Italia Eterna

I'm presently sketching out an ATL were Italy says neutral in WWII and the Japanese Empire declare war on only the USSR in early '41.

The primary POD is the meeting between Hitler and Mussolini in ´34 and the secondary is Erhard Milch seeking refuge in Italy after Goerings accidental death in a car crash in the midthirties (Der Dicke apparently helped hide that Milchs' Jewish ancestry) At the meeting Mussolini begins to see Hitler as a loose canon and a mad man. Later Milch and Italo Balbo amongste others implements more of Douhets thoughts on modern warfare etc etc.

So my question is, if Britain don't have to fight the Italians in the Med or the Japs in the Far East (not before ´41 anyway), how will they deploy their forces and more importantly how will they wage the war? Will we see larger Diepp-style raidfs or even an invasion attempt by Britian alone?

Best regards and all!

- Mr.Bluenote.

Honeste vivere, alterum non ladere, suum cuique tribuere!
Minor differences

They will still have to guard against Italian or Japanese actions, which will tie down significant forces, but not as major as in OTL.
Note that they were not at war with Japan in the far east until late 1941, so no difference at all there.
No chances can be taken with the Suez Canal whatsoever, so forces must stay there.
The supply situation gets better, since the garrisons in Africa aren't uising supplies at combat rates. In addition, perhaps Britain might buy food from Italy, to be shipped in Italian hulls.
Germany doesn't have to bail out Mussolini afer some of his fiascos, so Germany has more forces as well.
This means Britain may well carry out more raids, but won't have what it takes to even consider an invasion.
Is Germany at war with the USSR? This will be play a key role (to massively understate things) in what else is going on.
NHBL said:
Is Germany at war with the USSR? This will be play a key role (to massively understate things) in what else is going on.

Yes, the German do their usual thing :) First Poland, then France/UK and the USSR! Except I think they leave Denmark and Norway out of the war. Since the Germans would get some supplies via the Italians (As you suggest with the British), they would be less dependent on Sweden.
One reason Italy is better of in Italia Eterna is that they use their large merchant fleet to trade with Turkey, Argentine, Japan, Germany, USA etc etc. Hmm, how would the Brits react to that? Try to stop the Italian ships?

What I'm having a very difficult time figuring out is, how are the Brits going to fight the Germans without the Mediterranean Front and perhaps Norway?

And, ooops, my bad! Yes, indeed the Japanse Empire and the Brist goes to war in late 1941... Embarrassing! :)

Best regards!

- Bluenote.

Honeste vivere, alterum non ladere, suum cuique tribuere!
Italia Eterna TL

Believe! Obey! Fight!
The function of a citizen and a soldier are inseparable!
- Benito Mussolini.

Austria's independence was immediately threatened when Hitler assumed power in Germany. He made it clear that expansion was his goal, with Austria's large German speaking population as the logical target. But this did not sit well with Mussolini and his Fascist goverment. In 1934, Austria was protected by Italy, it provided a buffer between the borders of Germany and Italy, and its Chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss, was a personal friend of Mussolini. Mussolini vowed to protect Austia's independence with all his might and his Italian Legions if needed be!

