Is there a chance of this continuig?

Yes. I am working on an update. But it might be a while before it posts. I tend to go away from things for long periods, work on other things, and then, out of the blue, return to the older stuff and update them again. The best way not to miss the updates when they occur is to subscribe to the thread.
From one southener to another love the timeline cant wait for the update. I have family that fought on both sides of the war hopefully the northern ones moved down after the war to live in your Confederacy :p
Heres a map for this TL i made. tell me if anything is wrong.

I still love this timeline robert. And my map is wrong about greece(which you said is partitioned between italy and turkey) and ethiopia,but other than that i saw no differences.


1874 onward, Texas: The acquisition of the northern tier of Mexican territories has created a problem for the Anglo ruling elite in Texas. The population of Texas at this time numbers around 1,500,000...including white, black, and Hispanic Tejano residents. There are almost 900,000 people in the newly acquired territories…virtually all of them Mexicans of mixed race or full-blooded Indian descent. Furthermore, the newly acquired population is all Roman Catholic, while the ruling Anglo elite of Texas is firmly Protestant. When combined with the native Tejano population of Texas itself, people of Mexican descent now probably form, if not a majority, a near majority of population within the Republic of Texas.

The Anglo elite within Texas, naturally desiring to maintain their own power, are therefore in a quandary. They take several actions which will strongly influence the shape of Texas politics, society, and culture over the upcoming century.

First, beginning during the administration of President Throckmorton’s successor, Richard Coke, who took office in March 1880 (the Texas President, like his Confederate counterpart, serves for a single six year term), a series of laws are passed which will, by the end of the 1880s, grant full citizenship to the black population of Texas. Black Texans are seen as natural allies against the “Mexican menace” by virtue of being, almost without exception, English-speaking Protestants who are culturally very similar to their white neighbors.

Second, major campaigns are waged in Europe to encourage immigration by white Protestants from Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries. To a more limited extent, immigration by Eastern Orthodox Greeks, Russians, and other non-Catholic Slavs is also encouraged, on the basis that, like the Protestants, the Orthodox will also be likely to tend to oppose the sharing of power with Catholics. As a result of these efforts, including offers of free land to any immigrant who contracts to make improvements on it and lives on it for at least three years, the white population of the Republic of Texas will nearly double by 1890.

Third, in an attempt to play “divide and conquer” politics among the Hispanic population, the Tejanos of Texas are also granted full citizenship status, as are any persons living in the newly conquered territory who can prove they are of at least ¾ European blood, which serves to exclude from political power the majority of the population of the new Territories who are either full-blooded Indian, or Mestizo.

These measures will be…mostly…effective in maintaining the power of the Anglo elite over Texas for decades to come.

1900, Texas: The huge casualties suffered during the ongoing Great War are bleeding Texas white, and Texas is desperate for more manpower. The Mexican population of the Republic of Texas has not, up to this point, participated in the war to any great extent. Some Mexicans have responded to recruiting drives offering enlistment bounties…many deserting at the first opportunity…but most have not. The Congress of the Republic of Texas has debated conscription of Mexicans, but the measure has failed to pass because it is felt that conscripted Mexicans will prove unreliable in the field.

At the urging of President James Stephen Hogg, in March 1900 a bill is passed which offers citizenship to any Mexican, regardless of race, who enlists in the army and serves honorably for the duration of the war. The response to this bill will be dramatic, and over 1,000,000 Mexicans will enlist over the next two years. This has the desired effect of getting the needed manpower infusion into the army, and also serves the desirable (from the standpoint of the ruling Anglo elite of Texas) effect of reducing the Mexican population as well, since the Mexican recruits will often be used as cannon fodder and the majority of them will not survive the war.

1908, The Confederacy--Captain John Gabriel Rains, Confederate States Army, flies the first Confederate-designed aeroplane. Rains is the grandson of General Gabriel Rains, who directed the Confederate Torpedo Bureau during the War of Secession, and like his illustrious grandfather, has been interested in mechanics since childhood. He has been fascinated by the daring feats of the pioneers of aviation which are filling the newspapers, and decided to get involved. He will go on to found the Rains Aerocraft Company, which will become, and remain, the largest aeronautical firm in the Confederacy.

