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  1. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    I mean, with the US and CS poised to collapse, that chance is higher.
  2. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    I wonder whether the CSA will get involved in wars with its neighbors. I can't imagine them going to war with Mexico as that would bring France down on them, never mind that Mexico has its own Underground Railroad that is not as famous as the US one (apparently). Maybe after the Three Good...
  3. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    So what I'm getting is that Western Alienation is a thing in the US throughout the 19th century and maybe in the 20th century. They (likely) won't secede but can use the threat of secession as a political tool (among other issues) to get Washington's attention, especially when the US does not...
  4. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Wait, so there were cases where the West Coast tried seceding from the US IOTL even after the civil war? What kind of issues caused such sentiment? I'm curious right now. Edit: I know my previous posts are pessimistic and I apologize but I have been feeling very down for a while and I don't...
  5. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Well, this is covering the decline and collapse of the US so things would only get worse. Think Sickles incompetence will cause the West Coast to secede and join Canada or the CSA? They will most likely be independent, though.
  6. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    You left out footnote [4] in the post.
  7. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Except that they won't. The next President is going to be worse than McClellan and likely the one who passes the Cursed Amendment. With this and the subsequent President, I don't think even the New Men can save the US. What we are seeing is the slow decline of the US followed by its fall and...
  8. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    On the topic of the US being a shining beacon on the hill that was mentioned earlier, I feel that the New Men would be anathema to it since they are revanchist and harbour imperialistic ambitions. That's why I suspect that post-Great War, they are largely discredited and reviled as they dragged...
  9. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Yeah, it is a shame. However, there is another Confederate Victory TL called This Guilty Land to fill the void. The author intends to cover the Boss Tweed Presidency in the future. So far, Wrapped in Flames, Cinco de Mayo (and its sequel), and This Guilty Land are the known Civil War TLs on...
  10. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    I'm pretty sure Palmerston is still alive in 1867 but you're right, there is a split within the Liberals if my memory is correct. Not sure how this will affect British politics in the long run. As an aside, the author of Nothing For Which To Apologize has been banned and the story has...
  11. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    I have some random questions about some of the people in this TL. When I was reading about William Gwin of California, I found there was another William Gwin, who was a promising naval officer serving in the Union's riverine navy commanding the Benton. He died from battlefield injuries in 1863...
  12. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    I believe he said that the map will be out showing 1870. Also, my guesses on the Cursed Amendment are wrong, huh? As for the proxy wars mentioned above, what proxy wars? Is the US going to support a second Indian Mutiny? The idea of the US doing this is pretty far-fetched. Also EC, I know you...
  13. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Okay. Good that no one in the US is dumb enough to entertain that idea. I guess the 13th Amendment legalizes the secession of states if they vote for it and the rest of the US states agree to it like what happened in that conference McClellan thought up as his 'genius' move. That would...
  14. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    I've been wondering who is the US President after McClellan but is George Pendleton going to be the next President? I mean, with the coming Emergency of 1867 and how it would tie back to the McClellan Administration, his chances are probably quite low but he might still command influence among...
  15. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Given all that is happening in the US and will happen in the future of this story, I'm surprised that the US hasn't collapsed into different nations because of a series of bad Presidents. I know the US becomes an economic powerhouse by the turn of the 20th century but the author did not state...
  16. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    I concur. I distinctly remember that Sheridan killed Forrest in Kentucky.
  17. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    And so would KingSweden24, I guess. His AH story, Cinco de Mayo, has Longstreet as one of the CS Presidents. Speaking of, I highly recommend readers of WiF to read it for another unique CS victory TL on this site.
  18. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    I remember EC said that Breckenridge is one of the Three Good Presidents although not when. I figured he is the first of them but I'm not sure who are the other two. Would Longstreet be one of them?
  19. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Since Lee is not running for President, who do you think would be the CS President? It would be funny if it is States Rights Gist (he died in battle in 1864 OTL but I'm sure he's alive ITTL) so future historians would call him President States Rights, and people not in the know would think that...
  20. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Yeah, but in fairness given the current political climate which even has the possibility of Confederate sympathizers gaining political positions in Washington and that a 'Cursed Amendment' gets approved that would have repercussions for American politics for years, I can't think of any great...