The first meeting between Hitler and Mussolini occurred on June 13, 1934. Hitler was advised not to wear a uniform, in order to appear more as a diplomat, rather than the war monger his was perceived as by the Italians. Hitler appeared wrinkled and out of place compared to the uniformed and bellicose Italian Duce. Hitler admonished Mussolini to stop trying to protect Austria and that he wanted Chancellor Dollfuss replaced. Mussolini flatly said no! When Hitler replied that is was sheer folly to go to war over Dollfuss, Mussolini commented that the German persecution of Jews was folly. Neither dictator seemed to speak the same language or to have understood what each was saying.
Somehow Benito Mussolini began to realise that there is something very wrong with Hitler and the way things were being done in his newly fangled Third Reich. Of course he had seen the reports from Servizio Informazioni Militari, that indicated Hitlers was dead serious with all his insane statements about Lebensraum in the East, and racial purity and, not to forget, concerning Austria. Mussolini didn’t like to be bested, but suddenly he knew that He might have to fold, since Italia couldn’t match Germany in a shooting war, not now at least, and not as long as the country had to do without a more modern and larger industrial complex and the armed forces to match the Germans, or the French for that matter.
Mussolini, who had reached his position as Duce il Fascisti as much by being a good judge of character as anything else, was suddenly seeing the world around him with other eyes, and he did not especially like what he saw! Mussolini stod there for the moment completely lost in thought, seeing himself, the world and his beloved Italia, as he never had before. He began to reflect more closely on the nature of the scruffy looking civilan besides him. Somehow the absence of an elaborate uniform made a deep impression on Mussolini. If Hitler really meant for war with the rest of the world, what about the rest of his intolerable nonsense, this racial bullshit he so spoke of in that little book of his, Mein kampf! My Struggle!? Mussolini smiled briefly and bitterly. What in the name of Roma Eterna did the Germans see in that insane little man?!
For the rest of the meeting, Mussolini seemed distracted and absorbed in his own thoughts. Hitler, who maintained a certain affection, indeed admiration for the Italian, if not for his country and regime, was convinced it was pure awe. Truth be told, Mussolini was frightened. And it was a sudden fear of Germany and Hitler.

Hitler returned to Berlin assuming that the German acquisition of Austria was approved by Mussolini, who returned to Rome distrusting and fearing the Germans. On July 25, 1934, Dollfuss was killed by Nazi assassins in his office. On the day he was killed, the Austrian Chancellor was scheduled to fly to Italy for a meeting with Mussolini. Dollfuss’ family was already waiting for him in Rome. Mussolini took upon him the difficult task of telling Dollfuss’ family of his death.
Mussolini more than suspected that his friend had been assassinated either on Hitlers direct order or by Nazi agents of some sort. Still fumeing with rage Mussolini took two bold steps. He ordered Italian troops to the Austro-Italian border and sent a wire telegram to Vienna guaranteeing Austria's independence. Mussolini expected France and Britain to send the same message, but that never happened. As it happened Italy was confronting Germany alone. Mussolini would never forget the great European powers for their treason, or Hitler and Nazis for making him have to tell his friends familiy of his murder.

Germany was not yet prepared for war and Mussolini's firm stand was enough for Hitler to abruptly change his plans. The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, which allready had prepared a special announcement regarding the fall of Austria, and Dollfuss' fitting death, had to stop it in the last minute and revise it with new statements from Hitler, who noe condemed the murder of Chancellor Dolfuss and the subsequent apprehension of the assassins and their deportation to Austria for trial.
In many eyes Mussolini emerged from the tastless spectacle as a hero and won the admiration from England (Churchill for one never stopped admirering Mussolini’s courage) and France. But it was a Mussolini who had looked over the edge and found a deep bottomless abyss waiting. He however felt confident enough in his position, that he used this to advance his prospect of a new Roman Empire.

Timeline Early Thirties
September 14, 1930: Germans elect Nazis making them the 2nd largest political party in Germany.

January 15, 1931: Italo Balbo completes a 10.400 km flight from Orbetello to Rio de Janeiro.

November 8, 1932: Roosevelt elected President of the United States.

January 30, 1933: Adolf Hitler becomes Chancelleor of Germay.

Febuary 27, 1933: The Reichstag burns.

March 12, 1933: The first KZ camp is opened.

April 1, 1933: Nazi boycott of Jewish owned shops.

July 14, 1933: NSDAP, the Nazi party, declared only legit party in Germany.

October 14, 1933: Germany quits the League of Nations.

August 12, 1933: Italo Balbo lands in the USA. He was welcomed like a hero. President Roosevelt invited him to lunch, and the Sioux Indian tribe appointed him chief, with the name of "Flying Eagle".

January 5, 1934: Italo Balbo is sent to Libya as Governor.

March 2, 1934: Dino Grandi is fired as Foreing Minister and sent to London as ambassador.

