[Media] Factions of the Second Coalition
  • Factions of the 2nd Coalition


    The rise of the Green Army from the rubble of the Ali Clique was concerning for those settling in the west. While major powers such as the Libyan National Army and the Free State of Sabha scoff them as nothing more but a warring band, tales of their success threatens the legitimacy and more importantly the popular support for the local factions around Tripolitania, fearing the nostalgia for the old government will eventually incite a massive revolt.

    It wasn’t until their occupation of Hajr made them realize that they have become an actual threat; mustering over +50,000 fighters in a matter of weeks and arming themselves with the leftovers of the former clique. With it, a new coalition was formed to eliminate this young but ambitious incursion- carrying the name of the first alliance that fended off the Algerian Army back in 2022.


    General Council of Tripoli

    History - After the exile of the original Government of National Accord and the Presidential Council, a new council was formed after the capital was left in a power vacuum, formed by some members of the Haftar’s defunct organizational body - the House of Representatives. Led by one of Haftar’s former proteges, they were able to exploit the lawless capital and stabilize it into a tolerable degree. Life was relatively peaceful until Algerian Intervention ended, with their first Prime Minister resign for unknown motivations, with conspiracies following the event.

    Characterization - Despite boasting themselves as the new legitimate government of Libya, the rest of the world scoff their claims as both laughable and baseless. Despite their obtuse reputation, they’re one of the biggest contributors to resisting the Algerian Intervention; assisting the 1st Coalition with heavy guns and able-bodied men. They also played a role in stopping Islamic State from marching towards the capital alone, pushing them back to Misrata.

    Emblem - The emblem was designed by the 1st Prime Minister of the organization, who used to work for a marketing company as an Illustrator. The inscription means the General Council of Tripoli - State of Libya. The landmass represents the legitimacy of their government and the star in the west represents Tripoli as the only bastion of order and stability.

    Qassem Clique
    History - One of many factions that bickered during the Scourge of Tripoli, the Qassem Clique settled at the fringes of West Libya after failing to conquer the entire region for themselves. They secured what speck of domain they have after defeating the Clique of Surman. They joined the 1st Coalition against the Algerians, riding their trucks and heavy guns to secure their flanks during the Battle of Sinawin. The relation with the GCT soured during a controversy where its leader claimed their legitimacy is as dubious as the Prime Minister’s birth.

    Characterization - The Qassem Clique was named after its sole commander - Hasim Al-Qassem. Despite their pretense to restore the country under a democratic government, the clique is comparable to all the warlords scouring throughout Libya: a military junta with a semi-functioning civilian government, able to sustain the population enough to not incur a revolt. They’re a powerful military force with 100 tanks at their disposal, sometimes using them as artillery if the need arises.

    Emblem - The shield represents the idea of them being the defenders of Libya and Its people. The emblem was designed by a Swedish head cook who was kidnapped by one of the Libyan Corsairs, later bought by Qassem in exchange for his service who mistook him for an artist. Forced to design it in exchange for his freedom, the captive made one after scrounging through the internet for a tutorial. Despite the lukewarm reception from his peers, Qassem was delighted by this and send him back to Tunisia with a wallet full of cash.

    Clique of Surman
    History - They occupied a large quarter of West Libya before being defeated by Qassem and his soldiers during a surprise attack; losing territories stretching from Ras Jadyr to Zuwara. They waged war against the Twin Cities to recuperate the losses but the results were marginal at best. The clique played a tremendous role in West Libya: being one of the few to defend Sinawan and helped the GCT against the Islamic State offensive.

    Characterization - Despite being an avid loyalist to Haftar, they’re one of the few bands of soldiers to refuse to recognize the Libyan National Army as the bearer of his legacy. They were described to be one of the least dysfunctional forces among all cliques; with the sincere goal to restore Khalifa Haftar’s vision into the light. They are stern in imposing justice among all people regardless of differences. However, like any warlords around Libya, they’re nevertheless a despotic fiefdom; forcing people to produce as many goods for their war effort.

    Emblem - The inscription means the Army of Surman - State of Libya. The hawk hovering over the crescent symbolizes their soldiers as the valiant defenders of Libya and its independence. Its history is rather tame, made by a child during a competition organized by the clique to make an emblem with the best design. He was rewarded with 200 Dinars after being picked as the winner.[/SPOILER]

    Twin Cities of Az Zawiyah and Al Aziziyah
    History - The proto-state was formed under a union between two cities threatened by the cliques that aspire to take their city. Taking the town of Aswani, they were able to secure the roads that connect them into a contiguous political polity. They defeated the Clique of Surmun during their offensive and were suspiciously neutral during the Algerian Offensive around Fezzan.

    Characterization - The Twin Cities was one of the most prosperous factions during the early years of the 3rd Civil War, with Az Zawiyah being the main contributor due to possessing both the Zawiyah Refinery and oil field near the city while Al Aziziyah is large human-trafficking market within the region. These economic advantages helped them sustain their independence from the clique and the GCT, purchasing a decent amount of guns and ammunition to sustain their levies.

    Emblem - The two stars symbolize the two cities running side-by-side while the Libyan tricolor represents their homeland. The flag was made by an Italian Illustrator hired through the internet to design a simple but elegant standard for their rule. The man was later taken into question by the State Police whether he has any connection with the human-trafficking scheme or the corsairs, later released after finding no substantial information to help them.

    Free City of Gashir
    History - After ousting the Usman Clique from Gashir, they formed a democratic government of their own to establish a liberal institution brought by the Government of National Accord. Expanding their influence as far as Tarhuna, they were able to defend their core territories by mustering whatever men they could bring. They sent 800 men to fight against the Algerians and they were one of the few who defended Tripoli from ISIS incursion, serving as a stronghold to defend the rear of the capital.

    Characterization - The Free City can be described as “democratic”, a government ruled under what they perceived to be the Rule of Law and progressive outlook, despite the growing presence of corruption looming behind the scenes. The fighting spirit is comparable to the militias in Misrata, hardened and zealous against the forces of tyranny and the old regime. They also mustered over 2,500 men during the formation of their institution, large enough to cover whatever dominion they have.

    Emblem - The flag is a corrupted version of the original design, once meant to bear the original design but later abandoned because of technical issues and preferences. As materials to mass-produce flags slowly wane due to foreign sanctions, they dye their flag with whatever ingredients they have. To make the process more cost-efficient, they cut it in half and remove the crescent, making it easier to produce without worrying about the design.
    [Media] Factions of the Second Coalition - A Follow-up
  • Factions of the 2nd Coalition - A Follow-up

    Again, I'm sorry if I didn't publish anything since my departure. Other than coming up with the writing, I was focusing on my first video on mapmaking. When you're trying to write something, you have to be sure that it's consistent with your vision and intent, not departing beyond from its themes and setting. So far, this is basically a teaser for the upcoming map that follows. I'm planning to publish it in 3 days but considering I failed to meet the promises I made back then, I'm just going to add that there might be some setbacks.