1909, The Confederacy: John Gabriel Rains leaves the Confederate Army and founds Rains Aerocraft Company.

1932, Germany: A Germany desperate to respond to continual British bombing has become interested in rocketry research. Captain Walter Dornberger, one of the officers in charge of the project, intervenes to prevent a brilliant young student at the Technical University of Berlin, one Wernher von Braun, from being drafted into the army.

1934, Germany: Wernher von Braun graduates from the Technical University of Berlin. Captain Dornberger sees that he is immediately drafted into the German Army and then, with the support of his superiors, has him assigned to his research project.

1935, Germany and Britain: The demands of the ongoing War of Austrian Devolution have pushed along aircraft development at a furious pace in all the warring nations. By 1935, both Germany and Britain have deployed jet powered fighter aircraft, the first such to be seen anywhere in the world. However, the engine designs are still quite primitive and few of them will reach front-line service by the end of the war.

1936 onward, Germany--The end of the War of Austrian Devolution in Germany’s defeat does not end the Rocketry Research program sponsored by the Germany military. However, its funding is somewhat more limited than the similar project run by Hitler’s Germany in OTL. As a result, progress is slowed.

1940 onwards, Texas: Since conquering Mexico in 1905, Texas has been faced with a very large and very restive Mexican population. There have been several large uprisings against Texan rule, all of them brutally put down by Texan troops. Texas had divided Mexico into twelve Territories, with plans to admit them as States into the Republic at a later date. But the continuing rebellions have forced Texas to abandon this idea, and Mexico is still under military occupation as of 1940, with no end in sight. Mexicans have no rights that a Texan is bound to respect, and are forced to work the most back-breaking and menial jobs for almost no pay. It is not quite slavery, but it might as well be. Needless to say, this situation has not made Mexicans any more willing to reconcile themselves to Texan rule, and by 1940, Texas is a powderkeg waiting to go off. It is not a matter of if it will explode, but of when.

1941, The Confederacy: Dr. George Washington Rains IV, an atomic physicist working at the University of Georgia (a cousin of aviation pioneer John Gabriel Rains and and the great grandson of General George Washington Rains, who built the famous Confederate Gunpowder Works at Augusta during the War of Secession), has been studying articles in various scientific journals on recent progress in the field of atomic fission which has been achieved by teams in Italy and Germany. After much reflection and a good deal of number-crunching, he comes to the conclusion that, under the right conditions, atomic fission could release enormous energies and could be used to construct a weapon of terrifying power. He is so concerned by this possibility that he asks for, and is granted, a meeting with President Harvey Parnell to discuss the matter.

President Parnell is not sure he believes Dr. Rains when he explains the potential destructiveness of this so-called “atomic bomb,” but he is enough of a realist to know that if Confederate scientists could figure out the possibility of it, those in other countries probably had as well, and that one or more of them might be actively seeking to develop such a device. While relations with the United States and Texas were good at present, the idea that the Yankees or the Texans, or both, might one day have such a weapon while the Confederacy did not was, frankly, chilling.

Following his meeting with Dr. Rains, President Parnell meets secretly with key Congressional leaders and arranges to have funding diverted from the general budget to secretly fund an atomic research program. Dr. Rains is appointed as scientific director of the program, which is placed under the overall direction of the Chief of Confederate Intelligence, Brigadier General Wade Hampton VI. “If anybody can keep this secret,” President Parnell said after signing the papers appointing Hampton to the post, “General Hampton can.”

1944, The Union: United States military intelligence learns that the Confederacy is researching the possibility of producing an atomic bomb. When a delegation of physicists had approached U.S. President Lehman about this during his first year in office, he had dismissed the idea as “a money-sucking boondoggle waiting to happen.” Now, he finds out that at least one of the neighbors of the U.S.A. is seriously working on the idea. Reluctantly, he decides that the U.S.A. must do likewise. With the cooperation of Congress, a secret research program is instituted.