June 13, 1934: Mussolini has a revelation while meeting with Hitler.

July 25, 1934: Chancellor Dollfuss of Austria is assasinated in his office.

August 19, 1934: Hitler becomes Führer of Germany.
More Italia Eterna...

War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military.
– Georges Clemenceau.

Having met the Führer of Germany in person, Mussolini knew war and much, much worse were brewing. To revitalize Italy and counter the eventual German threat, he brought men like Italo Balbo, Dino Grandi and Giuseppe Bottai back from obscurity, and disfavour, and gave them the task of bringing Italy forward and out of its stupor. Balbo, Grandi and Bottai gathered a follwoing of able administrators and bright innovators around them and began the work of bringing Italy into modern times. Men like Farinacci and Starace was rapidly sidelined or picked up by the OVRA or other dark clad men at night.
The new men, soon to be called the Leonardi, after the brilliant Leonardo da Vince, spearheaded a series of reforms that shook up the slow and somewhat atrophied Italian economy. The first was land reform, where the major landowners’ stranglehold on land was broken, a series of agricultural cooperatives and businesses was set up under Leonardi supervison. Troops had to be called in here and there, especialley in Sicily and southern Italy, and a few regular battles fought between soldier and the Landowners mafiosi. Ironically, this was one of the things the landowners had used the Fascists to do in the early 1920’s. In the end the reforms got implementet and many of the large landowners ended up with a small plot in the colonies, their large tracts of land and equally large fortunes confiscated and put to better use. Infrastructure also became a paramount concern for the Leonardi, and imposing highways, which had a conspicious likeness to the German Autobahns, and an extended likewise impressing railways were being build all over Italy and the colonies. The Leonardi also began looking into the hidden oil reservoires rumored to be found in Libyan desert.

Mussolini’s new understanding of the world and his sense of a mission didn’t prevent him from walking distrubingly close to the abyss in foreign matters. Mussolini felt that for Italy to become a true great power it had to play a very active role in foreign affaires and thus gain prestige and create a sense of national pride. Abyssinia was always considered in the sphere of Italian influence, and it was also the only remaining country in Africa which still preserved its indepence. Abyssinia had also defeated the Italians at Adwa in 1896, so in Mussolini’s eyes Abyssinia was perfect for a test of Italia’s arms. Mussolini therefor ordered the conquest af Abyssinia, over the reinstated Foreign Minister, Dino Grandi’s objections. To repair the damage to Italy’s international reputation he sent the young and charming Gian Galeazzo, Count Ciano, to London and the everpopular Balbo on a goodwill tour to the USA (many americans, among them president Roosevelt and Lindbergh, fondly remembered the Italian Flying Eagle). Grandi, Ciano and Balbo’s efforts immediately began softening the already weak and ineffective sanctions the League of Nations.

The Spanish Civil War allowed the Italian Commando Supremo to see the effect of modern warfare, and to a certain degree exercise the use of its armed forces and new weapons, but more importantly, it allowed the Germans and Italians an opportunity to develop and embrace radical new methods of war.

Timeline Midthirties
Febuary 2, 1935: Giuseppe Bottai is appointed as minister in the newly created super ministry of Ministri dell'Industria e del Economia Nazionale (Ministry of Industry and National Economy), Dino Grandi is reinstated as head of the Ministri degli Affari esteri (Foreign Ministry) and Italo Balbo as ministerial head of Ministro della Produzione bellica e del Aeronautica (Ministry of War Production and the Air Force) with Rino Corso Fougier as undersecretary.

March 16, 1935: Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription.

September 15, 1935: Germany implement Nuremberg Race Laws.

July 32, 1935: General Badoglio is replaced as head of Commando Supremo by Mussolini, and general Ugo Cavallero put in his place.

October 3, 1935: Mussolini sends his legions under the command of marshall Rudolfo Graziani across the Abyssinia border from Italian Somaliland and Eritrea.