    Other than the map, I'm still writing a full page on the TIME Magazine Issue; I have a clear idea of what it's going to be and what type of stuff I want to present to you guys. Writing a page about the growing threat of Chinese Hegemony is fun, especially if you're roleplaying as a John Mearsheimer-esque analyst that shits on the current state of the United State military.

    Anyway, have fun! And here's a glimpse of what is to come.

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    [Map] Liberation of Tripoli - 2025
  • The Liberation of Tripoli - 2025


    "We urge the world to support us in our most dire time. They have slaughtered our men through deceit and threaten to rekindle the tyranny that we've worked so tirelessly to overthrow." - Mahmud Al-Walid, Prime Minister of the General Council of Tripoli

    The triumphant victory over the Second Coalition during the Battle of the Plains has rippled a shockwave across Libya. With word of mouth spreading throughout the streets, not only the Green Army crushed a force larger than their own through sheer cunning and iron will, it emboldens the underlying nostalgia for Gaddafi’s rule into a euphoric frenzy. Many rallied behind Za’im’s inevitable arrival, some formed militias of their own to support him; harassing the coalition and clearing the southern hemisphere for them to march towards the capital.

    Cities stretching from Ghariyan to Bin Ghashir has fallen into their hands, securing a major highway that will eventually lead them to Tripoli. With no one from the skies to oppose them; destroyed through the means of subterfuge, the capital is ripe for the taking. However, unwilling to liberate the capital through a mindless meat grinder, he ordered his forces into a standstill and accumulate as many resources to their brothers and sisters in Tripoli; infiltrating within the enemy ranks and binding their time.

    This has also given the coalition the opportunity to regroup. Desperate to turn the tides, they begin accumulating as many able-bodied men as possible and dismantle any material available to form tight fortifications around the streets. However, the blow of morale during the Battle of the Plains has become a complete detriment to their ability to defend the capital. A sizable amount of their soldiers deserted from their post to avoid retribution from the Green Army. Nevertheless, the more hardened militias who fought since the first days of the revolution are willing to defend the capital, standing against the tides in the meager hope that they could win.

    The Green Army, after days of deliberate scheming, marched towards the last stronghold of the coalition. Many underground cells have managed to incite sequences of uprisings across the metropolitan area, securing districts ranging from Gorje to Abu Sittah. Supported by artillery barrages, they managed to push the militias back further from the outskirts of the city, eventually leading to one of the most sluggish house-to-house warfare in Libyan history.


    "We have driven them back from the sands whimpering like a dog during the Battle of Murqub, brothers and sisters. Now, the people over the capital are chanting for our triumph and we shall make it so!" - Za'im the Tuareg, Qayid of the Green Army

    November 13th - The Green Army took over the fringes of the capital, occupying facilities like such as the Jalaa Maternity Hospital and the Al-Quds Mosque with little to no resistance. They were also able to take over the hospitals around the Az Zawiyah Street interstate before the garrisons could make a stance, retreating towards Garden City, a district surrounding the Museum of Libya and the University of Refak. The office of the Prime Minister was scorched to the ground by the GCT forces, with the locals speculating over its intent. The Al-Juwaili Barracks and Hnaish Mall were able to resist the assault, however.

    November 14th - The battle begins to escalate over the district surrounding the Sidi Munedir Cemetary, with the Green Army struggling to take over the Government Printing Press and the Al-Dua Radio Station. An artillery barrage was considered but eventually denied due to potential backlash from the local populace. The struggle to claim Al Juwaili Barracks has ended in a peaceful note, however. The commander of their post decides to surrender in exchange for clemency for him and his men.

    November 15th - After days of skirmishing, the Green Army finally took the Coral Oil Port and the Tripoli Eye Hospital from the coalition hands, with most of the garrisons either surrendered or scattering through the frontline. With most of the equipment and ammunition from the Juwaili Barracks accumulated to all of their men, they begin to march towards Garden City. The detachment from the west is struggling to secure the Al-Kurnish Road due to the Tripoli Tower; serving as an observation post for their commanders to keep their eyes on the situation.

    November 16th - The Al Du’a Radio Station and the Government Printing Press has been finally secured after days of struggle, securing the eastern flank surrounding the cemetery and even taking the garrisons as prisoners. The eastern detachment begins to assault the fortifications near Zutheina Oil Company and the roundabout of Al Shat Road. Rumors begin to spread as scouts of the Green Army reported that Mahmud's civilian government are evacuating from the capital, heading towards Zuwara to be eventually escorted to France.

    November 17th -
    The Green Army has made a breakthrough over the Refak University after one of the militias made an initiative to infiltrate the building, disguising as coalition forces to cause havoc and confusion among their ranks. As they secured the 7 October Stadium, the Green Army used it as a stationary block and rallying point for the militias and begin to plan their offensive against the Tripoli Tower. Forces from the center also begin to take stations for a massive wave against the stronghold Sidi Munedir, to hasten the battle the local populace become malcontent over the situation.

    November 18th -
    With reinforcements from Ghariyan arrived to support them, they begin to assault the stronghold through a massive wave of attacks; supported by tanks acting as fire support. The battle has also given the Green Army the opportunity to raid the Zutheina Oil Company, attempting to cut them from the forces old Al Shat Road roundabout vulnerable to frequent attacks. This eventually forced to retreat towards the Martyr's Square, a complex within the district of the Old City.

    November 19th - The situation has become dire for the coalition: the local resistance around Sidi Munedir and the following district has fallen and the rumors of their political superiors abandoning them to their fate have spread across the ranks. Defection eventually seeps through, with thousands begin to sneak from their post; brandishing themselves as ordinary civilians to escape from retribution. The City Hall was burned to the ground with the same possible intent surrounding the Prime Minister's Office.

    November 20th -
    As victory became inevitable, the Green Army is pulling back some of its forces to prepare their next expedition to the far western regions, starting with the city of Janzur. With the eastern and western corner of the city secured from enemy threat, they were ready to march towards the heart of the Capital - the Old City of Tripoli.

    November 21st -
    With no fleet to turn the tides and their representatives abandoning them to the wolves, the Second Coalition are making their last stand against the Green Army. The latter begins to surround the Old City, leaving no gap for them to retreat completely intact. A wave of militias begins to flood the district, accumulating into a chaotic scene of house-to-house warfare. The battlefield eventually devolved into a series of pockets for the coalition, leaving them in disarray as Green Army pick them out one-by-one, ending the battle for good.

    "Tripoli's fucked. Now what?" - Ljubomir, Chief Commander of the Free State Army

    After declaring victory over the liberation of their capital, people begin to pour into the streets as the old regime has been toppled from the throne. After years of hiding from coalition repression, the zealous crowd cheered for the Green Army as liberators and paraded the green flag once again. Gaddafi’s legacy begins to dominate the scene and Za’im has been hailed as a personified successor to his ideals despite facing scrutiny from his exiled family.

