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  1. AH Challenge: Earlier ends to the Cold War?

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it: to end the Cold War before ours - whether one side declares victory, as the US did after 1989-91, or the divide simply dies down. It should be noted that "Cold War Goes Hot" premises are not allowed here - use your common sense as to the...
  2. The People's Republic of San Marino - thoughts

    Nek had a very, very odd idea... I was browsing Wikipedia today when I discovered something that blew my mind. In 1945, San Marino elected the world's first democratic communist government. Look at the thread title. You can probably see where I'm going with this. I intend to research this...
  3. Thistles Among Roses - Nek's New TL

    I've been thinking about this for a long while, but recent events sent me back to have a better look at the damn thing. To best understand the ramifications of the POD, let's go back to history class: it's 1542. Scotland is paying the price for not joining England in rejecting Rome, and the...
  4. No Phoney War?

    So let's recap. Great Britain and France have been watching Hitler prance around Europe demanding this and that, and have so far indulged his whims, though with an increasing degree of wariness. When he directly contravenes the Munich Agreement, they take a firm stance, and say "Right! The next...
  5. AH Challenge: Kingdom of Switzerland

    Can you, with a POD after the Swiss secession from the Holy Roman Empire, establish an independent monarchy encompassing the majority of what we recognise as Switzerland? Bonus points if it includes other places; points lost if it's dominated by them. Points burnt in a pile if the "other...
  6. Japan doesn't pull a Meiji?

    "Oh, just what we need, another Meiji-thread to - whaaaaaa???" Say Meiji never enacts his reforms, for reasons up to and including nonexistence. What happens?
  7. Mongols convert to Christianity?

    Right-o, so after a lecture on East-West relations in the Middle Ages (the West ignores all evidence available about the East and relies on the popular writings to inform it - so very different to today), I've decided to inflict this poorly-thought-out WI on you all. So it seems the Pope's...
  8. Divorce in America - The Constitutional Convention Fails

    This is just a rough thing, so bear with me. It's the spiritual successor to "Better Than One", which I worked on a while back. George Washington dies of a heart attack in 1787, shortly after the beginning of the Philadelphia Convention. As the States mourn their loss, the delegates are forced...
  9. Elizabeth Tudor dies before Mary I

    Just looking over the royal family trees of Europe for Wacky Personal Unions, and I noticed a blindingly obvious one. Elizabeth Tudor dies in, say, early 1558. Mary Tudor dies on schedule, and Mary Stewart (Queen of Scots) is named her heir (as is logical; they were cousins-ish and she was the...
  10. "Better Than One" - Fragmented USA and Napoleonic Weirdness

    This is a VERY basic first draft of a TL I'm working on at - criticisms are appreciated. The first few years might be a bit handwavey, and I apologise for this. 1787: The Convention fails. Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey's delegates vote to incorporate into a United...
  11. Sophie, Electress of Hanover, lives longer

    One of history's harshest jokes is that Sophie, she who strived and ached for so long to gain the throne of first England and then Great Britain for her dynasty, missed out on that chance by just a few months. So let's give her another year of life before she dies, and assume this doesn't...
  12. English Britanny?

    Hello, and welcome to the latest episode of: NEK'S WACKY PERSONAL UNIONS!!! (THAT WERE ACTUALLY PLANNED IN OTL AND ARE AWESOME) As I was Genociding for my latest attempt at a Bosworth TL, I came across this nugget in the article for Anne of Brittany: And on the Edward V page: So, the second...
  13. President Aaron Burr

    In the year eighteen-aught-aught, the Presidential election was tied between Jefferson and Burr. Jefferson needed just one vote to achieve a majority of nine, while Burr needed three for that goal. IOTL, of course, Jefferson got that vote. But what if he hadn't? How would Burr's America look?
  14. Pax Eboraca: Richard III Wins at Bosworth

    Here's an interesting idea for a timeline - what if Richard III wins at Bosworth, and Henry Tudor dies? Isn't that ORIGINAL? "Wait, what? Hasn't Nek already started a TL about this very POD? Not been updated in a while, HINT HINT..." Well, yes. But, as with most of my TLs (This Fair...
  15. Personal DisUnion: Ferdinand and Isabella don't marry?

    POD: Mary of Burgundy marries Ferdinand of Aragon instead, Isabella marries Maximilian, Castile is drawn into the Habsburgs while the Burgundies become Trastamara. Spain remains disunited for longer, and Portugal becomes a contender for Uniter instead. The Iberian rulers end up haphazardly...
  16. AH Challenge: Less Space Exploration

    With a POD after Kennedy's assassination, you should endeavour to minimise human activity beyond the atmosphere. No collapses of civilisation, no nuclear wars.
  17. Challenge: Keep your Jesus, we have our OWN Messiah.

    How can we get a large minority of Jews to believe the Messiah has come at last? Conditions: A POD after 500 AD. The Messiah cannot be Jesus. The religion has to survive for a least a century as a significant force. Bonus points if he proclaims a New Promised Land, extra bonus points if it...
  18. Norwegian Rocket Incident gets out of hand

    Check Wiki for the facts. In 1995, Russia came very close to nuking people.Yeltsin had the Briefcase out and everything. How would such a scenario unfold?
  19. No Louisiana Purchase?

    So, let's say Napoleon makes peace with his brothers and never sells Louisiana - something that Joseph in particular hadn't liked, as he'd been the one negotiating to get it back. What next?
  20. Francis II survives - the Auld Alliance prospers

    Mary, Queen of Scots. Catholic. Serial wife. Suspected murderess. And a good deal shorter towards the end of her reign... Mary's first husband was the French Dauphin Francis. His father died, and he became the French king Francis II, as is the tradition; Mary became Queen Consort. And Queen of...