October 6, 1935: Adowa in Abyssinia is conqured. Italian troops ravaged the place and is rumored to have killed several civilians.

November 19, 1935: Italian forces is now some 100 miles into Abyssinia. Resistance is surprisingly heavy throughout the country, but the envigorated Italian forces were more than ready to deal with it. Graziani however is somewhat worried and ask Rome for further reinforcements.

November, 23 1935: Mussolini forces the Pope to accept the Abyssinian Coptic Church. Following this step resistance seem to be ebbing away.

December 4, 1935: The Italians bring in more and better tanks organized in the Brigata Corazzata Speciale (Special Brigade Unit). Italy also deploy their first long range reconnaissance company of motorized cars in the Reparto Esplorante di Corpo d'Armata di Manovra or RECAM (Reconnaissance Unit of the Army Mobile Corps). One young captain, Junio Borghese, is to become world famous as a daring commando.

December 10, 1935: Back in Rome the Chief of Commando Supremo, Ugo Cavallero is taking carefull notes of the Abyssinian campaign, and wonders if not the armoured units should be grouped in more organic divisions and used en masse.

December 30, 1935: General Cavallero dispatches the armoured Ariete Division and the newly mechanized Trento Division to the Abyssinian theater.

March 7, 1936: German troops occupy the Rhineland.

May 5, 1936: The victorious Italian army marched into the capital of Addis Ababa and Abyssinia is formally annexed.

June 27, 1936: Count Ciano is nominated ambassador to Britain.

June 30, 1936: The former Abyssinian Emperor Haile Selassie, who barely escaped the invading Italians, speaks before the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland: "It is us today. It will be you tomorrow!" He warned the assembly. Dino Grandi in turn took to the stand and asked who could do more for the poor, illiterate Abyssinians? Italia the great European power or the corrupt and nepostistic ex-emperor?” After further verbal exchanges the League decided not to respond militarily and instigated minor economic sanctions against Italy, but these were soon undermined by carefull and clever Italian diplomacy.

July 2, 1936: Italo Balbo once more lands in the USA. He and Charles Lindberg becomes fast friends. The large Italian minority, and quite a few native Americans, hails Balbo as a true hero!

July 5, 1936: General Francisco Franco rebels at the Madrid government and start the Spanish Civil War.

20 July, 1936: General Franco’s emmisaries to Hitler and Mussolini request military aid and technical assistance. While Hitler promptly accepted the offer, Mussolini is more cautious. He does however send advisors, observers, some volunteeers and shipments of older weapons to Spain.

August 1, 1936: Olympic games begin in Berlin.
Milch enters the picture...

Late thirties
The great masses of people... will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one!
- Adolf Hitler.

Mussolini sad there for the moment completely lost in time and thought. German troops had just crossed the borden to the rump Czech state, thereby violating the Venezia Treaty. He began to reflect more closely on Hitler. If Hitler really meant for war with the rest of the world, the he probably ment the rest of his insane ramblings! Mussolini found it hard to belive, that Hitler really meant what he had written in Mein Kampf about the Jews and all the other numerous kinds of people, he seem to hate so passionately. Mussolini himself had known, and knew Jews. There were even Jews in the Party, men who held postions of importance and prominence in his regime. Hah, he had even loved a couple. Fondly Mussolini remembered his Queen of Sheeba, Margherita Sarfatti. Did he really want those hinted-at and oh-so-subtle and rather permanent solutions for the Jews? Mussolini found the answer deep in his soul and squared his impressing jaw.
He called for Milch. When the still imposing former German officer came. Mussolini just sat there quitely for a long time and then suddenly asked: “Do you know of these rumors that are coming from your old homeland?”
Milchs face stiffened but answered nonetheless: “Yes, Duce! I do!”
Mussolini nodded, he had feared as much, but asked the next question anyway. “And do your former Führere take himself and all his own nonsence seriosly?”
Milch went pale, which was more than enough answer for Mussolini. “Ah, I thought so! Well then,” he said, “we shall have to see to that!”.