    With it comes a new wave of repression as sequences of manhunts for coalition sympathizers begins to crawl over into every corner of the capital. Those who were caught were paraded across the street and humiliated by a massive mob screeching at their ear - branding them as compradors and collaborators of the foreign plot.

    The reactions from foreign countries seem to be ambivalent with their triumph, with Israel and Chad being the only few to be genuinely concerned over their rise to power. The United States, under a new administration, condemned them like any forces besides the Presidential Council as illegitimate pretenders of Libya.

    Their victory was a wake-up call for the rest of the factions wallowing over Libya. The Libyan National Army pleaded with the rest of the clique from Cyrenaica to join forces against the impending threat. The Islamic States, content with the power vacuum that keeps their western front safe, now preparing a valiant defense in Misrata to prevent a massive breakthrough. The Free State of Sabha, fearing a cutdown of their water and oil, collaborated with their neighbors and contain them.

    Their entry to the civil war has become a turning point for the country. With Tripolitania united under a single banner, a new power has risen from the woodwork and ready reunite Libya into a single whole, galloping across the sands and trampling over their enemies with a massive cry.
    [Map] Expansion of the Free State of Sabha (2021-2025)
  • Expansion of the Free State of Sabha - (2021-2025)
    [r/ImaginaryMaps] - [DeviantArt]



    “Look, slavery isn’t that bad. At least I give them a sense of being actually useful for once, right? RIGHT!?”
    - Martin Geoff, during an elaborate interview with an unfortunate travel journalist.
    The Free State of Sabha, the Pearl of Fezzan - the glimmering speck of light that shines across the cold desert. While Libya succumbs to famine and poverty, this small but resilient community tamed the dunes and built a utopia which has become the envy of all. It’s also an amoral and hedonistic cesspit, a society that transformed the dysfunctional market of human-trafficking that permeates throughout Africa into an exploitative and systematic enterprise that made millions or even billions to fund their so-called paradise.

    But before the rise of Ljubomir and Martin Geoff, the political environment around Fezzan can be described as a series of city-states and independent villages scattered throughout, interconnected through the means of trade; exchanging goods ranging from water to barley. Sabha, in particular, is a strong economic hub that relies on its oases and irrigation system to produce crops. While slave auctions have become commonplace after Khalifa Haftar’s demise, the local city council attempt to curb down this market but to no avail. Living in the city can be described as mediocre and stagnant for most, but it wasn’t until the arrival of the two and their band of mercenaries that all things changed, reforming the landscape under their whim.


    “I never thought we could make it this far. Expected my head to roll over before we make it to the city, glad I was wrong.”
    - Ljubomir, recounting his past doubt on their first operation.
    The Free State was established on April 21st, 2021 - the day when the two, backed by hired guns, seized the city of Sabha through intrigue and coercion. Martin, seeking opportunities to amass his wealth and provide a foundation to build his paradise, begin to bring the slave auctions out from the shadows and turned it into a functioning market. 4 Months later, after accumulating enough funds from the endeavor and investing it into expanding its infrastructure, he improved the city from its mediocre state and elevated the standard of living reminiscent of the pre-civil war.

    Confident on his success, he launched an expedition to Brak on October 13th, marching across the highway with 500 mercenaries backed with heavy guns. The operation was a success, but none could secure the city permanently as they plan to expand further. Thus, at Ljubomir’s request, a garrison composed of levied slaves was formed to secure their spoils and was given a title to suit their purpose, the Jaysh Al-Khadam. Martin was impressed by their discipline and loyalty, to the point that he formed other corps to fulfill mediocre roles ranging from construction to maintenance.

    While Ljubomir was subjugating towns on the northern hemisphere, some folks from the West, ranging from libertarians to venture entrepreneurs, flocked to Sabha with the promise of new opportunities and economic freedom. Their skill-sets benefited the Free State, providing helpful amounts of expertise that will eventually help it to modernize; inventing more efficient methods of irrigation and robust industry that none throughout Libya and even Africa could match.

    In 2023, after developing the northern hemisphere, Ljubomir recommended him to commence another expedition against Ubari and Murzuq, two cities that defied the Free State by helping runaway slaves from falling into their hands. The attempt to secure them was a disaster at first and nearly cost his life. Martin resorted back to subterfuge to sow discontent between the two, eventually succeeding in capturing Murzuq peacefully and launch another offensive against Ubari and establishing a permanent base for the levy Garrison.

    After securing the highway connecting Sabha to Murzuq, he begins to shift his focus on domestic affairs; forming the Board of Representatives to give his rule a clear sense of legitimacy and expanding the neglected infrastructure throughout his domain to secure the flow of trade. On his personal venture, he wrote a manifesto on his thoughts on improving capitalism and proposing the idea of a union of entrepreneurs entitled to the sweat of their brow - the Manifesto of the Free. Witnessing its success, fringe towns beyond Murzuq seeks to join the Free State to reap its prosperity. Martin embraced them with glee, proclaiming this endeavor as definitive proof of his success.

    After months of preparation, expanding the core army and levy garrisons, Ljubomir commenced its largest expedition yet; seeking to occupy a vast stretch of land beyond the Serir Al Gattusa before it could fall into one of many warring factions of the Libyan National Army. Eventually, through diplomacy and conquest, the Free State of Sabha has captured the city of Al-Fugha and cemented itself as one the most powerful factions within the civil war; a foreign force backed by a powerful economy and robust military.

    In 2025, during the height of their power, the Free State expanded its market beyond Fezzan and eventually beyond the southern fringe of North Africa and the Sahel Region. Brak, from a small town housing, has grown into a large inland shipyard. From small motorboats to expansive yachts, most of them are sold to the corsairs scouring throughout the Mediterranean after the sanction was imposed against them.


    “It’s surreal to see these folk being content with their lot in life. Some of them are fine on being enslaved as long as Martin takes care of them.”
    - An anonymous journalist during a conference in the Hague.
    The Free State of Sabha has become an enigma to the international community. Despite being built under the forced servitude of innocent folks, who migrated from their homes to seek a better lot in life, Martin Geoff has elevated the poor conditions that tormented the people of Fezzan into a near-luxurious state; elevating the living condition from its stagnate state and providing folks with easy access to goods that none from the coast could afford.

    A journalist documenting the situation in Fezzan recounts his experience with the slaves in Murzuq, claimed that some of the slaves have a surprisingly positive outlook on the Free State, albeit with some minor woes. He even noted that one of them even volunteered to be sold just to receive its benefits such as free sustenance and shelter. Despite this, many have tried to find ways to avoid capture. They either risk themselves to take the longer route from Egypt or through the core territories of the Libyan National Army.

    In 2026, their paradise seems to be eroding, albeit at a very slow pace. With the rise of the Green Army threatening their water supply and the gradual progress made by the countries in the Sahel Region to curb down human trafficking, they begin to face a situation where their reliance on slavery could no longer be sustainable and forced to form an alternative solution.