1946, The Confederacy: On March 2, 1946, Confederacy, which has been a bit behind the rest of the world in aerocraft development since the end of the War of Austrian Devolution, test-flies its first jet-powered aerocraft. The Rains Falcon (built by Rains Aerocraft, the company founded by Confederate Aviation pioneer John Gabriel Rains in 1909 and still the premier aerocraft manufacturing operation in the Confederacy) is a test-bed only, and will not go into active production. But it will be the precursor to the jet fighters and bombers which will eventually form the backbone of the Confederate States Flying Corps.

1948, the Confederacy: The Rains 96 Eagle's Talon, the Confederacy's first jet-powered fighter aircraft, goes into production. A jet-powered medium bomber is also in development by Dixie Aeronautics, the Confederacy's second-largest aerocraft manufacturer.

1949, The Confederacy: The world’s first successful nuclear chain reaction is achieved by a team led by physicist Dr. George Washington Rains IV at the University of Georgia.

I'm working on another update to carry the timeline through to 1960 now. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it completely over the next few weeks.

The map below is a composite fashioned from previous maps made by jmberry and Imperator Frank, with minor corrections, to both of whom I am endebted. It portrays the world situation as of August 1950.

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First, beginning during the administration of President Throckmorton’s successor, Richard Coke, who took office in March 1880 (the Texas President, like his Confederate counterpart, serves for a single six year term), a series of laws are passed which will, by the end of the 1880s, grant full citizenship to the black population of Texas. Black Texans are seen as natural allies against the “Mexican menace” by virtue of being, almost without exception, English-speaking Protestants who are culturally very similar to their white neighbors.

I know this type of attitude almost the premise of your whole timeline, but I must say I find it implausible. Slavery ended in Texas... when? Sometime around 1870? And only ten years afterwards, the Congress is enfranchising the ex-slaves for the purpose of defending their political dominance? What in the world makes them think they'll vote for their former oppressors? In all likelihood, there's at least going to be a lot of competition for their votes; I'd probably predict (absent racial violence) a Black Texan party forming within the next five years to play power-broker in the Congress.


Ehhh, I don't agree with the direction you took the Mormons, but hey, I don't agree with pretty much any depiction of the Mormons in TLs, especially if they're turned into a psychotic theocracy.

Interesting stuff otherwise, even if I don't agree with most of your assumptions.

I do thank you for having an independent, non-crushed Deseret though.
I know this type of attitude almost the premise of your whole timeline, but I must say I find it implausible. Slavery ended in Texas... when? Sometime around 1870? And only ten years afterwards, the Congress is enfranchising the ex-slaves for the purpose of defending their political dominance? What in the world makes them think they'll vote for their former oppressors?

In all likelihood, there's at least going to be a lot of competition for their votes; I'd probably predict (absent racial violence) a Black Texan party forming within the next five years to play power-broker in the Congress.

Well, first of all, it's not expected that they will vote for or against any particular group within the power structure of the Republic. The Anglos are, no doubt, themselves divided into political parties and don't form a monolithic group. However, self interest will dictate that the blacks will want to BE PART of the power structure, and not BE OUTSIDE of the power structure. Furthermore, human nature being what it is, the existence of a group of "outsiders" whose interests conflict with your own will tend to make one band together with those of like interest...and if the Catholic Mestizo and Indio Mexican majority gain power, they will dominate the Republic and everyone else in it, clearly jeopardizing the place of the blacks within the power structure.

Again, that's not to say the blacks won't form their own parties or caucuses within the established political parties in Texas to push a specifically "black agenda." But on the issue of keeping the Mexicans at the bottom of the heap, they'll be in complete agreement with the Anglo elite, and that's all the Anglo elite care about.
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Ehhh, I don't agree with the direction you took the Mormons, but hey, I don't agree with pretty much any depiction of the Mormons in TLs, especially if they're turned into a psychotic theocracy.

Well, I didn't say they had turned into a PSYCHOTIC theocracy. More likely they're peacefully living quiet, unassuming lives under their own rules, just as they like them.

