
  1. Emperor of Panama

    Constantinople Agreement: Effects of an Imperial Russia controlling the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles from 1919 to the present?

    Let's say that a series of multiple fortunate events mean that today we still have the Russian Empire of the Romanovs existing through reforms, avoiding a bloody revolution and even being part of the European Union, with this we would reach the End of WW1 where Russia finally I would get...
  2. GameBawesome

    WI: The Legacy of Porphyrios - Whales terrorizing the Bosporus Strait

    According to a Byzantine source, in the sixth century, there was once a whale called Porphyrios, that terrorized Constantinople. It was a sperm whale (Some theorized it could've been a large orca, but given its size, lengthy lifespan and temperament, it's more likely a sperm whale.) This is...
  3. GauchoBadger

    AHC: Post-Ottoman Bulgaria takes Constantinople

    A little challenge for ya: with a PoD anywhere between the end of the Napoleonic Wars and WWI, how could we have Bulgaria defeat the Ottoman Empire decisively in a war and take over the city of Constantinople (to be promptly renamed Carigrad), and perhaps also the majority of the Bosphorus and...
  4. Bear of the Bosphorus: We had to save the Ottoman Empire in order to destroy it

    An Egyptian-Ottoman war scenario from a Russian centered perspective. Background Russian policy regarding the Eastern Question was constrained OTL by three primay constraints: 1. A genuine commitment to maintain the post 1815 statues quo in Europe, at least as Russia interpeted it. This...
  5. GauchoBadger

    Nicomedia instead of Byzantium/Constantinople?

    Is it possible for Nicomedia, with dedication from whoever controls it, to surpass Byzantium/Constantinople as the major Marmara Sea port? Would this require a PoD before or during Constantine's reign? What sort of advantages did Nicomedia have, compared to Byzantium?
  6. GauchoBadger

    A "white russian Taiwan" in Crimea?

    IOTL, in 1920, at the tail end of the Russian Civil War, there was a short-lived menshevik/white russian state estabilished in the Crimean Peninsula. It was overrun slightly later by the bolsheviks. My main question is: could it survive? Looking back at that time period, i think that one of the...
  7. GauchoBadger

    If you were to create a Marmara-centered state, where would you put its capital?

    This is one question that has been plaguing my head for quite a while. Suppose that the Marmara area which connects Europe to Asia Minor is uninhabited, and you are tasked with choosing the capital of a state centered in this location. The question is, which of these two straits is more feasible...