
  1. WWII Eastern Front 1942

    What if after the capture of Sevastopol in the summer of 1942, Von Manstein’s 11th Army was transferred to Army Group Centre instead of Army Group North as it historically was? Were operational plans to capture Toropets and Sukhinichi bulging into the German frontlines feasible? How about just...
  2. FernandoPerla

    Democratic Japan

    Do you think Japan could have switched its imperial government system to adopt a democratic one before American occupation of Japan in 1945? How do you picture the Asia-Pacific economical, political and social context given this situation?
  3. FernandoPerla

    Japanese invasion of Latin America (WWII)

    I've read there's a Japanese document found by the Allies of WWII, in which a plan for an invasion of Latin America is detailed; specifically, a perimeter around the Panama Canal comprising Central America, parts of Colombia, parts of Venezeula, Ecuador, and Peru. I think it's called Tanaka...
  4. GameBawesome

    US tries to install a Presidential Government in Post-WWII Japan...how does this end?

    What if, in the aftermath of WWII, the United States installs a Presidential Republican Government, with a Japanese President in Post-WWII Japan. However, this sees the abolishment of the Japanese Emperor, who is dethroned and lives as a private citizen... Now seeing how important the Emperor...
  5. Kristalnacht and Munich

    This is a refinement of an idea I discussed sometime back: Returning from his second trip to Germany Chamberlain’s airplane crashes as its about to land in the UK. It’s a terrible accident but while a number of people onboard are killed Chamberlain however while suffering serious injuries is in...
  6. Gillan1220

    AHC: Drag World War II into the 1950s/60s

    Similar to the scenario of the game Paradise Lost.
  7. Kaiser Chris

    World of Inglorious Bastards (Film Aftermath)

    So a couple of days ago I watched Quentin Tarantino's "Inglorious Bastards" a film that follows Jewish-American special forces in their plot to kill Adolf Hitler in 1944 following D-Day. It's a film with pretty heavy historical liberties that result in an alternate timeline due to the movie's...
  8. Count of Crisco

    General Alyskan Navy Thread
    Threadmarks: Introduction to thread

    Recently on the alternate warships of nations thread I have been posting some ships from a Timeline I have been working on (link to the TL in my signature if your interested) and people seemed to like it. And I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread for some more ships so that the AWoN...
  9. Count of Crisco

    WI Dunkerque and Strasbourg in RN service?

    So lets just say for our purposes that the MN dispatches the two Dunkerque class battleships and a small task force, say elements of the Force de Raid, a light cruiser, two large destroyers, and three or four smaller destroyers, to help the British intercept the Bismarck when she sorties. The...
  10. Kaiser of Brazil

    Dark Horses of Führership

    Suppose in a classic German victory scenario where Hitler dies somewhere in the late 40s or early 50s. Alternate history scenarios usually go along one of the “Big Five” as his successor (Himmler, Göring, Goebbels, Speer, Bormann) as the members of his inner circle. Normally the only other...
  11. Onedotman

    DBWI: The US was the first country to have nuclear weapons

    At the eve of the Second World War in 1945, the Soviet Union detonated its first ever nuclear weapons, the Malchik and the Tolstyak, on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. This resulted in the unconditional surrender of Japan and marked the official ending of the war. But...
  12. DBWI: Market Garden Instead Of Scheldt Battle

    There is whole host of proposed airborne operations between landing in Normandy and crossing the Rhine, that were cancelled, but none divides historians as the plan named Market Garden. Some accuse Montgomery of missing the chance to end the war early with his caution, while others see his focus...
  13. The Eden-Dirksen Pact: A Deal With the Devil?

    Churchill - a fervent anti-Communist in his time - famously said "If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons" when it came to defending British aid to Soviet Russia. But what if the situation were reversed? Many in the British...
  14. WI Germans dont drive the british from the continent in WWII?

    I'm not an expert of WWII but I have a question that might be interesting - or simply idiocy. I'm sorry for taking up your time in the latter case. The germans are at their strongest on land so that's where they should be fighting the british at. If the british retreat to their Island the...
  15. WI: Sweden Joins The Allies After D-Day?

    What if Sweden joins the allies within a week of successful allied landings on D-Day in Normandy? Basically they see which way the wind is blowing and decide to pick the bones of Third Reich as it disintegrates or the Germans make some sort of mistake that violates Swedish neutrality that bring...
  16. Kantai Kessen

    WI: USS Washington alone at 2nd Guadalcanal?

    Imagine the following: USS South Dakota is more badly damaged at Santa Cruz Islands than in real life. Perhaps the torpedo that did in Porter hits her, or she gets struck by more bombs. This means that, when Vice Admiral Kondo and his force rock up to try and bombard Henderson Field again on...
  17. Gukpard

    Would Hugenberg's annexationist plataform for the German Empire be feasible?

    So, for the people that don't know Alfred Hugenberg was the the closest you had to a fascist on Imperial Germany. In September 1914 he wrote the "annexationist plan", signed also by another proto fascist Heinrich Class. He proposed that the German Empire should annex directly Belgium and...
  18. Count of Crisco

    If the British wanted to divide India post WWII how many states could be reasonably made?

    So in a TL I am working on the British decide to divide India post WWII into several smaller states rather than the OTL division of India and Pakistan. Their reasoning is that they want to continue to have influence in the region post war, and see a single unified India as a major potential...
  19. BillKerman1234

    Less Imperialistic Japan (therefore no Pearl Harbor) leading to a way more powerful Nazi Germany

    A disclaimer first: what I am about to propose is completely unrealistic, and I am aware of that. So please don't just give me 500 comments saying "this is unrealistic". What I want is for you to give me the reasons why it's unrealistic, so I can make it more realistic. Stuff like numbers of...
  20. WI: Germany doesn't even try to fight the Battle of the Atlantic

    I've read a lot of threads about how the Kriegsmarine of the 2nd World War could have performed better in the Atlantic, and all of them end with the unanimous conclusion: "They're still screwed". So this thread will ask the complete opposite: what if the Reich's leadership took one look at the...