That being said, as a man who has been married to a LDS lady for most of the past 20 years and had lots of opportunity to observe the workings of the church up close, plus has read a lot about early Mormon history, having an independent Deseret turn into a theocracy of some sort was, IMHO, almost a given. If history demonstrates anything, it is that any religion which teaches that their current leader is a prophet of God is highly susceptible to being taken in that direction.

Interesting stuff otherwise, even if I don't agree with most of your assumptions.

I do thank you for having an independent, non-crushed Deseret though.

You're welcome. :)

1950, India--On March 1, elections for the new Indian Parliament and for President of the new Republic of India are held. Subhash Chandra Bose is elected as the first President of the new nation. On May 1, the last British troops board a ship in Bombay harbor and set sail for Great Britain. British flags are lowered from their staffs in front of government buildings all over India, and the new Indian tricolour is raised in it's place. India is an independent nation again, after almost 200 years of British rule.

1950, The Confederacy--In August, the Confederate Congress passes President Russell's Statehood for Guyana Bill. The Territory of Guyana is admitted as a State into the Confederacy. The Confederate flag now has sixteen stars. Meanwhile, news of the deal made by President Russell, in which he "sold out' the supporters of Woman's Suffrage in order to gain Statehood for Guyana, becomes public knowledge. The firestorm of controversy which erupts will make it virtually impossible for President Russell to effectively operate as President for the remainder of his term. North Carolina becomes the second Confederate State to pass a Woman's Suffrage law allowing females to vote in State elections.

1950, East Asia: In the aftermath of the War for Austrian Devolution, the government of Chiang Kai-Shek in China has enacted reforms in China aimed at strengthening the economy and putting an end to the last of the warlordism which was left over from the fall of the Qing Dynasty in the early part of the century. In this he was, with much effort and considerable brutality, successful, and despite the crushing reparations imposed on China after the war, the Chinese economy has been growing rapidly. Along with it, the Chinese military has been growing ever more powerful, being modernized and equipped with weapons both imported and domestically produced, and Chiang is beginning to look with avaricious eyes at the “stolen lands” of Manchuria. Not now, but soon, he thinks to himself, the time will come to redeem those lands from the Eastern Devils.

Meanwhile, the Japanese have been watching the growing Chinese Giant Next Door with growing alarm. They too, have been ramping up their military expenditures. And in Manchuria, they have a special research program ongoing since the last war, focusing on biological and chemical warfare. If conflict breaks out in East Asia, it's going to be an extremely nasty affair.

1951, Confederate Elections: The Liberty Party nominates Colegate Whitehead Darden of Virginia for President and Robert Gregg Cherry of North Carolina for Vice President. Darden and Cherry are the popular governors of the first two States to extend voting rights to women, and their nomination clearly delineates the Women's Suffrage issue as the prime issue of the campaign. The State Sovereignty Party responds by nominating James Houston Davis of Louisiana for President and Nathan Bedford Forrest III of Tennessee for Vice President. In a bitterly fought election, the Liberty Party ticket of Darden and Cherry win by a substantial margin. 
1951, Russia: The economic depression in Russia has finally subsided, and Tsar Georgi, having spent much of the early part of his reign in a very unstable political climate, is now sitting securely on this throne. Like other rulers in Europe, he is beginning to ponder how best to restore Russia’s greatness. With his support, the Russian Duma passes a program aimed at rebuilding the economy of the Russian Empire, in which the exploitation and export of Russia’s substantial oil and gas resources plays a major part. Tsar Georgi also devotes much effort to rebuilding the military as well. He views Britain as the traditional rival of Russia, and is loathe to seek an alliance with her, but Russia’s other traditional enemy, the Ottoman Empire, is part of the alliance group opposing British influence in Europe. For the time being, Russia remains neutral, watching both sides warily.

1951, Germany: Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm I dies of a heart attack on July 20, and is succeeded by his eldest son, who reigns as Kaiser Wilhelm III. [1] Wilhelm is an ambitious man in the mold of his grandfather, but more intelligent, and he resents the fact that Germany has been cut off from what he sees as its rightful share of colonial possessions. He withdraws from the anti-Italian/anti-Ottoman treaty which his father had signed with Britain, and begins secret negotiations with Benito Mussolini.

