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  1. What if the USA National Origins Quota system of the 1920s *included* quota limits on western hemisphere nations too?

    What if the USA National Origins Quota system of the 1920s *included* quota limits on western hemisphere nations too? In OTL, although it may sometimes be forgotten, the immigration-tightening, post-WWI quota system actually *excluded* western hemisphere nations from its numerical quota limits...
  2. What if Romania joined the Entente in 1915 instead of 1916?

    What if Romania joined the Entente in 1915 instead of 1916? Sure, when Romania committed to join the war in 1916 it *briefly* looked like a good time to join, with the Russian Brusilov offensive battering the Austro-Hungarians, and the Allies from Salonika making a northward sally toward the...
  3. Wiener Schnitzel Arrabiata - consequences of a summer 1918 Italian Victory at Vittorio Veneto

    The second Battle of the Piave was 15–24 June 1918. What if Italian Supremo Armando Diaz was the same level of competence, but less prudent, more impatient, and "spicy", demanding and forcing preparations over a feverish five week period to launch a general offensive on 1 August 1918, instead...
  4. What if Austria-Hungary detained Serbian Field Marshal Putnik on declaring war in August 1914?

    Per wiki: As followers of WWI in the Balkans know, the Serbs took far longer for the Austro-Hungarian to defeat, with far more help from Central Powers partners than expected. Would Serbian resistance and longevity in the face of...
  5. AHC: A closer Anglo-German Medieval relationship, version of 100 years war, that England wins, and greatly influences Germany/northern HRE

    The challenge, should you chose to accept it, is to alter medieval history, starting any point between 550 AD and 1400 AD, so that there is a much greater political and cultural interconnection between England and Germany from that time, at least as intimate as England and France's relationship...
  6. What could and would Newton Baker likely have done with his Presidential term starting in 1933?

    ...successor. --- Baker on foreign and defense policy: So just what and can President Baker do on foreign and defense policy in 1933-1936? There *are* gathering storm clouds and disturbing international developments, but the primary preoccupation of the country is recovery from the nadir of...
  7. Alternate Israel-like pariah states - Liberia and Singapore?

    Every national situation, and regional dynamic around a national situation, is unique to a great extent. There can be analogous features one can identify across countries and regional dynamics in different parts of the world, but analogies drawn will be imperfect at best, and highly flawed to...
  8. What if Japan attacks the USSR in 1941? What about the British factor?

    For this TL/discussion, I want to take a somewhat commonplace WWII what-if, Japan attacking the USSR in 1941, and bring some less than common focus on the reaction of the USSR’s then coalition partner, Britain, to such a Japanese move. That will necessarily involve consideration of how the...
  9. How early would you need to change American colonial history to guarantee an Anglo-American sovereign relationship close as Anglo-Canadian in 1883?

    ...UK and Canada had in 1883, in an alternate 1883, one century after their real-world divorce settlement. If, among the multiple choices, there is *no way* from that point in time, the 13 Colonies/pre-USA could have stayed together that close, that long, *do not* vote for it But, if you think...
  10. What if the German western campaign of 1940 does not invade or occupy Netherlands?

    What if the final campaign design the Germans adopted and launched in spring 1940, avoided invading and occupying the Netherlands? What happens as a consequence? Does respecting Netherlands neutrality (at least on the ground and most of the airspace) simply make it impossible for Germany to...
  11. The concept of the Nazi takeover of South America (& Argentina in particular) was a ridiculous distraction before, during & after the war

    See interesting historical article here: Basically, the TLDR is: The concept of the Nazi takeover of South America (& Argentina in particular) or Fourth Reich resurgence from there was a...
  12. Hitler's Gamble by Brendan Simms
  13. Would Asia/the world of the twentieth century have been better off if Japan lost the Russo-Japan War, was stalemated, or deterred from attacking?

    Would Asia/the world of the twentieth century have been better off if Japan lost the Russo-Japan War, was stalemated, or deterred from attacking Russia in 1904 or later? Why so, or why not? In our world Japan, although regarded as an upstart, and the underdog, won this war, taking northeast...
  14. What if Japan attacked the Dutch East Indies in 1936?

    ...border, closer than the metropolitan Netherlands is to France, making any concept of Paris or London extending deterrence out to a distant Dutch *colony* less credible and more of a stretch. 5) All West European powers showed preoccupation from July 1936 onward, with the Spanish Civil War...
  15. If the Triple Entente lost WWI, it is likely that Britain, not France, would have been the most revanchist of the three

    ...aspect of that concept. Germany, with almost twice the population of France, and the leader in any coalition it is in, not a highly dependent* partner like France, is free, ready, willing and able to stomp on France as soon as it has any "remilitarize the Rhineland" equivalent moment. It...
  16. WI Operation Rösselsprung in 1944 is successful at killing Tito? Operation Rösselsprung (German: Unternehmen Rösselsprung, lit. 'Knight's move') was a combined airborne and ground assault by the German XV Mountain Corps and collaborationistforces on the Supreme Headquarters of the Yugoslav...
  17. What if a Kennedy Administration without a Castro Cuba?

    ...Three starting in Berlin on the one hand, and not building the wall at all, on the other, it seems to me like the East Germans have a relatively *easy* option to still have their interzonal wall, *and* avoid escalation with the the Western Allies. That is simply to mark the interzonal...
  18. How much could Thailand be plausibly boosted up in its war with Vichy French Indochina?

    With Japan not directly occupying Tonkin, northern Indochina as in OTL September 1940, but Thailand still invading French Indochina in October 1940, to reclaim lands lost in the early 1900s and 1890s, and Japan selling the Thai arms for influence, and not, like OTL, mediating an end to the...
  19. AHC: Accelerate the Union conquest of Atlanta and march to the sea by a year

    How could the break-out of the Union western front in the American Civil War through Atlanta and across the Alleghenies and Appalachians to the Atlantic seaboard have been significantly accelerated, by like as much as a year, in some politically-militarily plausible way? If that is bit too much...
  20. From a 1750 AD p.o.v., what were the multiversal odds that the PLC would partitioned out of existence by 1850 AD?

    The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by 1750 AD was a weak state. It had been for awhile. It was kind of a de facto puppet state of Russia's as well. It was subject to heavy foreign influence in general. It had weak executive powers. But it had existed for quite awhile, nearly a century since...