Star Wars PODs: Episode I

As far as the "child prodigy" thing, if we were to extrapolate that the Naboo was a viable society with thousands of years of its own traditions, and technology allowing to identify gifted individuals at an extremely young age - if one were to be "canon" on Star Wars, one can't help but remember Qui-Gon's comment on "were he born in the Republic, he would be identified at very young age" on Anakin - or something close to that... it is not impossible that the society would generally prefer to have younger elected leaders for a number of reasons.

One, the lack of real-life experience that comes with age could be seen as a boon because it also means less corruptibility, while the council of experienced older advisors could make up for the general common sense that would go with an older leader. Thus, there is a leader that is less likely to be corrupt.

Two, in a society where the concept of being a "maverick" is not necessarily seen as a dangerous challenge to status quo, but is instead looked at as a vital measure that propels such society forward, a leader who might be seen as having the "maverick" quality would be valued, and the quality would be encouraged. As such, this society might give preference to a leader who is effectively teenage and elect one due to the potential for more risky, but ultimately profitable actions... such actions would be checked first by the leader's intelligence (which is a given, considering this person ended up where they're at), and by the intricate system of checks and balances within the government itself.

This could actually constitute a non-Star Wars timeline where in ATL society the younger individuals are usually considered more capable to lead than older, resulting in a MAXIMUM age in which one can be elected to the offices... anyone wants to take a stab at it?


MerryPrankster said:
That might work, although Padme seems to be more functional than these two folks you're describing. She does seem rather impulsive at times (the two heading for Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan on their own, for example), but I don't see any self-destructive tendencies.

On the matter of a child-prodigy-with-politics, in an earlier threat I was under the impression you suggested the concept.

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Well, the book ROTS at least implies that she effectively commits suicide at the end, 'choosing' to die in childbirth when she could be saved because Anakin goes over to the Dark Side; but shouldn't that just as easily strengthen her resolve to live and protect her children, or even win him back.

Also, she seems rather easily manipulated into calling for the no confidence vote which results in Palpatine becoming Chancellor.

I'm going to look and find out if I ever suggested the prodigy idea. It would be gratifying to think I could plot as well as Lucas.

Well OK, not that gratifying. As a writer, he's a great director :D

As for the idea that she's really 18 she certainly didn't look it. And doesn't that give a late teenager the hots for a 10 year old (no long years there, in PW, Anakin is just entering puberty), a 14 year old might be legitimate but at 18.....

Still, Luke had it bad for his sister in two whole movies till he found out. Hey, this is Outer Space
The Monarch of Naboo is an elected figurehead. She had very little secular power, but she was a rally point for her people. That is way the Trade Federation wanted to get control of her.

Perhaps Shmi asked not a be bought, or maybe Watto wanted an exorbinent price for her. It could also be that Old Man Lars bought her not long after Anakin left, and she was happy with him.
NapoleonXIV said:
Also, she seems rather easily manipulated into calling for the no confidence vote which results in Palpatine becoming Chancellor.

She had probablly been manipulated by Palpatine's abilities in the Dark Side.
I've always wondered what would have happened if the droid didn't notice that Qui-Gon and Obi Wan were Jedi and the Trade Federation Vice-Roy had gone in.
Mikey said:
She had probablly been manipulated by Palpatine's abilities in the Dark Side.

Her planet had been invaded and Valorum was plainly not going to do anything about it. She and her friends had barely escaped by the skin of her teeth.

I don't think the Dark Side was really involved.
NapoleonXIV said:
Also, she seems rather easily manipulated into calling for the no confidence vote which results in Palpatine becoming Chancellor.

I'm going to look and find out if I ever suggested the prodigy idea. It would be gratifying to think I could plot as well as Lucas.

Well OK, not that gratifying. As a writer, he's a great director :D

As for the idea that she's really 18 she certainly didn't look it. And doesn't that give a late teenager the hots for a 10 year old (no long years there, in PW, Anakin is just entering puberty), a 14 year old might be legitimate but at 18.....

Still, Luke had it bad for his sister in two whole movies till he found out. Hey, this is Outer Space

I don't think she was interested in Anakin when he was 10--when he was 19-20 is a different matter. I think perhaps Anakin had a crush on her (the book implies that when he beat up an alien boy who claimed he cheated at the Podrace, he was angry b/c he might not see her again) though.
MerryPrankster said:
Her planet had been invaded and Valorum was plainly not going to do anything about it. She and her friends had barely escaped by the skin of her teeth.

I don't think the Dark Side was really involved.