1952, Europe: Germany formally signs a mutual defense treaty, which will be popularly known as the Pact of Steel, with Italy and the Ottoman Empire. Later that year, the three agree to combine their resources, financial and technological, in building a atomic bomb. Germany and Italy, despite the serious losses among atomic physicists suffered during the War of Austrian Devolution, still have vibrant physics communities which can contribute their skills to the project. The Ottoman Empire has less in the way of technical resources, but has plenty of money and, perhaps as importantly, a research facility located in a remote place in the Arabian desert, far away from prying eyes. Ottoman and Italian scientists are also allowed to cooperate in the development of a large rocket, which has been ongoing in Germany since the 1930s and is hoped will serve as an unstoppable delivery vehicle for the proposed atomic weapons. For the world, it will prove to be a match made in hell.

1952, Britain: British Intelligence learns of the decision by Germany, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire to pursue an atomic bomb. Low-key research into atomic physics has been ongoing for years, but the British have never created a program aimed at producing a bomb. Now they do.

1952, The Confederacy: On February 22, at Washington, C.D., Colegate Whitehead Darden is sworn in as the seventeenth President of the Confederate States of America, and Robert Gregg Cherry is sworn in as Vice President. 

The victory of Darden and Cherry in the recent election clearly marks a shift in public opinion over the issue of Women’s Suffrage in the Confederacy. As one of his first actions after taking office, President Darden addresses the nation on television and calls upon the States to petition Congress to call a Convention for considering an amendment to the Confederate Constitution to allow Women’s Suffrage. The State Legislatures of Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia and Cuba all comply by the next day. The Confederate Congress, in accordance with Article V of the Confederate Constitution, schedules a Convention to be held in Atlanta, Georgia beginning on August 1, 1952.

The Constitutional Convention, when it convenes in August, is in session for less than a week when it passes a proposed amendment allowing Women’s Suffrage. The amendment is submitted to the State Legislatures for ratification. That process will take considerably longer than the process of drafting the amendment and getting it passed by the Convention had taken, however.

1952, Elections in the Union: The Democrats renominate President Payne and Vice President Meyner. The Republicans nominate Robert Fiske Bradford of Massachusetts for President and Robert G. Stratton of Illinois for Vice President. President Payne and Vice President Meyner, having presided over a robust economy for the past four years, are easily re-elected to a second term.

1952, The Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman Empire announces a ten percent rise in the price of oil. The Italians, in control of Libya’s oil production, follow suit, as do the Russians, seeking to profit from the bonanza created by the higher prices. This is mitigated somewhat by Texas, which, at the behest of its British allies, increases production and takes a much smaller (two percent) price increase. Nevertheless, world markets are shaken by the sudden jump in oil prices, and the world economy goes into a slump. As always, poor economic times will presage higher world tension levels.

1953, The Union: On March 4, at Philadelphia, D.C., President Payne and Vice President Meyner are sworn in for their second terms as President and Vice President of the United States of America.

1953, Texas: A secret agreement between Britain and Texas is forged which renews their alliance. Texas is informed of the British bomb program and invited to participate. Although Texas doesn’t have a large physics community, it has plenty of money, something which Britain, after incurring the crippling costs of fighting two world wars earlier in the century, is finding somewhat hard to come by at the moment. Texas money will greatly assist the project in the upcoming years.

1953, Europe: On March 20, a team of German, Italian, and Ottoman scientists led by Wernher von Braun successfully launches a satellite into orbit of the Earth. Further testing with increased payloads will follow in the upcoming years. The achievement sparks a renewed interest in rocketry by nations around the world.

A new government in France has, of late, been ramping up its anti-Italian propaganda and agitating for the return of Savoy, Nice, and Corsica. Tensions between the two nations is at an all-time high. Then, on October 1, there is a skirmish between troops on the border between France and Italy. In both countries, hawks are soon shouting for war, and both nations mobilize their militaries. However, neither Britain, which is allied to France, nor Germany, which is allied to Italy, want war at this time, and both exert strong pressure to get their ally to step back from the brink. In the end, neither side draws its saber, but tensions remain extremely high.

