Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

East African Theatre from an Alt-WW1 from a world where the Khoisan became a major independent power.
East African Theatre.png

"The Long 20th"
,or how a lazy uninformed 2020s guy imagines how a lazy not super imaginative 1920s guy would imagine the future. (Just imagine the POD is a limited recession instead of an apocalyptic depression in 1929 and that society somewhat stagnates) (Like Fallout but not the 50s aesthetic, yes)

Next stop, France! (and after that Germany I guess)

USno29 (1).png
Rise of the SDP-Liberal Alliance

In this third election segment, tensions over Europe have caused a split in the Conservatives, with UKIP gaining disaffected Thatcherite voters fed up with Heseltine. For the Alliance's part, PM Shirley Williams led Britain out of the Cold War and into the EU, bringing about economic opportunity with policies such as land taxation, a new 'social contract', the industrial strategy and education reform. But disquiet with David Owen's hardline faction and even more dramatic Tory strife have left their mark on the coalition.

The result was a fall in turnout on the right, with Labour coming through the middle as the most viable governing party. Facing light opposition from Mrs Williams, Neil Kinnock set up a minority administration, becoming the first Labour prime minister since 1979.

1994 Election.jpg

Next general election -->
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"The Long 20th"
,or how a lazy uninformed 2020s guy imagines how a lazy not super imaginative 1920s guy would imagine the future. (Just imagine the POD is a limited recession instead of an apocalyptic depression in 1929 and that society somewhat stagnates) (Like Fallout but not the 50s aesthetic, yes)

Next stop, France! (and after that Germany I guess)

View attachment 848468
That New York need a Bat-Signal!))
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"M-I-C-K-E-Y FOR P-R-E-S-I-D-E-N-T!!"

- Disney campaign ad

Pres Dis.png

The 1952 United States presidential election was the 42nd quadrennial presidential election and was held on Tuesday, November 4, 1952. Republican Walt Disney beat Democrat Adlai Stevenson II, becoming the first Republican president in 20 years.

Originally General Dwight D. Eisenhower was the forerunner for the Republican nomination until health issues forced him to withdraw from the race, cartoonist Walt Disney was nominated with support of Eisenhower and party leaders instead, with Illinois senator Everett Dirksen being nominated as his running mate. In the first televised presidential campaign, Disney, in sharp contrast to Stevenson, was charismatic and very well known with his various cartoons and films. Critics criticised Disney for using his characters for his campaign but it proved popular with voters and their children.

Disney's popularity and with the public's support, coupled with the unpopularity of Truman, allowed him to win massively. Even winning Texas while losing the other southern states due to his pro civil rights rhetoric, but still managed to win a state that had voted for Democrats since the end of Reconstruction, with the exception of 1928. In the end, Disney was the victor, winning 33 of the 48 states with the satisfaction of winning Stevenson's home state of Illinois and cracking the "solid south" with Texas.

Based off a mod for the new campaign trail
That New York need a Bat-Signal!))

With the consequences for organised crime of Prohibition continuing until the mid-40s and the general state of US infrastructure and public services without the New Deal, you're quite right.

But I'm at the stage in this timeline where I can still make dieselpunk superheroes canon ;-)

"M-I-C-K-E-Y FOR P-R-E-S-I-D-E-N-T!!"

- Disney campaign ad

View attachment 848620

The 1952 United States presidential election was the 42nd quadrennial presidential election and was held on Tuesday, November 4, 1952. Republican Walt Disney beat Democrat Adlai Stevenson II, becoming the first Republican president in 20 years.

Originally General Dwight D. Eisenhower was the forerunner for the Republican nomination until health issues forced him to withdraw from the race, cartoonist Walt Disney was nominated with support of Eisenhower and party leaders instead, with Illinois senator Everett Dirksen being nominated as his running mate. In the first televised presidential campaign, Disney, in sharp contrast to Stevenson, was charismatic and very well known with his various cartoons and films. Critics criticised Disney for using his characters for his campaign but it proved popular with voters and their children.

Disney's popularity and with the public's support, coupled with the unpopularity of Truman, allowed him to win massively. Even winning Texas while losing the other southern states due to his pro civil rights rhetoric, but still managed to win a state that had voted for Democrats since the end of Reconstruction, with the exception of 1928. In the end, Disney was the victor, winning 33 of the 48 states with the satisfaction of winning Stevenson's home state of Illinois and cracking the "solid south" with Texas.

Based off a mod for the new campaign trail
I take it you've never heard of Statchiaos' A world of laughter, a world of tears timeline? From an earlier version of this site?
In the wake of the First and Second Epirote Wars, both Carthage and Rome were forced onto their backfoot by a resurgent Greek state. Pyrrhus the Great had secured most of Greece and Macedon, and from those bases expanded west. His heirs established themselves as the dominant power in Magna Graecia, ending dreams of a United Italia. However Hannibal’s family would be most effected by the near total Epirote domination of Sicily, which humiliated his father and led to an oath to oppose Epirus at all times.

Following his father’s quest for more sources of wealth to continue the fight the Carthaginian Senate was unwilling to provide, Hannibal proved his mettle in Spain. There, he got off on the wrong foot with the Romans when he seized their ally Saguntum. However broader geopolitics brought the Western Oligarchs together against the Eastern Kings.

Hannibal initially landed in Sicily, aiming to avenge his father there. But he soon heard of the disasters that had befallen the Romans on the mainland. Knowing he could not win alone, Hannibal famously crossed the sea, and rapidly marched North, lifting the siege of Neapolis along the way. At Teanum, he found a Roman Army on the verge of collapse after the death of their generals, but plunged into the Epirote rear, saving the Romans.

This was followed by his tactical masterpiece. The Epirote Army tailed at Rome turned and faced him at Gabii, where he lured them into a double envelopment, and utterly destroyed. A Patrician was said to have been killed by the people when he attempted to explain that the Grass Crown should not have been awarded to a foreigner. Politically savvy, Hannibal would quickly turn South and break Magna Graecia before some of his less astute advisors could start a political crisis by asking for a triumph.

Hannibal would end the war campaigning along with a Roman expedition in Sicily, where he further endeared himself, and avenged his father. However his entreaties to Carthage to launch an invasion of Epirus proper were rebuffed, and a serious leg wound ended his fighting career just as he expelled the last of the Greeks from Syracuse.

Hannibal would serve as Suffet of Carthage, pursuing a policy of martial strength for the traditionally commercial city. This was a tricky balance, as it involved supporting Roman efforts against Epirus. While also limiting their influence in Sicily and preserving Carthage’s dominance at sea. Eventually Hannibal was defeated politically and retired to his family estates in Iberia, which would remain a base of power for his family for years to come.

A hero in Carthage, Hannibal also was a rare foreigner who inspired true awe in the Roman people, no doubt helped by his deliverance of Rome from possible destruction. His name is a rare Semitic one in the lexicon of Latin names.