Mussolini and the Leonardi enacted several new economic measures designed to gear up and expand the Italian economy. Some industries would be shifted away from civilian production and into military production. The armed forces begin a five year military buildup plan which ironically would decrease the size of the armed forces, especially the army, but thoroughly modernize their weapons, equipment and doctrines.
Following the economic and military reforms the Italian Army decided to replace the bulk of their outdated artilley, especially the heavy artillery, which for the most part were old Austro-Hungarian pieces. The army selected two good and thoroughly modern designs, one a gun with a caliber of 149mm and a howitzer with a caliber of 210mm. One of Ugo Cavallero’s Army designteam made the plans for the 210mm howitzer, while Ansaldo drew up the howitzer. A production order for no less than respectively 900 and 400 was placed.
Together with the focus on artillery Cavallero and his resident Leonardi under colonel Berlese began an extensive tank and anti-tank research program. Alle the lessons from Spain and Abyssinia taken to heart.
Milch and Italo Balbo had grand designs for the Regia Aeronautica (Royal Airforce). Planes like Giuseppe Gabrilli’s G.50 Freccia and later the updated FIAT G55 Centauro would together with Mario Gastoldi’s Macchi series, including the MC.200 Saetta, the MC.202 Folgore and the MC.205 Veltro, would gain RA an edge in the air for years to come.

In Germany, the Jews were coming under increased pressure as Hitler and the Nazi Party stired up more resentment against them. Hitler's inner circle soon began to consider deporting Jews or place them in camps where they can be exploited as slave labor along with other undesirables. A few voiced opions of more final solutions.
Anti-Jewish sentiment was also on the rise in most of Europe. Especially in Austria, France, Hungary, Romania and Russia. In Italy however it seems that the madness that is seizing most of the continent is passing the nation by. Mussolini and his Fascists approved of many a thing in Hitler’s Germany, but in the end National Socialism with its focus on race, blood and soil, was not anything like Mussolini’s Fascism. Fascism was founded on unity and on the idea of a corporativistic whole, and all that mattered was loyalty to the State, the Fascisti, and, of course Mussolini, not blood, race or somesuch nonsence!

While Mussolini as mentioned sent advisors and observers to Spain, he did not involved Italy further in the Spanish Civil War. Hitler several times asked his Italian opposite number to join Germany’s so called volunteers in fighting the socialists in Spain. Mussolini refused to commit Italy to any further adventures at present. But he did however sign a non-aggression treaty with Germany and, in a greate coup for the new Italian foreign policy, and Count Ciano in London personally, the United Kingdoms. The new Mussolini would rather cut his own throath than follow Hitler to Hell or, for that matter, risk war with the British, at present at least.

In 1938 the Mussolini and Grandi had another chance to shine on the international scene. To Mussolini it seem that his former friend had begun his descent into his Wagnerite nightmare: Hitler had initiated an invasion of the Sudetenlands and annexed Austria in the Anschluss. Both were actions positively prohibited by the Versailles Treaty. Neither the French or the British wanted a war, as they were far from ready for one, but they couldn’t let Germany’s acts of unabassed aggression go unanswered. Mussolini got the French and British out of the impasse by chairing a peace conference in Venezia. The Venezia Conference’s end document ratified the German acts, but obtained assurances from Hitler that this would be the end of his expansionism. The Venezia Conference was hailed by many as a masterpiece of statemanship by Mussolini, and Grandi. The British PM, Chamberlain, would return to England waving a piece of paper and proclaming peace in our time…

Timeline Late Thirties
January 3, 1937: Grandi and von Ribbentrop meets in Münich and signs a non-agression pact. The German Foreign Minister presses for more binding agrements, but Grandi refuses.

May 22, 1937: Goering dies in an car accident. Hitler is heartbroken and declares a national day of mourning. Goering recieves a full state funeral and a sadden Hitler holds one unusually calm memorial speech.

May 24, 1937: Ernst Udet is promoted to Air Marshall and Commander in Chief of the Luftwaffe.

