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  1. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    The Mayors of the Palace pulled the same stunt, as did a number of Roman Military Commanders around the 400s, I wonder how long this version will last....
  2. AHC: Form alternate/new ethnic groups of the world

    Hm. I recall a more ambitious take up-thread.
  3. Could the US have a strong Communist Party as the opposition?

    U. S. Communists openly and loudly breaking with Moscow Central early on would help. Enough, that is another question but a United Front with FDR as his administrations implemented an even more comprehensive New Deal might manage to get them wedged into political discourse among the general...
  4. The Fire Never Dies, Part II: The Red Colossus

    So marginally saner Japanese leadership can make something resembling the co-prosperity sphere a reality on the maritime front
  5. Map Thread XXII

    I am picturing a theoretically more hospitable if much colder Saudi Arabia without the pilgrimage thing. It... is strange.
  6. Map Thread XXII

    Much depends on if the nature preserves followed a heavy demographic collapse or the places were forcibly depopulated. If the former, the question is why the population contracted hard enough for the U. S. to give up on the state structure....
  7. Spain during WW2 if Republicans won the Civil War?

    Spain may be in bad enough shape that it cannot actively help much if at all in terms of troops or wealth, but friendly ports/safe havens/eventual staging area for Continental Landing would be rather likely especially with the odds of a Nationalist Government In Exile ready for installation if...
  8. Spain during WW2 if Republicans won the Civil War?

    Considering how much of the Red Army would be in Spain at that point (i.e. none) it would be far more likely that there would be an open break with Moscow over this (along with at least a few of the international Communist Parties following Madrid). Any iteration of Republican Spain also just...
  9. Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    And quite possibly a bigger England-screw as well, in terms of reducing the offshore areas to a neglected backwater taking hind-teat to ambition or even basic defense on the continent. ETA: For that matter, the 'defrancification' of the Angevin ruling classes (to the degree that it even got...
  10. To what degree did the French Revolution provide a template for future totalitarianisms?

    You are aware that the pre-revolutionary French Kingdom included places like this? I am certain the death toll on the various Sugar Islands topped 150 per day, so the concern of how much worse the Reign of Terror was might be mistaken for who was dying.
  11. Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    Overambitious Irredenta is not something alien to Benny the Moose and his crowd....
  12. The Fire Never Dies, Part II: The Red Colossus

    IOW, there is a high likelihood of an openly Leninist party in the German Riech which the powers at be merely sigh in annoyance over.
  13. What if the CSA survived?

    Ongoing anti=Union violence would be the sort of thing that accelerates meaningful enforcement of Amendments XIII-XV (the re-imposition of Jim Crow was considerably bloodier than the Watts Riots, let alone '92). The blacks of the low country and the hillbillies of the uplands becoming the...
  14. What if the CSA survived?

    IIRC two of these cases involved a distant metropole enforcing their dictates and the third was the unpopular edict of a monarchy which got them overthrown. The CSA is not in the same boat as either and unless/until DC or London has them by the economic short hairs they never will be. Also...
  15. Map Thread XXII

    On the Ottoman Realm: To what degree do they manage to maintain use of the pre-Ataturk script/language in popular/everyday usage? It is improbable that the languages do not diverge but trade/communication will lead to some bleed-over. Come to think of it, the same question can be asked about...
  16. Es Geloybte Aretz Continuation Thread

    One does wonder how many regard Yiddish speakers as "cheating" when they learn German. I mean once one gets the script down.... OTOH, the Eastern Slavic languages are not that divergent either.....
  17. The Fire Never Dies, Part II: The Red Colossus

    A talking/debating shop of some form on an international level is not all that esoteric an idea. Although there may be an initial split....
  18. Map Thread XXII

    <looks at lore> A White holdout state that Jews end up fleeing to, that would need some notable (and unpopular) policy decisions....
  19. The New Order: A Successful Selim III

    The Ottoman forces being visibly more measured than the rebels in reprisals/massacres/ethnic cleansing might help. Might.
  20. The New Order: A Successful Selim III

    Or add an anti-clerical bent to it.