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  1. Jesus conquers Rome and Parthia

    Very very unlikely to the point of ASB. The only remotely plausible way I could even begin to imagine this happening is if somehow both the Romanand Persian Empires go through a decade or so of civil war in the 10's-30's AD that somehow doesn't butterfly away Jesus from getting into the...
  2. What civilization or nation deserves to have its own TL?

    I've got a soft spot for the pre-Islamic Sogdians, and would love to see something with a Manichean polity in Transoxiana making some waves both to the East and West.
  3. Munich Shuffle: 1938-1942

    Congrats on a well crafted, enjoyable, and finished timeline! Looking forward to seeing any of your future works whatever the muse inspires you to.
  4. For All Mankind (AH Tv series at Apple TV)

    Hmm, there was stuff I liked and stuff I didn't about the finale (and season overall).
  5. Best case scenario for Japan in WW2

    With a '37 POD, the best case scenario for Imperial Japan is one where Chiang Kai-shek dies before the Battle of Shanghai and China somehow implodes into another round of civil wars and Japan (somehow) avoids escalating things beyond Northern China, thus preventing that morass and the slow...
  6. How might a modern baby boom occur?

    Industrial society yes, urban society no. Ancient Antioch had population densities higher than modern Manhattan for instance.
  7. How might a modern baby boom occur?

    Bingo; as a new parent both my wife and I agree that the pregnancy and delivery were way easier than taking care of the kiddo after it arrived. I think that eventually we'll hit an upswing in birth rates; pre-industrial populations and birth rates naturally grew and shrank all the time. I doubt...
  8. Russia's potential

    Yeah it'd take a lot of luck for history to go down similar enough rails to WWII, but is not impossible. It happened once after all, and the internal German communist movement is still strong and radical enough to be a bugbear. Some sort of revisionist right-wing authoritarian government of...
  9. Russia's potential

    I think there's a very narrow but plausible window for Russia to come out of the 20th century as a global superpower on-par with the US of today. Say the February Revolution still goes down and knocks out the Tsar but instead of the October revolution you get a messy civil war between the Whites...
  10. Christianity in a World w/ Stronger Sol Invictus

    First, kudos for coming up with a prompt more complex and nuanced than the usual "Sol Invictus crushes all" or "Christianity inevitably triumphs" blather that usually comes into these sorts of discussions. I don't have much knowledge on the paganism side, but a Christianity that isn't state...
  11. TLIAW: Camelot Lost

    Damn, hats off to him for being so far ahead of the times. I'm just surprised that there were Republicans that hostile to Reagan&Goldwater back in the day. Kuchel must have been very saddened by the time he died in the 90's OTL. Interesting, the impression I got in the timeline was that the US...
  12. TLIAW: Camelot Lost

    Was he that hostile to the Goldwater/Reagan wing OTL, or is there some Authorial voice creeping through there? It's a pretty unique take to have the US go "eh" and shrug their shoulders at the space race. Wonder how that came about; maybe if the US gets a satellite up first the 'sputnik moment'...
  13. TLIAW: Profiles in Cowardice

    Just wanted to say that I quiet enjoyed this timeline, great work!
  14. Seven Days to the River Rhine: the Third World War - a TL

    I wonder what impact WWIII and the loss of US & European R&D would have had on the Green Revolution TTL. Development of international and third world agricultural tech was already in full swing by '83, but with so much of the industrial world mulched I doubt we'd see similar gains in...
  15. Seven Days to the River Rhine: the Third World War - a TL

    There's probably going to be a lot of doublethink in the US over the war and Reagan. "Reaganism" as in the sunny optimism and laissez-fair economics are gone just from the circumstances, but as you say there will be some level of rallying around the flag. Given that the Soviets invaded first and...
  16. Seven Days to the River Rhine: the Third World War - a TL

    That's fair; Reaganism is gonna be dead as a doornail with the Gipper going down as the worst President in history. Thinking through it some more, I guess I could see a best-case scenario for political stability where the Democrats become the party of governance and reconstruction and maintain...
  17. Seven Days to the River Rhine: the Third World War - a TL

    Interesting look at the postwar US, but I find it doubtful that the Democrats would retain their electoral dominance through 20 years marked by hyperinflation and mass prostitution. Any federal administration would be more authoritarian and economically interventionist by necessity, but there...
  18. The Cradle of Presidents: A Buckeye Flavored Timeline in a Week

    As an Ohioan this timeline makes me smile. I've got to wonder just how memeatic Ohio is now that almost every president in living memory has come from there... interested to see who the next president is too.
  19. The Flame that Burns Brightest: Romans, Mongols, and Black Powder

    Great timeline so far, really like the slow buildup and subtle but realistic timeline for the discovery and utilization of gunpowder. I wonder if the stronger Byzantine presence in the Levant will be enough to prevent the Crusades entirely, I guess a lot depends on how the inevitable crisis...