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  1. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    Disinheriting Frederick, makes William, who we know as Cumberland, crown prince of Hannover, which is going to change HIS life's trajectory considerably, though he is only 14 in 1735.
  2. Surviving Parma, Modena and Republic of Lucca - Failed Italian Unification

    Obviously a lot depends on what happens instead. Do you see a Habsburg client state of Lombardy-Venetia independent but linked through the dynasty, as was Tuscany OTL? Or does Austria simply bash everybody, defeat Sardinia and the French? And then at some point there is a re-run? Does Garibaldi...
  3. Henry IV dead at Shrewsbury, 1403: What's next?

    Would Percy claim the crown for himself? This seems to have been what some of his men expected
  4. AHQ: What is the Exact Series of Events that made Modern Egalitarian -ish Societies Possible ?

    What you get in European monarchies is a continuum - they adopt the rising mercantile class into the nobility, they adopt the rising industrialist class into the nobility. Countries which resist doing this, have a dichotomy. Britain even adopts the newspaper-owners into the nobility, and whilst...
  5. What if the Dutch attempt to unify Germany?

    An alternative way of doing this would be Napoleonic Holland plus Berg and having it last
  6. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    Weren't they basically run out by then? Charles has died in 1788, his father 20 years before, so you are down to Henry, the cardinal. Not sure it really matters where HE is based
  7. Miscellaneous >1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    The women have no claim to the throne under the law of Tsar Paul
  8. Russia in a world with no World Wars

    I don't think the monarchy in itself was unpopular so much as Nicholas II. The key to Russia's medium-term success will be whether the ageing Tsar coupled with a potentially sick (but not always) heir can hold their part together. As a note, Alexei clearly had long periods of good enough health...
  9. If Napoleon successfully invaded England, who would rule Scotland?

    I like this idea Napoleon would work with local claimants where he thought they had a chance - King of Saxony in Poland, Esterhazy in Hungary But Macdonald for Scotland makes perfect sense as the local claimants were almost extinct (down to one cardinal) and rival lines were all European royalty
  10. WI: Isabella of Castile outlives Ferdinand of Aragon.

    They did have a son, but he didn't live very long.
  11. Resources and Sources Thread Pre 1900s

    Topic: Anglo-Saxon England/Britain Source: YouTube (BBC originally) Historian: Michael Wood Title: In Search of the Dark Ages - Athelstan Link: To go with Athelstan winning an online poll as England's greatest monarch, this documentary by the excellent Michael Wood really shows you why he...
  12. WI: Hitler’s fate is unknown?

    The Rat Lines would be hunted down by the Allies. Argentina would be brought under massive pressure, even with the threat of invasion.
  13. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    If Napoleon had found a willing puppet to take the Hungarian crown, then the Austrian role in his eventual defeat (presuming that happens) would have been less powerful, and Austria getting Hungary back would be seen as a big gain for the Habsburgs. This could allow a return to pre-annexation...
  14. Our Cultural Mosaic: A More Diverse Canada

    Keewatin is what came to my mind
  15. Miscellaneous >1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    Is there a WW2 equivalent? Maybe telegraph? Say, Soviets bogged down. W Allies bogged down. Direct leader link to co-ordinate attacks?
  16. Present Day Soviet Union

    Things had names - Tupolev, Z-dudes in cars, and so on. They had an identity. When the USSR broke up and the proto-boyars took the prizes, they were taking them from identities which already existed.
  17. Westminster Parliament builds themselves bigger chambers

    Yeah, I was thinking: How about another floor?! Have the Lords a storey above the Commons
  18. What would it take for British dominions to be given their own monarchs?

    They've all got Governor Generals or Viceroys. There was a period mid-late 19th century when royal princes were either doing these jobs, or wanting to. A standardisation where the it becomes the norm for them to do so could then have them be under-kings to the Emperor/Empress back in Britain
  19. Austria and Prussia unite. What happens to former Austrian territories?

    There's gonna be a war over Poland Plus Greater Germany is going to want to keep the whole of the Adriatic coast - maybe a war of Croatian liberation which would result in a Croatia federated to the Confederation?
  20. AHC: A Neo-Absolutist British Monarchy

    The Duke of Cambridge was commander-in-chief of the army. Maybe in a world where Victoria dies of her childhood illness (I think she was 11) and Ernest becomes king and things start going to shit, then maybe Cambridge can depose him? Only Ernest's son (a young blind boy) and brother, Sussex...