
  1. TheDoofusUser

    Younger Spouses for Frederick III von Habsburg of Austria

    Frederick III of Austria, Holy Roman Emperor and father of Maximillian I, would marry Eleanor de Aviz of Portugal on March 16th, 1452 at the age of 36 while she was 18. Is there any potential candidates that Frederick could've married that are closer to his age (between born in 1415 to being...
  2. WI: Ferdinand unites Hungary early then defeats Suleiman in battle

    Visualise the following scenario: Following the disastrous Battle of Mohács and Louis II's death, Ferdinand von Habsburg and John Szapolyai both claim the Hungarian throne for themselves. However unlike IOTL, the Battle of Tarcal(1527) proves to be more decisive, as it results in not only...
  3. sxitus legacy : Timeline of surviving Austrio-Hungarian Empire

    "sixtus legacy" "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this schedule" Who will talk about the consequences of the successful Peace of Sixtus and, consequently, the surviving Austria-Hungary from the First World War I'm going to try to make it interesting while keeping it somewhat realistic...
  4. Semi-successful 1848 Revolutions

    So, I was just thinking about an alternate outcome for the 1848 Revolutions and I was wondering how plausible the scenario is, potential PoDs, and and how it might affect the future of Europe. The results of the Revolutions are: Constitutional monarchy, either Legitimist or Orleanist, in...
  5. Kurd Gossemer

    French accomplishing all their goals in Italy and it's consequences.

    During the Italian wars, the French had their main objectives of enforcing their Agevin claims and capture both Milan and Peninsular Sicily and it's islands (Sicily and Sardinia), however due to a number of factors (coalitions against them, military failures, etc) they were kicked out of the...
  6. WI: Habsburg Victory in 80 Years’ War

    What if Austria/Habsburgs won the 30/80 Years’ War? Would this lead to an earlier centralized Germany? What would be the long terms of effects of this?
  7. Piave92

    A different Ausgleich: Austria-Lombardy instead of Austria-Hungary

    Hi, following the continuous questions rising around in the forum about Italian unification, I would like to open a discussion about the likelihood of a different compromise, Austria recognizes its Italian holdings as an equal partner instead of Hungary. The Habsburg relatives of the Emilian...
  8. *Charles V* born as girl

    By Charles V I mean King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor, oldest son of Joanna the Mad and Philip Habsburg. Assuming (let's be butterfly killer for a moment) rest of Juana's issue is more or less OTL, what would be effects of such change? Ferdinand (born in Spain as future heir of Castile and...
  9. WI: Don Carlos flees to Netherlands

    In OTL, Don Carlos, Philip II's mad eldest son, had the project to flee to Netherlands and take control of it, against his father's wishes. However, his father put him under arrest and he died soon after in obscure circumstances. What if he had managed to flee to Netherlands? Would Dutch...
  10. ordinarylittleme

    WI: Katherine of Aragon outlives Henry

    IOTL, she died in 1536, eleven years before her estranged ex-husband. But what if, despite being locked in damp castles for years, she survived long enough to see her daughter become queen?
  11. ordinarylittleme

    Queen Mary's Heirs
    Threadmarks: Queen Mary's Heirs

    inspired by: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/the-children-of-camelot.506739/ "In the last week of April 1555, Elizabeth was released from house arrest and called to court as a witness of the birth, which was expected imminently. Many physicians tended to the queen, and the king...
  12. ordinarylittleme

    Eleanor of Austria bears children for Francis I?

    I don't know why the hell they weren't trying for kids, tbh. Yeah, he and Claude had seven kids (four of those being sons), but literally only one son outlived Francis I (you'd think he'd be getting paranoid), plus the more the better right? And Eleanor wasn't infertile, she had a daughter, plus...
  13. GameBawesome

    Rákóczi's War of Independence succeeds, Hungary becomes independent

    Rákóczi's War of Independence was the first attempt in HungarY led by Francis II Rákóczi, to topple Habsburg rule in Hungary, and reestablish Hungary as an independent country. It did not succeed, as it failed to gain a lot of support from the nobility, while gaining popularity with Hungarian...
  14. Kurd Gossemer

    Habsburg France and it's Consequences.

    So I was thinking about how a Habsburg France might've impacted Europe. For reference, let's say Louis XI doesn't manage to have any male heirs and his oldest female daughters ends marrying Maximilian Habsburg, what would be the military, political and economic effects of France getting a...
  15. AsukaEMP

    Burgundian Rhapsody - the legacy of Charles
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Burgundian Rhapsody If Charles V's second son, Ferdinand von Habsburg, had lived... Chapter 0: introduction Early years in Spain On the 22nd of November 1530 Isabella of Portugal gave birth to a son, who she named Ferdinand. The young Ferdinand would prove to be a healthy, capable, and sociable...
  16. Maximilian

    A Queen that Never Was: A Joanna of Castile TL
    Threadmarks: .

    Tordesillas, Castile. 12 April 1555. Joanna of Castile groaned as she pulled herself up into a sitting position, pulling a letter from the sleeve of her night clothing and holding it in her wrinkled hand as she removed the paper from the envelope, tears forming in her eyes as she began to read...
  17. AsukaEMP

    Feasibility of a "Dutch" Habsburg Venezuela

    This is a question relating to an idea I'm brainstorming for a timeline in which Emperor Charles V has 2 surviving sons and decides to split his Burgundian and Spanish inheritances between them (but it also works for other timelines). As part of this I'm trying to think of potential colonies...
  18. AsukaEMP

    ignore, posted in wrong subforum

    This is a question relating to an idea I'm brainstorming for a timeline in which Emperor Charles V has 2 surviving sons and decides to split his Burgundian and Spanish inheritances between them (but it also works for other timelines). As part of this I'm trying to think of potential colonies...
  19. WI: Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II's daughters survive?

    Joseph II had two daughters, neither of whom outlived him. What if they had?
  20. WI Charles of Styria was childless

    Archduke Charles (1540-1590), son of Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I, may not be that important himself, but his descendants played important role in history-Charles was father of Holy Roman Emperor, Queen of Spain and two Queens of Poland. So what happens if he is either childless or none of his...