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  1. Is a successful 1918 Spring Offensive possible?

    And they did destroy it. And the germans did fight till the bitter end. What I propose is to contradict the nazis - promise them better terms if they surrender now, and they might. Than threaten them if they dont. How? Radio in german, maybe also detailing the crimes of the regime. Leaflets from...
  2. Is a successful 1918 Spring Offensive possible?

    Do they? they are certainly much more brutal in doing so, but one aspect I think that they need to fully control the information. And that was not possible in WWII. In Germany we had a coup attempt by the generals - what motivated them? To kill Hitler and end the war. With no hope or...
  3. Is a successful 1918 Spring Offensive possible?

    I want to state that im no expert on WWII. But the thing is that totalitarian states and their armies still consist of people. The german army fought to the bitter end and the populace did not rise up to owerthrow the regime, didnt even try - as it did in other places. Partly because there was...
  4. Is a successful 1918 Spring Offensive possible?

    Not just the governments - the people and the elites. I think morale is massively and routinly underestimated on this site. Partly I think because its hard to measure. Imagine you are in a fight defending your home - with wife, children, whatever you love. You know you have lost. Your enemy...
  5. Is a successful 1918 Spring Offensive possible?

    Another thing I would at least question is if it was hunger only that did in Germany. It was certainly an important factor but I think it was just as important that they knew that the spring offensive was their last chance to win this. After that failing, with the US in there was no chance of...
  6. Is a successful 1918 Spring Offensive possible?

    I would correct this. The US had a big influence. The hope that based on Wilsons points they will receive a fair peace even if they give up was a tremendous hit to morale. They were on their last legs yes, but the promise that it wont be so bad was a huge factor in them finally throwing in the...
  7. AHC/WI: 1890s French build a Kra Canal

    There could also be a strategic reason - see the Kiel Kanal. Avoiding the straits of Malacca could be important from a strategic point of view.
  8. WI: Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717-718) succeeds

    So how does the fall of Constantinople make the Nords significantly more of a problem than OTL? I dont see too much direct effect in northern and western Europe compared to OTL. Italy maybe but while I can see the muslims taking more ground in Italy compared to OTL I dont think they can take it...
  9. WI: Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717-718) succeeds

    Are they? Is all of Europe conquered by muslims? I dont think so. Do the OTL reasons for them still exist? They are amplified. Will they be different? Very. They might be later or earlier but I think they are very likely to happen. There is no orthodox branch yet and with the Empire either...
  10. WI: Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717-718) succeeds

    No schism for one. If the crusades happen they will probably be aimed at retaking Constantinople and Greece - which means probably some long term success for the crusades as that area would still be christian and the right kind of christian.
  11. PC: Alt-Congress of Vienna (failure of Prussia)

    Also didnt Metternich and the tzar have a really bad relationship? As in it nearly came to a duel between them? I also seem to recall that Metternich absolutly refused to even have bilateral talks with him after a point. This would not be conductive of them allying themselves on the conference.
  12. What if Japan was a colonial super power before the 19th century?

    So some ideas for this: 1. Surviving Oda: Nobunaga seems like both the most megalomaniac and open to innovations. So if anyone does it its him. Why he would do it? Dont know, maybe to imitate the Europeans? In hope of finding silver and gold like the europeans did? Anyway its a good place to...
  13. AHC: Make Russian an accepted part of the west.

    I think Russia was as European in the late 19th - early 20th century as I think its ever going to be. Yet it still was regularly labeled by its political opponents as asiatic. I dont think thats ever going to change. Its size and population predestines Russia to be a Great Power at least in...
  14. In a world with no WW1, could Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkestan, etc. ever gain independence from a surviving Russian Empire?

    I think the key is avoiding WWI and any analogue for a while. Russia had a ton of social tensions that makes a time of increased political instability very likely - maybe even a revolution. But as the tzarist regime could get on top of that after 1905 I strongly believe that they can manage it...
  15. What if the first Sino-Japanese war happened slightly earlier?

    I have to state that while I studied the time period between 1900 and 1914 extensively - most of the crucial changes your POD caused is going too take place in the 1890's. Some of the things caused to be earlier I feel confident to comment on - like OTL russo japanese war, the boxer rebellion...
  16. What if the first Sino-Japanese war happened slightly earlier?

    AFAIK one of the main causes was the sino-japanese war so I would say yes. Would Germany be interested in this at this time? Probably yes but im not sure. I dont think France had much interest in the North of China but again im not sure. If indeed only Russia and Germany goes forward how much...
  17. What if the first Sino-Japanese war happened slightly earlier?

    The alliance was mainly a reaction to russian expansionism in the Far East, specifically russian refusal to withraw from Manchuria after the boxer rebellion. In this sense possibly. Depends on if Russia still refuses to withdraw from Manchuria after an earlier boxer rebellion. OTL the...
  18. What if the first Sino-Japanese war happened slightly earlier?

    I would argue that the Russo-Japanese war wont be earlier. There is a number of factors for that: 1. One of the main reason Japan decided that if there is to be war it should be before the completion of the transsiberian railway. That wont likely change because of the japanese events 2. The...
  19. What if the British Royal Navy was allowed to keep the two power standard and build 3 more battlecruisers and 2 more battleships? not a Naval expert, but you are telling me, that building completely new Dreadnought, some of the most expensive ships to be ever built in human history, is supposedly less expensive than maintaining already existing ones?
  20. What if the British Royal Navy was allowed to keep the two power standard and build 3 more battlecruisers and 2 more battleships?

    How about we get around the monetary problems by still cancelling the new british ships, but we avoid the scuttling of the german fleet at Scapa Flow, and the british getting such a number of german capital ships that the two power standard would be maintained without any new builds?