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  1. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    Henri earned that reputation, but our boy Joao took two cities and surrounding territory, got a promise of a defensive pact, and secret concessions for his co-religionists, all in exchange for running a blockade. This is going to be a terrible time for the Triunes if Henri passes and his heir...
  2. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Finally, a solution where everyone can be outraged. 😌
  3. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Ireland Unstoppable, as Éire's relentless rise reaches the stars themselves. 😌
  4. The “Magnificent Age” - Catherine II TL

    I'll never think of the exploding barrels in videogames as unrealistic again. 🤣
  5. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I'm imagining a monkey's paw curling to grant Curtain Jerker's almost-wish for Champ Clark to have won ...
  6. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    Can't have another war with Persia if an independent Egypt is in the way. 🫠 See, the Tourmachs' plan was ingenious after all. Romania is getting ahead of the game on having less mouths to feed for the little ice age, too!
  7. The GOP doesn't go through their liberal phase

    Are you talking liberal in the economic/classical sense (market economy/free trade) or something else? Which candidates do you mean? Also, are you positing that in this ATL they'll be dead/retired or saying they are now?
  8. What’s the most the US could get out of Japan in a conditional surrender?

    I think you're more likely to get a "Vastokayask" and separated Okinawa situation, really.
  9. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Northwest-By-God-Virginia. Oh, you said better...
  10. WI: Christianity was polytheistic

    Would the historic Gnostic Christianity (especially the Marcionist heresy) count? You have two Gods right there: the Evil one who created the world, and the Good one who created our souls (AKA Jesus's father).
  11. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    After the turnaround victory just around the corner, he takes the crown of the United and Confederate States as Charles I, leaving the Empire of Mexico to another relative.
  12. historical moral narratives: which was the 'good' side, if any, during WW1?

    I think that Russia was obligated by a secret treaty to mobilize if Germany did; they actually demobilized initially at the German demand before being told they were breaking the treaty and remobilizing a day or two later ... but checking, I first learned about that from your post here, so I...
  13. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I'm just hoping the democrats don't jump on this angle: Citizenship and hardworking jobs from real Americans, just handed away to (insert slur here); the platform writes itself! ... I'd rather both parties compete in outflanking each other on who can pass more worker's rights, actually. ^_^;
  14. Where would you "divide" history?

    Why not stick with with works? Like most, I'd say we just keep using the Unix epoch. Seconds past the epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970, as humans would say) are positive, seconds before the epoch are negative, and we won't run into any problems as long as we use 64 bit integers. u_u
  15. Cinco de Mayo

    ...will just assume he was a progressive star, or -- even better for his reputation -- they'll read into him whatever take they prefer. Naraht reminded me of this too... *Definitely* going to be popular in Mexico once it becomes public, after the whole war the Confederates +1'd them into is...
  16. AHC: Independent Poland WITHOUT the World Wars

    I borrowed the idea from a misunderstanding in this story (link), but the idea is: 1. After unrest in Galicia or Posen (or just a desire to have a cause belli with Germany or A-H), Nicky or a later Tsar has an idea suggested to 'restore' the Congress Kingdom of Poland as a legally independent...
  17. AHC: Independent Poland WITHOUT the World Wars

    100 years is a long time. Even without a Russian collapse or civil war, I think you could see Congress Poland spun out into a separate Kingdom in personal Union, possibly as part of a scheme to make claims against Germany that goes nowhere when the Tsar who thought it up changes his mind or...
  18. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    It's more than a little puzzling that you went through the effort to hunt down the latest thread to insult the author -- and now all the readers -- based on what seems to be a fanfic you wrote in your own mind. If reading the story or latest posts before 'critiquing' it was too much, perhaps...
  19. Cinco de Mayo

    No wonder he's called the American Charlemagne; students will love writing reports on the naval escapades of Captain Charles Hughes, who took the fight to the slavers as captain of a battleship while still President. And just like we have two Roosevelts from opposite parties OTL, if Richard...
  20. Cinco de Mayo

    I think they're more likely to get that if they either never actually make it to U.S. soil... or go the other extreme and manage to take parts of the U.S. and/or Nicaragua before swapping them back in a separate early peace. (Starting a Confederate "stabbed in the back" myth?)