1953, The Confederacy: Since the achievement of the chain reaction in 1949, the Confederate nuclear research program has been somewhat stymied, and progress has been excruciatingly slow. As a result, President Darden is not nearly so convinced as his predecessors that an atomic bomb is really possible, and, seeing how much money has been funneled into the project, wants to reduce funding and devote it to the development of a space program. He works with the budget-conscious members of Congress to achieve this. The program is not cancelled, but is scaled back, with the budget passed in June 1953.

The Confederate Aeronautical and Space Agency is created in September, 1953. On December 16, 1953, Confederate Chief of Intelligence, Brigadier General Wade Hampton VI, learns of the existence of the joint German/Italian/Ottoman atomic bomb program, and the joint Anglo/Texas program. He informs President Darden.

1954, The Confederacy: On May 23, the State of Alabama ratifies the Women’s Suffrage Amendment, which becomes law. Women throughout the Confederacy look forward to this year’s Congressional elections, the first Confederate national elections in which women may vote.

1954, North America: In January 1954, Confederate President Darden, concerned by the precarious European situation, where tensions are high and several powers are known to be pursuing atomic weapons, meets with U.S. President Payne in Philadelphia. At this meeting he proposes a mutual defense pact between the Confederacy and the Union to be called the North American Treaty Organization. Furthermore, he admits to Payne that the Confederacy is pursuing the development of an atomic bomb, and that furthermore, he is aware the Union is doing the same, and proposes that the two nations combine their resources. This, he argues, would reduce the cost of development to both of them, and also ensure that neither was able to develop such a bomb in isolation…both would get the technology at the same time. Payne is interested in the idea…he is aware that Confederate research is well ahead of that of the Union at this time…and he agrees to open negotiations toward that end. The North American Treaty Organization pact is formally signed on June 3, 1954 at Washington, C.D. Shortly thereafter, Union physicists join the research team at the University of Georgia, and Union funding and other material assistance begins flowing into the joint U.S./C.S. bomb program.

1955, Italy: Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini dies. Count Galeazzo Ciano is selected by King Humbert II to replace him as Prime Minister (and de-facto Dictator) of Italy. Ciano, who had served as Italy’s Foreign Minister under Mussolini, was the son-in-law of Benito Mussolini and also a close friend of the King. Ciano pledges to continue Mussolini’s efforts to restore Italian greatness.

1955, The Ottoman Empire: At the secret joint research facility located in the Arabian desert, the world’s second nuclear chain reaction is achieved.

1956, Elections in the Union: The Republican Party nominates Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York for President, and Earl Warren of California for Vice President. The Democrats renominate President Payne and Vice President Meyner. The past four years have seen a downturn in the economy, which the current Administration has appeared powerless to handle, largely spurred by the sudden up-tick in oil prices sparked by the Ottoman Empire in 1952. Voting their pocketbooks, a frustrated electorate opts for the Republican ticket of Rockefeller and Warren on election day.

1957, The Union: On March 4, at Philadelphia, D.C., Nelson A. Rockefeller is sworn in as the thirty-second President of the United States of America, and Earl Warren is sworn in as Vice President. President Rockefeller will prove to be quite successful in turning the economy around by pushing through a tax reform bill which will stimulate dramatically economic investment by businesses, especially in oil and gas exploration in the West and in Alaska. As a result he will be highly popular.

