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  1. Sarthak

    How Would an Ottoman 1848 Look?

    For the Asian and African portions of the Empire, I generally agree. The Tanzimat was not transformative and changing what was over a millennia-old power structure in the region led to many upheavals that earned the ire of many Kurds and Arabs, especially those still affiliated under a tribal...
  2. Sarthak

    Post 1905 Sanity Options For Czarist Russia

    There is really no need to do anything other than make the 1905 reforms be actually genuine. While many of the economic and social reforms were genuine the political reforms weren't and that directly led to the revolution in 1917. Russia was economically doing well for itself in 1914 before ww1...
  3. Sarthak

    Map Thread XXII

    governor caleb strong of massachusetts had been willing to give up Maine OTL as well and lead a possible New England confederation under British auspices according to America on the brink by Richard buel
  4. Sarthak

    Most Implausible Tales of History

    Nah. A lot of implausible things happened in history. Too many to count actually. If everything was uniform, then history wouldn't be as interesting as it is. Of course implausible shouldn't mean downright impossible, but still.
  5. Sarthak

    Ottoman Empire Never Exists: Failure of Osman I and a longer-lasting Byzantium

    Because despite their internal issues the Karamanids were generally stable and also commanded the strongest army and force outside of the Ottomans and we're arguably better trained and equipped than the Ottomans as well before the advent of the Jannissaries. They had the support of the Mamluks...
  6. Sarthak

    Ottoman Empire Never Exists: Failure of Osman I and a longer-lasting Byzantium

    Without the ottomans, honestly the Karamanids would simply conquer Anatolia. The situation of the former Byzantine elite had given way too much to the Turkic Sultans in Anatolia following the 1250 AD. Whether or not the Karamanids would actually cross into Europe like the Ottomans did is too...
  7. Sarthak

    If Sol Invictus had become the main western religion, could it survive until our days?

    It didn't really disappear until well into the 7th Century. John Chrysostom encountered them in Sicily, Jacob Bar Salibi mentions in his treatise that many followers of Sol Invictus survived well into Justinian's reign in Greece and Anatolia as well. During the rediscovery of the Temple of...
  8. Sarthak

    Competition to Christianity in a World Without Islam

    Even before Islam, the Pre-Islamic Arabian Pantheon was being condensed into a Tritheistic form, with worship largely becoming centered around Allah (the Arabic Pagan Creator God, not Islamic Allah), Manat (the Goddess of fate, fortune, time, death, and destiny and one of the few Arabic Gods...
  9. Sarthak

    Samsara: An Antiquity Greco-Buddhist Timeline

    Greek Buddha: Pyrrho's Encounter with Early Buddhism in Central Asia by Christopher Beckwith mentions the primary PoD I used where Macedonian troops met up with Buddhist monks in Gandhara and Taxila.
  10. Sarthak

    How Would an Ottoman 1848 Look?

    The Ottomans were well aware of the situation in 1848. Ever since the restlessness in 1845, the ambassadors and envoys of the empire had kept the Porte up to date regarding much of the details of the revolutionary fervor in Central Europe. Ottoman envoys from Prussia, Austria, Bavaria, the...
  11. Sarthak

    Bonnie Prince Charlie reinforces Scotland

    The Bonnie Prince did not deny that he wouldn't commit to the Union but with changes and revisions. This alienated many of his anti-unionist supporters and his flirtation with refusing the acts of the union while maintaing the union of the crowns made him untrusted from both sides of the...
  12. Sarthak

    Map Thread XXII

    Continuing that previous map, this is just an HSR map of a Qing China that survives and continues to flourish. Thoughts? Note that the Hainan and Taiwan lines are subsections of the Qianlong Line
  13. Sarthak

    Map Thread XXII

    Nothing much, just an infographic on if the Self-Strengthening Movement actually succeeded, really well. Thoughts?
  14. Sarthak

    Map Thread XXII

    Vietnamese historical texts don't really begrudge the Chinese on the Tay Son Succession Dispute. Even amidst that, Dai Viet historical texts continue to mention Qing China as their best ally as Chinese ships shooed off French ships away from both Nguyen and Tay Son ships and regions in the South...
  15. Sarthak

    Map Thread XXII

    That's honestly projecting our modern lens of the modern Sino-Vietnamese relationship. Historically, the Qing was the first dynasty after the Song to really enjoy a fruitful and well-maintained relationship with Vietnam, with the Vietnamese going so far as to allow the Qing Dynasty to rename...
  16. Sarthak

    Map Thread XXII

    The Indochina War Despite being a core part of the reason as to why the Allies were victorious over Imperial Japan in World War II, Qing China began to deviate from both the USA and USSR in the aftermath of the great conflict. Having undergone nearly 80 years of reform in the aftermath of the...
  17. Sarthak

    Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth remains an Ottoman Vassal after Michael I

    True. Reality is stranger than fiction though, because logically, I don't see such a vassalage remaining for long either, but for the sake of the scenario, any reason can be made up. Perhaps Feodor III's support of the Cossack Hetmans to raid Poland simultaneously with Habsburg buildup in...
  18. Sarthak

    Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth remains an Ottoman Vassal after Michael I

    During the first stage of the Polish-Ottoman War of 1672-1676, the Ottomans gained Poland as a tributary vassal state very briefly for a few months. After Michael I's death and the military successes of Sobieski, this was reversed and Poland only sent one tributary mission to Constantinople as a...
  19. Sarthak

    WI China opened trade in 1793 and aggressively expanded its territory

    They had ambassadors. Japanese, Korean, Ryukyuan, Tibetan, Sakhalin, some Central Asian ambassadors all had homes in pre-opium war Qing China.
  20. Sarthak

    Hail, Britannia: A New History