    Regardless, the Free State of Libya has proven itself to a reliable trading partner for many factions across Libya and even to the tribes and communities around the Sahel Region to some extent; providing them cheap but reliable goods ranging from fresh fruit to even powerful guns. People in Fezzan admire their commitment to improving their once nightmarish life, even excusing human trafficking a necessary means to survive.

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    [Media] Timeline Infographic
    Alt-link - [r/Worldbuilding] - [DeviantArt]



    Libya is the biggest challenge I have in recent years, hope it'll end in a positive note
    - Edward Zhou, Lt. Colonel of the U.S Army.

    Dubbed by many foreign experts and analysts as the Warring State of Libya, the 3rd Libyan Civil has spanned over six years and counting. From famine and poverty, the country is rife with factional skirmishes that engulfed to this day. Here, the infographic details the important events that occurred since its ignition, ranging from the sudden death of the enigmatic but short-lived dictator - Khalifa Haftar to the recent endeavor where a tribed entered to a confederation of another.
    [Map] United Nations Humanitarian Overview of the Libyan Crisis - 2026
  • Warring Libya - United Nations Humanitarian
    Overview of the Libyan Crisis - 2026



    We have neglected the country for far too long. I encourage everyone to make a call for action to prevent further catastrophes.
    - Johan Nygaardsvold, Oslo Commission of Rights and Liberties.

    Libya has suffered a humanitarian crisis since 2020. The death of Libyan dictator - Khalifa Haftar, has led the country into ruins due to his lack of foresight and impending military bickering from his generals. It’s the most disastrous catastrophe since the Syrian Civil War due to its scale and similarity, with +500,000 Libyans have suffered throughout the Third Civil War. Many are either internally displaced, forced into human trafficking, or killed from armed clashes.

    While UNSC Resolution 3023 was adopted to impose sanctions against the warring faction, the results were futile due to their surprising resilience and dubious markets that provide them with spare parts and weaponry. Here, the piece articulates the basic premise of the crisis.

    2020 Libyan Migrant Crisis
    Libya has faced a wave of migrants funneling through Europe. While most are originated from Sub-saharan Africa, largely from countries such as Nigeria and Liberia, Libyans are also forced to leave their homes and head north due to the worsening livelihood and unsustainable economy.

    The total estimate rose from 200,000 during 2020 to 3,000,000+ this year, with Libyan refugees accounting for over 125,000. Data accumulated from various sources ranging from freelance journalists, former bureaucrats, and humanitarian NGOs. Others suggested that these numbers are more conservative than believed, and the current estimates are inaccurate due to the infeasibility of such a premise.

    The crisis was ignited due to various factors, but the situation faced in these recent times is mostly due to the destabilization of Libya and the lack of a coherent government to control the crisis, turning the country into an open but risky gateway to Europe. Attempts were made to mitigate the calamity but failed due to the lack of proper support from the local population.

    Paranoia and discrimination against refugees have become commonplace. The frequent rise of kidnapping and human trafficking through Southern Europe has exacerbated the already worsening xenophobia, with places such as Italy and France facing frequent cases of deliberate and even systematic discrimination.

    Sabha Human Trafficking Crisis
    Human trafficking has always persisted throughout the country ever since 2011. While Haftar's regime did manage to curb down the illicit crime, the collapse of his government has worsened the already troubling trafficking schemes. And with the rise of the Free State of Sabha, human trafficking and forced labor have skyrocketed over the southern areas.

    Many journalists and NGOs were reluctant to observe its regional hotspot - Fezzan, mostly due to the frequent disappearances and liquidation of their confidants. The only reliable data concerning the numbers of victims available is from the likes of Julia Kaufmann - a travel journalist meandering around the desert of the country. Her sources claim there are more than 350,000 in Libya, 225,000 alone in the Free State of Sabha (FSA), although her numbers leave much to scrutiny.

    Most are originated from Sub-saharan Africa, people who migrated from their homes to reach Europe. Their lack of awareness of the dangers of crossing Libya and lack of safer alternative has forced them to cross through the Libyan desert. Many of them faced the prospects of being caught by bandits and raiding parties organized by the Free State of Sabha, many of them eventually become victims of the trade.

    Massive efforts were made by various countries to curb down the scheme. A coalition was formed around the Mediterranean Sea to prevent suspicious ships sailing towards Libya and the Niger and Chad are attempting to curb this growing practice from spreading throughout. However, these efforts are met with mixed results, with many doubting their early success could actually turn the tides.

    Violence and Civilian Deaths
    Interfactional violence throughout the country has cost thousands of lives, with many taking desperate and surprisingly innovative measures to avoid such an onslaught. Despite the decline of civilian loss in 2026, the situation after Haftar’s death was drastic enough to cause more than 125,000 in 2020 alone.

    Clashes between factions are most frequent throughout the coastal regions of Western Libya and Eastern Libya. Districts such as Jabal Al-Ghabri and Al-Marj faced massive exchange of fires, with heavy weapons and chemical weapons involved; causing hundreds of to die from the onslaught. Warlords in Eastern Libya have seen frequent use of chemical agents as both a military asset and a tool to subjugated any mass dissent. Airstrikes from the coalition have tried to destroy the program but to no avail.

    According to the Libyan Commission on Human Rights (LCHR), many civilians have died from armed clashes from both sides, making over 42 percent of all causes of death. The rest of the following includes: 18 percent from bombings, 18 percent from gunshot wounds, 12 percent from chemical agents, and 10 percent from collateral damage.

    Fortunately, the rates of violence have declined since 2023, with the numbers of demises have reduced to less than 5,000 deaths; both combatants and non-combatants, in 2026. But the rise of the Green Army within the region of Western Libya seems to break the status quo, with skirmishes throughout Al-Marj and Zintan threatening to break the uneasy peace.
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    [Map] United Nations Humanitarian Overview of the Libyan Crisis - 2026 - A Follow-up
  • <--- Author's Note --->

    This is the first map where I utilize QGIS as a base for the map. I made some research on the type of style and designing when it comes to UN's infographic, they're usually technical and surprisingly monotone. Same when it comes to the color schemes, you'll mostly find maps and infographics consisting of 3-4 gradient of colors. Made a lot of research to make this feel like it was made by the United Nations themselves but I also want to modernize it to give a dynamic look.

    Anyway, that's it. Hope y'all like the stuff I made here. And here's some alt-link because why not? [r/ImaginaryMaps] | [DeviantArt]
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    [Map] Eastern Libyan Theatre (2026)
  • Warring Libya - Eastern Libyan Theatre (2026)



    "Murderers, all of them. They're only brave enough to oppress their people but no longer. The Green Army will take care of them."
    - Yusuf Al-Jubari, Anonymous activist who was found hanged under a traffic light hours later.​

    Peace has reigned across the eastern region since the rise of the cliques. Despite the lack of any cohesive institutions to keep their people in check and the mirage of supposed destiny that most of their leaders have fallen prey into, they nevertheless manage to keep the peace with coercion and subterfuge. Threatening them to death was enough to keep public unrest at bay and paying lip-service to the populace to develop the pretense of benevolence.

