
  1. WI: How successful could Justinian II's second reign be?

    With a POD during his exile or after his return to the throne, how successful could his second reign be? I presume, much like IOTL, he'd want to reconquer lost roman territories, but how feasible would that be? Is a reconquest of North Africa/Italy possible (I assume by this point Egypt and...
  2. Earlier Byzantine recoveries

    So we in this forum talked about late byzantine recovery or have things never happened, but what about an earlier recovery? in this case, say after 646 how early and with that good pods in the 7th century and 8th century can the byzantine empire start recovering some land like the 9th and...
  3. more successful Constans II = Surviving Sassanid remnant?

    I have discussed this with some people who like the byzantine history they pointed to me that had things gone differently during Constans II rule the caliphate would have halted its expansion or severely delayed it allowing for remnants of the Persians to survive. the first scenario is that the...
  4. Sargon

    No Terror of Justinian - Glory Instead! (The Roman Emperor Who Lost His Nose - A TL of Justinian II)
    Threadmarks: Introduction & Overview

    Introduction & Overview Justinian: The most fascinating yet overlooked Emperor of all the Roman Emperors that I know about in the 1500 years of Empire in OTL was an arrogant, stubborn, cruel and oppressive individual who ended his days in insanity and blood-soaked revenge of all those he...