jewish americans

  1. Petike

    Challenge: With a POD after 1750, Jewish settlers and natives in the Pacific Northwest create many small and medium businesses based on fisheries

    Your challenge, should you accept it, with a POD after 1750, is the following: - Have Jewish settlers from Europe and elsewhere settle in larger numbers in the coastal areas of the Pacific Northwest. - The Jewish settlers gradually befriend various coastal native ethnicities of the Pacific...
  2. WI Jews colonize Americas like in Mormonism

    After the sack of Jerusalem (587 BC) thousands from Judah's military flee on phoenician ships to Americas and conquer Mesoamerica and Andes with Germs, Metal and Horses How will this change Judaism of the settlers ? ( it was still polytheistic as evidenced by elephantine papyri) How will change...
  3. ParasaurEwan

    AHC: Have a Major Jewish State colonize America.

    Challenge: Have a Major Jewish state exist with the ability to significantly colonize a large (at least The size of Guyana-Suriname-Cayenne) region of the new World.
  4. What if all Jews eventually adopt Esperanto as a native tongue since it was created by a Jew

    As a Jewish American, I was just curious about this nearly impossible alternate reality since I'd wonder if Jews would embrace it and, you know, its creator was literally a Jew. I thought of this concept since the hotel where the Yiddish Police Man's Union begins has Esperanto signs. Anyway, I...
  5. What if American Jewish migrants eventually have a patois or mixed language created from English and Yiddish as their main native language?

    What if American Jewish migrants eventually have a patois or mixed language created from English and Yiddish as their main native language? What would that language be like(like how much English or Yiddish would penetrate the language, would it be written in Hebrew or Latin characters, what...
  6. What if the US made a Jewish state to send Jewish immigrants too during the major immigrant wave of the late 1800s

    What if the US made a state to send Jewish immigrants to in the late 1800s in order to avoid anti-Semitic riots and prejudice from other immigrant groups and native born Americans. Would this state be like Quebec but with Yiddish instead of French, where in the US would it be, how many people...