    Despite this, many hated the cliques around the region for their feudalistic rule and lack of any genuine effort to improve their livelihood. This, in turn, developed a large movement of discontent against them. Despite this, the opposition is deeply unorganized and feeble; prone to contradict themselves with various goals and methods and lacking any cohesiveness to stay together. They’re either dispersed by local thugs or being threatened with chemical weapons hidden inside unknown caches.

    But it wasn’t until the rise of the Green Army when they begin to be threatened by public uprisings. Their victory over Al-Marj has taken the Mustafa Clique by surprise as they suffered heavy casualties and losing many heavy guns. In turn, they spread throughout the region; pushing as far as Al-Hidamah and the outskirts of Al-Bayda. But eventually, the momentum begins to wane down and they were pushed by both the Mustafa and Hussain Clique.

    The war did not end however as the theatre devolve into a chaotic landscape and motivated them into resorting to the tactics of guerrilla warfare, leaving region Al-Marj and Taknis into a game of cat and mouse within the concrete jungles and ruins.

    Green Army Insurgency

    "Defending the city is pointless. Wear them down and regroup until the opportunity arises."
    - Idris Abdel, giving advice to the Green Army enclave in Eastern Libya.​

    As the frontline begins to collapse on the warlords’ favor, the Green Army, under the consultation of Za’im’s confidants - Idris Abdel, resorted to guerrilla tactics that were suitable in urban landscapes. Regrouping their men into confidential areas and reorganizing their forces into maneuverable cells; committing themselves into ambushes and raids to wear off the opposing front. Both cliques faced a challenging situation as a result, with their troops falling prey to ambush-after-ambush and losing their pieces of equipment to looting.

    Expecting their territorial enclave and institution to collapse soon, their goal is to tire down their men and firepower in order to hamper their military efficiency and cohesion. After the battle ends on the enemy’s favor, they plan to retreat into the confines of civilian life and rebuild their strength through selective recruiting and improvised manufacturing. Their forces will stand by until direct orders from Tripoli were made, taking their operational missions and implement them as they deem fit.

    The local populace, while reluctant to openly support the Green Army after the fall of Al-Marj and Taknis, still despises the cliques and proved to be a reliable force against them. A small contingent of folks was willing to risk their lives into hiding their arms, masquerading weapons caches with ordinary coverings. This leads them to become a massive recruiting base for the Green Army, arranging secret recruiting hubs to rise again from the ashes.

    Desperation from the LNA

    "The enemy of our enemy is our friend. Unfortunately, our friends are a bunch of rats."
    - Khalid Ibn Khamas, One of the General Staff making cynical remarks on the cliques.​

    Despite holding rural areas that don’t even constitute more than 50,000 people, the Libyan National Army has proven itself as one of the most powerful factions within the civil war. While in small numbers, ranging from 75,000 to 90,000, the LNA is composed of elite mechanized and armored divisions, soldiers who faced the onslaught of the Second Civil War under Khalifa Haftar’s command.

    While relations between the cliques are lukewarm at best, Za’im’s triumph over Western Libya has alarmed the General Staff and the revolt across Al-Marj and Taknis has exacerbated it into a higher degree. This forced them to reconcile with the rest of warlords on the north, resorting to diplomatic means and compromises. Their negotiations with the Aswan Clique were a success and agreed to form a joint coalition in the process. The prospect of the Mustafa and Hussain Clique, despite the revolts, remains to be unknown due to the lack of response.

    The LNA was forced into cooperating with the warlords out of pragmatism, in order to preserve the remaining forces of the three cliques. Despite viewing them as nothing more but hedonistic despots, they’re willing to reconcile their current thoughts in order to reunite Libya and rebuilt it under Haftar’s vision accompanied by the thoughts of their Generalissimo.

    Battle of Al-Marj and Taknis

    "We are nothing to these people. They only see us as human shields."
    - An old pedestrian, condemning both sides for committing atrocities and political power-play.​

    While the frontline has collapsed, the fight continues on as the Green Army resorted to guerrilla tactics and house-to-house warfare becomes rampant across the blocks; rampaging across the entire region stretching from Al-Marj to Taknis. People recount their experiences over the battle, with many buildings and infrastructure prone to become a site of large skirmishes between both sides. One of them describes the details of a single apartment complex turned into a massive fort by the Green Army, with enough valuable arms caches to support them in defending their fortification

    Soldiers of both cliques have become frightened by the series of improvised traps they’ve deployed, ranging from makeshift explosives to simple tripwires mechanisms hiding in concealed corners. This turned the battlefield to a sluggish endeavor, with sappers checking through every inch to keep them from harm’s way. In turn, the cliques resorted to their chemical stockpiles when their defenses have become overwhelming. With few of them equipped with the necessary gear, the militias have fallen into the deadly smog protruding across the intended area; either launching them through artillery barrage or a simple catapult improvised from the woodwork.
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    [Map] Eastern Libyan Theatre (2026) - A Follow-Up
  • <--- Author's Note --->

    I’m planning to redesign the important pages of the thread due to my distaste for it. The format for the recent submission doesn’t really bother me. In fact, I think it looks great despite the lack of unique graphics and it’s pretty pointless to add them to boot. I’m mostly going to focus on the introduction, factions, and my PSA stuff. I can’t decide whether I should restructure the latter into something else or just give it a cleaner and better-looking format.

    Anyway, It’s been a long time since I made a poll on which stuff I should make first. I tried to make one last time but too caught up with the mood with uploading the main content. Here’s the basic premise of each of them and link to the strawpoll below.

    [VOTE HERE!]

    City of Sabha - Pearl of Fezzan: I made some hints where Sabha has turned into a sprawling city of venture capitalist and freethinkers ever since the rise of the Free State. I wrote it as if the town grew from less than 100,000 to more than 200,000. This stuff could also be an opportunity for me to do some worldbuilding for the first time at a city-level.

    Julia Kaufmann - Accounts on the Tuareg People in Ghat and Beyond: Since making maps and graphics can be limited in the scope of all things, I thought that resorting to writing in the style of a journal log could flesh out the world without being too technical and more personal. I’ll be exploring her experience in the Tuareg State of Azawad and life in Ghat and beyond, someone like LordBrit111 but less comical and more atmospheric. And speaking of him...

    LordBrit111 - Confidential Information on the Toulouse Incident: The same thing for her, albeit fewer compared to the former. I didn’t bring him up ever since his introduction, mostly because I need to find a topic very suitable for his background. Here, he’s going to explain the small mention I made in my Neo-Barbary Corsair map, where one of them manages to hijack a new-generational cruiser of all things.