1957, Confederate Elections: The Liberty Party nominates Vice President Cherry for the Presidency. For Vice President, it selects Carlos Gabriel Montoya, a popular senator from the State of Cuba who was heavily involved in the effort to get the Woman's Suffrage amendment passed. The State Sovereignty Party nominates Benjamin Travis Laney of Arkansas for President and Gordon Weaver Browning of Tennessee for Vice President. The Confederate economy has suffered less than that of the Union during the current oil recession, and President Darden remained quite popular, as he was leaving office, for his success in getting Women’s Suffrage passed. Riding on the coat-tails of that popularity, the Liberty Party ticket of Cherry and Montoya easily carry the election, gaining a large majority of the female vote. Thus two historic benchmarks are reached...for the first time, a man of Hispanic descent has been elected to the Vice Presidency of the Confederacy, and he has been elected largely by women.
1958, The Confederacy: On February 22, at Washington, C.D., Robert Gregg Cherry is sworn in as the eighteenth President of the Confederate States of America, and Carlos Gabriel Montoya is sworn in as Vice President.
1958, East Asia: On June 22, 1958, President Chiang Kai-Shek of China declares war on Japan. A massive invasion, spearheaded by armored columns, rolls across the borders of Manchuria. The Chinese are discomfited to find that the Japanese have been experimenting with the world’s first wire-guided anti-tank missiles, which take a heavy toll of Chinese armor. But the sheer weight of the attack gradually forces the Japanese back, until they manage to establish a stable front in central Manchuria. Meanwhile, the world watches but does not get involved. “Let the yellow people kill each other, it’s no concern of ours,” the prevailing attitude of the world’s governments seems to be.

1958, North America: With the outbreak of war in Asia, and the increasing tensions in Europe, President Cherry of the Confederacy meets with U.S. President Rockefeller regarding the world situation. It is agreed that funding for the joint atomic program should be increased, and both will get bills so doing passed through their respective Congresses by the end of the year.

1958, Britain: The world’s third nuclear chain reaction is produced by a team of British and Texan scientists working at Cambridge University.

1959, The Ottoman Empire: The joint German, Italian, and Ottoman Atomic Bomb Project bears fruit, with a successful test detonation in the Arabian desert on May 1, 1959. German, Italian, and Ottoman production facilities will soon be set up to produce the new weapons.

1959, East Asia: In the Third Sino-Japanese War, Japan launches a major offensive as soon as the ground dries out following the spring thaws. The Japanese use massive amounts of chemical weapons, including recently perfected nerve agents, fired by artillery and dropped from aircraft, in preparation for their offensive, and this has the desired effect, allowing a breakthrough and rollback of the Chinese forces to the Manchurian border. They also begin dropping bombs filled with plague-carrying fleas on Chinese industrial centers. Plague runs rampant among the poorly prepared Chinese populace, and by the time all is said and done, the death toll runs into the millions. The fighting does not end, however, and Chiang vows to fight on.

The actions of the Japanese are strongly condemned by governments around the world, but little else is done.

[1] In the ATL, Prince Wilhelm did not marry beneath his station as he did in OTL, and thus has not been removed from line of succession for the throne. Although he served in the War of Austrian Devolution, it was as a staff officer under his father's command, and he survived the war (in OTL, he was killed in 1940 fighting in France as part of the Wehrmacht).

Free Lancer

So the Confederacy and the Union are the ones who create NATO and joining there atomic Programs together it looks like the CS and the US are replacing the US and the UK in the OTL

But what of the confederate space agency? Is the Union interested in the Final Frontier and if so is there going to be a Joint Union and Confederate Space Agency?

And out of Curiosity what is the Union Intelligence called? In your TL of the blue red and grey the CIA is a Confederate Creation

Another thing your map is showing that the Hawaiian Islands are a part of the US, which they were forced to give back to Britain or was that changed?
But what of the confederate space agency? Is the Union interested in the Final Frontier and if so is there going to be a Joint Union and Confederate Space Agency?

I will probably do an Additions and Corrections about that. I'm thinking they unify their efforts in that direction as well.

And out of Curiosity what is the Union Intelligence called? In your TL of the blue red and grey the CIA is a Confederate Creation

Not sure on that. I'll have to come up with something. ;)

Another thing your map is showing that the Hawaiian Islands are a part of the US, which they were forced to give back to Britain or was that changed?

Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed it, and also caught another small error...Nova Africanus shouldn't be shown as part of Canada. It is a separate self-governing Crown Colony. So I fixed that too.
Interesting, Robert ...

So, is this Going to be Just an Alliance of Equals, or are you Going to do What Many an Alternate History Writer has Done ...

Use The Anniversary of The Original Conflict, as an Excuse to Re-Unify The Nation?