The Dark Side wasn't involved? :confused: Wasn't it Sidious/Palpatine that was behind the entire Naboo invasion that effectivley marked the end of the Republic and the begging of the Empire?
Has anyone read the Star Wars stories set in the distant past? With the sith wars and such? WHats the deal? Plot, point, Earth?
Arch-Angel said:
I've always wondered what would have happened if the droid didn't notice that Qui-Gon and Obi Wan were Jedi and the Trade Federation Vice-Roy had gone in.
Might be interesting…
Constantinople said:
Has anyone read the Star Wars stories set in the distant past? With the sith wars and such? WHats the deal? Plot, point, Earth?
In what series of them?
I have Jedi vs. Sith, almost all of those Knights of the old republic comic albums and several others.
I used to buy them when I was younger.
About the laser wound. If Qui Jon falls down with Maul's laser inside of him, the laser should have ripped him open, shouldn't it?
Another thing I've always thought about the series. How is it that in the original Star Wars episode V Obi Wan does not recognize the robot ( "I never had a R-D D2 unit", he says. Or Vader? -he BUILT C3po, both robots were at his wedding!


Karlos said:
About the laser wound. If Qui Jon falls down with Maul's laser inside of him, the laser should have ripped him open, shouldn't it?

Maul ripped out of him and spun to glare at Kenobi

Another thing I've always thought about the series. How is it that in the original Star Wars episode V Obi Wan does not recognize the robot ( "I never had a R-D D2 unit", he says. Or Vader? -he BUILT C3po, both robots were at his wedding!

This is one of the things that has always bugged me. Ive heard people say this time and again and the answer is very obvious. R2-D2 was a standard R2 unit, the typical astromech droid of the day, coming in various paint schemes. R2-D2 was not the only droid with that kind of paint scheme, there were millions across the galaxy.

Same deal with C-3P0, he was the standard protocol droid, and his outter coverings apparently changed from the Clone Wars to the time Luke and old Ben left Tatooine for Alderaan. Like with R2-D2 there were millions across the galaxy. Im sure some even shared the same call numbers, just like I am not the only person who has the screen name Xen on the world wide web. So its really no surprise that Kenobi and Vader did not recognize the droids, even if Vader would have recognized Threepio, would he have cared? The man cut his own sons hand off, I dont think he was nostalgic kind of guy.
Obi Wan had a strong relationship with R-2, and the robots not only look but they also talk. C3PO should have said Master! at the first sight of Obi Wan.
Besides, Luke's aunt and uncle also know the robots and in spite of that they BUY them years later without saying anything.
Another thing: why is it that people land always in the exact place when they go to a planet? In epsiode IV the jedis land exactly where Anakin lives, in Episode VI the robots go to the same place in a little emergency shuttle... are planets so little in this universe?
Karlos said:
Another thing: why is it that people land always in the exact place when they go to a planet? In epsiode IV the jedis land exactly where Anakin lives, in Episode VI the robots go to the same place in a little emergency shuttle... are planets so little in this universe?
Because they can land where they like:)
(Wrong episodes??)
There was good musing(is this the right word?? thinking/writing/rationalizing) about droids:
Mikey said:
The Dark Side wasn't involved? :confused: Wasn't it Sidious/Palpatine that was behind the entire Naboo invasion that effectivley marked the end of the Republic and the begging of the Empire?

I meant that I don't think Palpatine was using Sith mind tricks on her.
Karlos said:
Obi Wan had a strong relationship with R-2, and the robots not only look but they also talk. C3PO should have said Master! at the first sight of Obi Wan.
Memory swipes. They don't remeber anything before that besides basic programing.
midgardmetal said:
As far as the "child prodigy" thing, if we were to extrapolate that the Naboo was a viable society with thousands of years of its own traditions, and technology allowing to identify gifted individuals at an extremely young age - if one were to be "canon" on Star Wars, one can't help but remember Qui-Gon's comment on "were he born in the Republic, he would be identified at very young age" on Anakin - or something close to that... it is not impossible that the society would generally prefer to have younger elected leaders for a number of reasons.

One, the lack of real-life experience that comes with age could be seen as a boon because it also means less corruptibility, while the council of experienced older advisors could make up for the general common sense that would go with an older leader. Thus, there is a leader that is less likely to be corrupt.

Two, in a society where the concept of being a "maverick" is not necessarily seen as a dangerous challenge to status quo, but is instead looked at as a vital measure that propels such society forward, a leader who might be seen as having the "maverick" quality would be valued, and the quality would be encouraged. As such, this society might give preference to a leader who is effectively teenage and elect one due to the potential for more risky, but ultimately profitable actions... such actions would be checked first by the leader's intelligence (which is a given, considering this person ended up where they're at), and by the intricate system of checks and balances within the government itself.

This could actually constitute a non-Star Wars timeline where in ATL society the younger individuals are usually considered more capable to lead than older, resulting in a MAXIMUM age in which one can be elected to the offices... anyone wants to take a stab at it?

Sounds like a "Sliders" episode I saw once.
Beowulf2005 said:
Sounds like a "Sliders" episode I saw once.

Out of curiosity, could you describe that one a bit (the episode, that is)? I've heard about that show, but never saw any episodes... it might have gone off the air before I knew anything about it. Wonder if that was covered well at all...
midgardmetal said:
Out of curiosity, could you describe that one a bit (the episode, that is)? I've heard about that show, but never saw any episodes... it might have gone off the air before I knew anything about it. Wonder if that was covered well at all...
:shrug: I don't remember all that much about it.