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  1. WI: New Labour falls over the 2000 fuel protests This now a fairly obscure event, but it was by far the most dangerous point during New Labour's first term in office. I think Alastair Campbell has said that he was genuinely terrified that the government would fall and that...
  2. What if LBJ enters his candidacy into the 1968 Democratic National Convention?

    I recall reading in Then Everything Changed by Jeff Greenfield that LBJ toyed with the idea of this. It was something along the lines of him seeing the field as being so weak and divided that he might have a chance as the incumbent president, despite dropping out in March after the New Hampshire...
  3. Labour loses in 1964

    This is an underrated what-if IMO, and it's a perfectly plausible one given that Labour only won a majority of four seats. Alec Douglas-Home, an awkward aristocrat, would have likely led the UK at least until the end of the decade. This would have given the 1960s a bit of a different feel, as...
  4. A flipped Democratic ticket in 1988

    How would the election have turned out if the Democratic ticket had been Bentsen/Dukakis? I'd say Bentsen's gravitas and debating skills would have carried him to victory, maybe by a comfortable margin.
  5. George McGovern/Ted Kennedy 1972

    There was discussion of Ted Kennedy being George McGovern's running mate. There is a mod on The Campaign Trail that has is as a playable ticket and it has the race as very competitive. This is probably rather ASB, but Kennedy would have at least added enough gravitas to the ticket to get above...
  6. US Presidential Election 1976 with different Democratic nominees

    1976 is one of the best for what-ifs, IMO, because of the vast array of Democratic candidates. 1972 also had many, but that was a less winnable election. How would a liberal such as Frank Church or Mo Udall have done? Or how about if they had chosen a more conservative candidate than Carter...
  7. PR in the UK as a post-WWII reform

    The Attlee government implements proportional representation as one of its major reforms (and, of course, there were many). It's equivalent to that used in Germany and a number of other countries. What effect does this have on the ensuing three-quarters of a century? Which politicians from the...
  8. WI/AHC: A reforming Labour government in the UK in the 1980s

    Australia and New Zealand both had Labor/Labour governments during much of the 1980s that reformed the economy along marketeer lines. In the former it was done with a human face, in the latter it was done in an arguably more brutal way that even the likes of Thatcher pursued. How could the UK...
  9. AHC: New York and California remain battleground states

    Up until the 1990s, New York and California were, for a long time, battleground states in presidential elections, with New York perhaps being somewhat more Democratic leaning and California perhaps being somewhat more Republican leaning.
  10. PM Heseltine 1979-1990

    What if, rather than Thatcher, Michael Heseltine had been the Tory Prime Minister throughout the 1980s? How would he, as someone with mixed economic views and of a pro-European integration bent, have handled things?
  11. Constituencies, districts, riding etc with Australian-style names

    What-if, rather than being named after the relevant geographical location/s, countries named their constituencies/districts/ridings etc after prominent historical figures and politicians (usually ones associated with the local area)?
  12. WI: Keith Joseph elected Tory leader in 1975

    Joseph was seemingly set to be the candidate of the Tory right, until he made an infamous speech which seemed to advocate eugenics. How would British politics have gone if he, rather than Margaret Thatcher, had been the Tory leader during the second half of the 1970s?
  13. President Rudy Giuliani 2009-

    Let's assume Giuliani wins in 2008 and there is a Giuliani presidency from 2009-onwards. It's slightly odd to think about it now, but Giuliani's relative social liberalism was, in significant part, what cost him the 2008 GOP nomination. Mitt Romney was actually something of a conservative...
  14. Oh Gord: The Brown Supremacy

    The 2007 general election He wasn't sure whether or not to do it. A cautious man by nature, Brown knew what could go wrong during a campaign. Even by his own admission, he wasn't the most charming or telegenic of people in front of the media. But what other sensible option did he have? The...
  15. Tory majority in 2010 (UK)

    What-if the Tories had achieved an overall majority in 2010, say of around 20 (workable for a full term)? To start, quite a few things would be butterflied out, such as the Fixed Terms Parliament act (meaning a possible election in 2014 if the polls were optimistic enough for the government)...
  16. WI/AHC: A deregulating UK Labour government in the 1980s

    Both Australia and New Zealand had Labour governments during the 1980s that pursued the deregulatory/neoliberal reforms that became fashionable across much of the world during that decade (and in both cases they replaced a centre-right government that was at least somewhat resistive of the...
  17. A Wikibox thread, by B501

    (Mostly electoral stuff). Let's begin with a UK election night based on this post: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- David...
  18. WI: Prime Minister Mark Latham

    Australia has almost a set-in-stone rule that its politicians have to be brash and/or 'blokey' - Whitlam, Abbott, Keating, Hawke, Holt, Beazley, Rudd, Morrison etc have all gone to great lengths to try and fit the bill. But Australian politics arguably reached peak-'blokeiness' with Mark Latham...
  19. Ted Heath holds onto the Tory leadership in 1975

    Despite losing office, Ted Heath was actually expected to retain the Tory leadership in 1975; it came as a shock when he was overthrown by Margaret Thatcher. What if he had successfully managed to fight off that challenge? How would a 1980s Heath government (assuming he'd have led his party to...
  20. Breaking the Mould - An alternative 2015 UK general election

    Prologue: ~ From Wayward in Heywood: A Diary of the By-Election That Turned Everything Upside Down