    Here's some alt-links for those who are interested. [r/ImaginaryMaps]|[DeviantArt]

    Well, that’s pretty much it. See ya, folks!
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    [Media] Introduction - The Northern Front and The Mediterranean
  • Warring Libya - Northern Front / The Mediterranean



    “There’s no such thing as objective journalism, best to keep that in mind!”
    - Za’im the Tuareg,
    answering an interesting question from a curious volunteer from Oregon.​

    As the mainstream media erodes to the eyes of many, a new generational wave begins to seek their sights beyond the umbrella of powerful corporations and start anew. Young aspiring journalists formed their own news outlets to express their interest and passion without the interference from editors and moguls. In turn, newsletters and journalistic blogs begin to emerge from a scene, clamored by folks of many backgrounds and thoughts ready to be heard. Michel Aronowitz - a veteran journalist in West Asia, coined this new phase as the Golden Age of Journalism.

    And eventually, some of them will focus on the Warring State of Libya, using their sources and intuition to report on the matters that engulfed in the Third Civil War. One of them is two particular news and editorial websites: the Northern Front and The Mediterranean. Both curated by a youthful flock interested in the conflict and intend to keep the situation in check until it either wanes down into an eventual peace or ends in a violent triumph.

    Northern Front


    “They’re one of the most reliable sources when it comes to covering the technical aspect of the conflict. Shame that they're Putin's puppet.”
    - Alan Herver,
    A Canadian journalist and gun enthusiast reviewing the Northern Front.​

    The Northern Front is a collaboration of many personalities who shares a fond interest in covering conflicts raging across the globe. Formed in 2022 by a former volunteer of the Syrian Civil War - Mikhail Budyonny, he was known for his technical albeit contentious coverage over the equipment and vehicles of all the major players in Syria - from detailing the Kurdish military workshops to ISIS’ tactical implementation of their rugged technicals. Inspired by his colleagues’ recommendation, he gathered folks who had similar interests and started a fundraising campaign to turn his project into a reality.

    The website covers the northern hemisphere of Africa, most of West Asia, and to some extent, Eastern Ukraine. Each contributor and amateur journalist has their preferable niche they’re willing to cover; ranging from local tactics, operations, military personalities, and logistics. But they’re particularly renowned for their coverage over the Third Libyan Civil War. They have correspondents around the entire country, especially in Eastern Libya, giving them the privilege of receiving exclusive coverage that none could afford.

    Despite their reliability on the technical matters of the war, they're also known for being blatantly biased towards Russia and the Libyan National Army. Most of their correspondents cover the loyalist in a rather positive and uncritical light. Many journalists within the west expressed concerns over the alleged patronage from both Russia and China; with a series of articles and op-eds covering their involvement within the war in a rather positive light. They’re also criticized for the lack of quality control and contradictory reports due to the lack of professionals and ignoring humanitarian troubles occurring throughout Libya.

    The Mediterranean


    “I commend the integrity of The Mediterranean in their solemn act in preserving journalistic integrity and opposing tyranny.”
    - Horatio Jabarti,
    United States Senator giving praise during his speech in the Initiative for Democracy conference.​

    The Mediterranean is based on the quiet city of Valletta in Malta. After being disillusioned with the lack of integrity within the media company she worked for, Charlotte McLamb, a 35-year-old legal journalist, founded her own media outlet to create an example for many aspiring journalists throughout the world. She invited many prolific and professional correspondents around the world to contribute to her newsletter, inviting activists from Hong Kong to Palestine to retell their experience in the digital medium.

    The Mediterranean covers many subjects ranging from politics, sports, culinary, and pop-culture, each with their own subdivision websites dedicated to such specific niche. However, her website was lauded for the extensive coverage over the matters of human rights, especially in regard to the migrant crisis that haunts throughout the Mediterranean Sea. She was awarded the Pulitzer in 2024 for her distinguished report on the human-trafficking crisis that plagued South Libya and how the traffickers created a morbidly profitable market out of the woes of refugees.

    However, she later faced controversies in recent years due to her inconsistencies in her subject of interest and the cordial ties and connections with the United States and France, especially after her attendance with Horatio Jabarti’s Initiative for Democracy conference. An anonymous source condemned her for the supposed abuse of her employees, accused of paying them wages lower than once promised and threatening to blacklist those who repeatedly contradict her revisions.
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    [Media] TIME Magazine - The West is Red Preview
  • TIME Magazine - The West is Red Preview

    1. TIME Magazine Cover


    2. Advertisement #1


    3. Index Page


    <--- Description --->

    On July 14th, 2025, TIME has published its first debut approaching the matters of China and the subsequent consequences of the Battle of the Spratlys. Despite receiving a few appraisals from a handful of people, it was met with massive controversy. People are split on how they felt on the discussion itself: while some experts of international politics and few echelons of the U.S Military have praised it for being the only centerpiece tackling an otherwise taboo subject, it faced a bipartisan backlash from both spectrum of the United States, some activist alleged the piece for fear-mongering and implicit Orientalism.
    [Media] TIME Magazine - The West is Red Preview - A Follow-Up
  • NOTE: Writing this in ad-hoc so expect some grammar errors.

    Since COVID-19 hit Indonesia with severity, all of our classes are basically canceled until May 29th and pending. This means I have some free time to spend on three of the most important beings in my young adulthood: Company of Heroes 2, my folks, and writing absurd crap... which is the project. I'm just gonna write topic pieces ranging from the length of the page to the importance of the upcoming content. I thought that giving y'all some context on the subject could clarify some things; dispelling and forming expectations over the goal and design of the project.

    Enough rambling, here's the following list of discussions:
    1. It Won 1st place in the Season's Polls: If you guys are not aware, I set up a poll to determine on which content should I design first in DeviantArt[1]. It's a tradition ever since I made the account and it helps me decide on the direction I'm heading in because I can't really decide myself. Although I never made an official announcement, the poll didn't change since the past weeks. I'm aware that the polls here have different results I have to make some compromises; a win-win for both sides of the spectrum. Still gonna write LordBrit's drunken charade btw.
    2. It's Going to be 15-20 Pages In Length: Most of the TIME Magazine catalogs range from 90 to more than 150... I'm not insane enough to do that. I don't want to add pointless filler that contributes nothing to the world. Instead, I want pieces to be elegantly designed as possible and writing pages instrumental for the worldbuilding. Sure, there's going to be some lighthearted references and jokes here-and-there, but for the most part, I want this to be as concise and well-executed as possible.
    3. A Great Opportunity to Flesh Out the World: The Warring State of Libya is pretty limited to... Well, Libya. I don't really need to pay attention to world politics that doesn't affect the country but I do realize that some of you folks are more interested in the world beyond, especially since I'm planning to move on with a sequel of a sort - one centering around Indonesia. With this piece, I could add some context or insignificant but interesting filler without sacrificing much of the space on the thread.
    4. Good Practice-Piece for A New Format: I remember saying that I'm going to design a new format; one that doesn't rely on an existing trademark. And considering that I might get sued for this despite being a parody, I thought that designing a new format that doesn't rely on TIME Magazine's principles could prove beneficial for the future. Imagine the possibilities amirite?
    Anyway, that's all I can share so far. I don't really have much to say since I'm keeping some topics for the foreseeable future. But expect me to write a concise dive on the 'Behind-the-Scene" design and concepts over my last submission.

