 'Diesel Punk' angle, but I was thinking of a more mundane approach, say freighter ships going through the Panama Canal, offloading to smaller vessels off the West Coast of Mexico and up the Gulf of Baja - literally a back door route.
  4. what would have been the outcome of WW1 with mexico as a central power

    Pancho Villa & Plausible Deniability I think that Glass Onion is onto something; with the U.S. declaring war & launching a full-scale invasion of northern Mexico to stop Pancho Villa. Say the 'government' of Mexico did become a Central Power ally to have a counter-balance against excessive...
  5. Nazis and the environment

    Ultra-disruptive Mega Project See: This is just the kind of mega-project that would have given Hitler and Speer wet dreams and could have caused them to back this project. The implementation of 'Greater Germany' out of the defeated nations of Eastern...