    I hope y'all are healthy and well in these trying times!

    Footnote: [1] - Here's the poll btw, https://www.deviantart.com/shahabbas1571/journal/Season-5-Huzzah-831221684.
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    [Media] TIME Magazine - The West is Red Preview 2.0
  • I'm not going to write some exposition without making the writing a bit awkward so I might as well explain it personally. Anyway, This is basically an advertisement, a call from the government to support domestic goods over imported ones. After an incident with the Chinese in the South China Seas ended in a disaster for the United States Seventh Fleet, the federal government encouraged (or threatened depending on who you ask) companies abroad to move their manufacturing centers from China to the Continental US with compensation and benefits. Most companies returned because of it but there are folks who are reluctant to return and eventually faced massive tariffs.

    In turn, the Department of Commerce made efforts to encourage people into buying locally-produced goods and brands. Directing commercials, making programs to showcase local produces, and spotlighting small companies. But one of them tried to make a simple but eye-catching mark, one that they expect for all Americans to recognize without much thought. Inspired by Canada's wordmark, they immediately hired graphic designers and artists to make the most iconic brand possible. They also set up a contest in public schools as well in order to bring the most of out it. Eventually, the brand that you're seeing now was made by a 17-year-old amateur in Kentucky, designed with nothing more but a low-end computer. The department chose it as their new brand and compensated her with $10,000.
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    [Media] TIME Magazine - The West is Red Preview 2.0 - A Follow-Up
  • Unfortunately, I can't showcase the behind-the-scenes process behind the writing and design choices for the last two posts that I made. I still have it in mind, especially on the basic premise behind them and the inspirations I took but I feel the need to make it more refined without sacrificing much information. Anyway, let's talk about the updates and the types of progress I've made so far, especially I made a lot since the following week.


    1.0: A sneak peek on the artboards. Have fun!
    In the following week, I made over 10 pages worth of nonsense and foreshadowing. It's has been both a fun and frustrating experience that I've managed to survive. Writing the pieces for this was an amazing ride for me, especially since I've been keeping the ideas on the sidelines for a long time. Showcasing it for the first feels like liberating because I don't need to keep it to myself for more than a year, I can finally show y'all some of the interesting stuff In this word and might even make an appearance in the Warring State, both in the sense of subtlety and overtones. While there are some fundamentally important setpieces to show you guys about the world, few of them are rather there for simple fun and an interesting quip.

    Anyway, the part that truly sucks is the actual designing and figuring out the best shape and texture I could imagine. Designing art (pretentious, I know) isn't just splashing a bunch of paint of the wall, it's basically problem-solving. You can't design a piece of work without finding out the whats, the whos, the whens, and the whys and this piece is torture to me. While most of them are masterworks that I've managed to resolves, the likes the iteration artboard feels... well, bad and I've could've done better with the fourth iteration. This is mostly because I want to reduce the number of photographs I have to use, especially since some places like r/worldbuilding require your to credits, which is fun but it's a bore to deal with.

    So far, I can safely say that it'll exceed more than 15 and possibly even 20 which good for y'all but it sucks when you're designing the actual piece. I also like to mention that I tried my best to make the outlet more diverse color-wise, to give your eyes something to calm down with. I don't want folks to be overwhelmed by the information to the point of being a detriment, that's why I added some commercial into the scene.

    Also, I've managed to compile them into a PDF so that means yes, I'll make a PDF version of this piece. Meaning you can download the entire magazine inside a single document and y'all could enjoy the entire work without facing the irritation presented by Imgur. Awesome, right?

    Anyway, that's all from me for now. It's been 30 days since the self-quarantine, it started on 11th March IIRC. I hope y'all survive this crisis with tremendous strength and vigor! Cya, folks!
    [Meta] Warring Libya - The West is Red Preview 2.0 <--- Q&A --->
  • Warring Libya - The West is Red Preview 2.0
    <--- Q&A Contribution --->
    I have to make this a separate post for y'all to notice, especially since I'm giving you guys the chance to contribute to this piece. So basically, I planning to make a page dedicated to a Q&A, with the person of interest being Hubert Douglas - the guy who wrote about China becoming a superpower while America is fumbling from the stairs. It'll be under the style of this piece below, where the questionnaires are set in stone so you could understand the design and context.


    1.0: A concept example for the upcoming page.

    Anyway, here's an introduction piece to understand the character and what type of question you might want to ask. If you don't want to add anything, that's fine. I could write one myself but I thought maybe y'all could be engaged over this and might ask something interesting or even funny. I don't want you guys to feel underappreciated for reading my piece of work since the start of this project so I might as well let you guys contribute something here.

    Introduction: Hubert Douglas

    download (3).jpg

    1.1: A placeholder basically. Might even use this for future pieces.
    April 23rd, 2025

    Hello, everyone. My name's Hubert G. Douglas. I'm an International Relations Analyst and Polemicist, basically someone who figures out the relations of two-or-more countries and also someone who expresses an interesting viewpoint. I was generously invited by the folks from TIMES to contribute an interesting piece so I decided to write an article based on China and how they're slowly becoming a superpower while America is not up to the challenge. Some folks claimed that I'm well-versed in rhetorics while others call me verbose and pretentious, but I mostly try to spice up my insight with simple but engaging wordplays.

    Anyway, I wrote about a lot of stuff: I wrote about how Iran's geopolitical strategy and how they outsmarted the United States and Co. over the regional influence of the Middle East (From Cyrus to Khameini), a piece about the optimistic future of West Africa and the role they'll play in the future (The Jewels of the Atlantic), how neoliberal institutions failed to curb down the rising tides of the extreme spectrums of both the right and left in this current political scene (The Noble Failure of Liberalism and Humanism), and how the prospect of authoritarianism is more morally-grey than some might assume (One Man's Tyrant; Another Man's Hero). I also contributed some pieces in the Northern Front and The Mediterranean, lectured in decent institutions such as The Halls of Perspectives.

    If you have any curious questions you want me to answer, just write something down below and the TIME could articulate them into this page! I hope you people have a good and healthy life. Goodbye, folks!

    Well, that's it from the man for now. Remember, write the answers below and I recommend using fake names or even usernames to add some flavor to the page. Anyway, that's it from me. Goodbye, ladies and gents!
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    [Meta] TIME Magazine: The West is Red - Preview 3.0
  • Warring Libya - The West is Red Preview 3.0


    3.1: This is the entire project. Have to move the PNGs into another file to prevent lag.

    It's been a long time since my last post, wasted a lot of it slouching on the desk chair drooling over M&B2 but I managed to spend some of it well from time-to-time. Anyway, after months of delicate writing and designing, the process of making this piece is finally over... It's done. I've managed to complete 34 pages in total, plus the addition dedicated to the Q&A (I'm still waiting for your answers, btw).

    It wasn't an easy process to handle actually, there were times where I thought of giving up when facing fierce difficulty. There are cases where I have to rewrite an entire page just because it doesn't with the overall design, leaving me distraught and dispassionate over the project at hand. But despite the obstacles, I've managed to overcome them in the end, and it's now ready for publication. I'll put it out this week, although I have to go through a process of proofreading and revisions before I make my final case.


    3.2: Another teaser from your's truly. Enjoy!


    3.2: A sneak peek on the article, mostly about Farrakhan and the NOI.

    With that out of the way, I could finally explain two key writing principles for the magazine outlet: to get the context of what I'm trying to accomplish here.
    1. Writing Articles In-Character: As I said before (at least from what I'm aware of), I'm trying to be less reliant on maps and emphasize more on graphic illustrations and writing pieces. While that doesn't mean map illustrations won't be a thing anymore (on the contrary, I'm preparing a map on the city of Sabha at this moment), they'll be less apparent than before. To make it interesting, I have to change the writing style into something in-character; based on the perspective of the characters I wrote for the project. That's why I wrote people like LordBrit111 and Hubert Douglas into the universe, to have an immersive explanation on how this world works. I thought up characters for every article, each with their perspective and biases. Some are subtle, others are rather outspoken on their polemics.
    2. Tackling Fluff: With the addition to the main article, I added a lot of fluff for worldbuilding. There are a lot of surprises in the future and writing some crucial events under the guise of a mere tabloid is a small but pretty effective piece to make people engaged. But I have to make sure that the stuff I wrote isn't some disposable baggage writing pieces just to amuse folks. Some will play a rather significant role in the future, despite its gimmicky implications.
    Well, that's it for me. Expect the entire papers to be published within the week. I don't really have much to work with other than proofreading and making revisions. And yes, I managed to optimize the pdf from 56 MBs to 15 MBs, although the image quality is a bit tacky. I might form an Imgur gallery if the pdf doesn't work as planned. Goodbye, folks!
    [Media] TIME Magazine: The West is Red - Complete Edition
  • TIME Magazine: The West Is Red - Complete Edition

    <--- Author's Note --->

    NOTE: Here's the download link to the PDF: [Download Here!]

    It's finally here, fellas! I've spent an entire month just to finish this piece. I faced a lot during the past couple of days: optimism, depression, and even irritation over the process. But that's over and despite the mess have to face, it's all worth it because it's a setpiece for the entire world and beyond. As I said, it's a bible that will set the setting into a grander stage, something more ambitious after this project. It took me years to figure out the pieces until I found the confidence to make this and I'm glad it's all done because I can move on to other projects, especially for the thread. Anyway, I hope you folks truly enjoy this piece. I've tons of effort to make this as perfect as possible. Have fun!

    Also, here's some alt-links for shameless plugin: [r/AlternateHistory] - [DeviantArt]

    < --- Description --- >

    Charlotte McLamb: The Mediterranean: The Issue that Angers the World - June 7th, 2026

    On July 14, 2025, TIME Magazines published one of the most controversial issues in recent years. In an attempt to bring a more sensitive topic after facing negative feedback, the Editor-In-Chief - Louis Malford, commissioned four authors to write a particular subject of their choosing; offering them exposure to their profile. After it was released to public hands, the issue was met with the highest of praises and fierce condemnations. The outlet sold 5,000,000+ issues in the first following months, more than they made in a year during 2013.

    One of the articles of the main coverage - The West is Red, is both lauded for being the only piece to discuss an otherwise taboo and panned for insinuating the Reagan Tragedy as the folly of the United States. Dan Schreier, National Security Analyst and President McCallum's former Secretary of Defense, praised Hubert Douglas for bringing such topic to the public eye, especially over Washington's lack of a meaningful response to China's rapid expansion and policy change. His last prose over America's lack of a coherent response was an impressive piece to him, referring it as a "Stroke of genius against the lazy middlemen in the White House..." However, others condemned this column, calling it a provocative piece that disrespects the victims and for implying that it was the fault of the United States foreign policy. Other such as Michael Aronowitz also faced similar reactions, with praises and condemnations over the subject matter of Hebron, and even faced threats of having his citizenship stripped by the Knesset.
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    [META] TIME Magazine: The West is Red - Complete Edition - A Follow-Up
  • TIME Magazine: The West Is Red - Complete Edition
    A Follow-Up

    I noticed that the PDF download link doesn't work as intend. I'm so sorry about this disaster. I didn't realize this problem until I checked through my email, clogged by permission requests. Fortunately, El_Presidente mentioned this problem to me, although I was not aware of his post until now.

    Anyway, here's the revised download link - [Revised Download Here!].

    If the problem persists, please hit the DM. Sometimes I'm a bit scatterbrained when it comes to managing complex publications.
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    [Media] The Mediterranean - (7/21/2026)
  • The Mediterranean first started as a journalistic blog developed by Charlotte McLamb. After leaving her company due to ethical issues, she decides to design a platform where she and her peers can tell their ventures without having to comply with the corporate interloping that is present in every news media. Eventually, after jump-starting a donation campaign, she was able to hire programmers and actual designers to make her vision a reality. Today, the news website relies on its numerous subscribers and donations from numerous NGOs.

    The news outlet received numerous praises for its bold coverage of events around the globe: Charlotte McLamb's coverage over human trafficking in South Libya has rewarded her with the Pulitzers in 2024, Michael Aronowitz leaks over Israel's de facto implementation of apartheid in 2023 has inaugurated his name into Amnesty International's "Heroes for a Better World".

    --- Excerpts ---


    Indonesia and Australia expand the Lombok Treaty after de-escalation: "Despite the exchanges of strategic power moves over Darwin and the Timor Sea, the two countries have finally reconciled its callous escalation and expanded the Lombok Treaty into a far-reaching degree."

    CD Projekt Red and Malta: A developer’s refuge and the Far-Right Intrusion: "Proving to be their worst course of action, the influential gaming company faced the worrying prospect of both slavers attempting to kidnap their employees and the rising tide of far-right politics harassing them from Poland. The company moved from its home country ever since the landslide of far-right influence over the country."

    Map: Aftermath of DPR and LPR expansion over Eastern Ukraine: "This map showcases the timeline of the disastrous operation against Pro-Russian forces and their counterattacks that leads them to gain more grounds over Eastern Ukraine. Alan Herver blames the United States military for its disorganized support and their inconsistent policy over the matter."

    UNHCR: The Free State of Sabha generated billions of income from slavery: "Martin Geoff's claims of making over billions of dollars correlates with the recent reports published by the UNHCR, asserting that the Free State of Sabha generated a ludicrous amount of income due to its horrifying management over human-trafficking and its utilization for forced labor."
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