May 29, 1937: Gestapo-agents arrest Luftwaffe general Erhard Milch on the suspecion of Jewish ancestry. Without Goerings patronship and support Milchs Jewish background is exposed and he is found of mixed blood and unworthy to serve in the armed forces of the Third Reich by a court martial!

June 7, 1937: Erhard Milch is welcomed in Rome! Mussolini is not particulary interested in the strange racism of Hitler and sees Milch as an asset to be milked. Mussolini offers Milch a place in the Regia Aeronauticas R&D department and put him in an Italian uniform. Milch is soon becoming an important part of the research and development program.

June 9, 1937: Hitler is enragde but is more or less told to go to Hell by and equally enraged Mussolini.

June 11, 1937: In the USSR, Stalin begins the first of many purges of the Red Army.

October 7, 1937: Mussolini and Grandi meets with Chamberlain and his Freign Minister in London. The Italians succeeds in getting the British to sign a non-agression treaty.

March 12, 1938: Hitler announces the Anschluss, or union, with Austria. The Italian government, and Mussolini, protest vehemently, but ultimately to no end.

August 12, 1938: German military mobilizes.

August 13, 1938: Italian military mobilizes. Commando Supremo Chief, Ugo Cavallero, warns Mussolini that the armed forces is not ready for war.

August 15, 1938: Foreign Minister Dino Grandi suggest an peace conference. Mussolini agrees.

September 30, 1938: The Peace Confrence is held in Venezia in Northern Italy. British PM, Chamberlain, appeases Hitler.

October 10, 1938: The Italian Army demobilizes. Mussolini and General Cavallero is shocked by the poor states of the conscripts and thir equipment. There’s a lot more to do for the Leonardi.

October 15, 1938: The German Army occupy the Sudentenland, and the Czech government resigns.

Nov 9, 1938: Nazis in Germany instigates the Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass).
jewish homeland

Theres lots of room in Abbysinia, and even a Bibical tie-in Queen Sheeba

nine out of ten people like chocolate; the tenth is a liar :D
Jerets Abyssiniel

Yup, lots of open space in both Libya and Abyssinia! It would be a nice place to hide a few millions Jews from an egomaniac wihh a genocidal agenda, neh? :)

So, what do you think? Shpould I post more? Or is it just boring, seen before and haunted by bad gramma?

The best regards!

- Mr.B.

Honeste vivere, alterum non ladere, suum cuique tribuere!
Now that thing about Milch being milked was BAD.

You mentioned Graziani in one of the earlier posts. I thought he was a nobody before the Abyssinian War, and definitely not a Marshall. I could be wrong, though.
Graziani and Milch

Guilherme Loureiro said:
Now that thing about Milch being milked was BAD.

You mentioned Graziani in one of the earlier posts. I thought he was a nobody before the Abyssinian War, and definitely not a Marshall. I could be wrong, though.

Haha, yes, I know, but I couldn't resist! I'll rewrite that part! :)

Regarding Graziani, your right! My bad, sorry! Graziani was a major general from 1930 until promoted marshal on the 9th of May, 1936! I'll correct that one to! :)

Best of regards!

- Bluenote.

Honeste vivere, alterum non ladere, suum cuique tribuere!

Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after the changes occur!
- Giulio Douhet.

I intend to declare war, not wage it!
- Mussolini.

When Germany, not to the overt surprise of anyone in Rome, invaded Poland against all previous agreements. Mussolini met with Balbo, Grandi and his son-in-law, the ambassador to London, Count Ciano, in Mussolini’s office in the Palazzo Venizia in Rome. When Mussolini asked what the Italian position should be. Balbo with usual lack of finéss showed simply said that Italia must never be reduced to shoe-shiners of German jackboots, neither to lackeys of the capitalistic pigs in London and Paris. Both Mussolini and Grandi agreed, eventhough the young Ciano would have liked to se the Legions march of to war! But as Baldo said "Either it will be necessary to rid the world of Hitler or he will selfdestruct!” Mussolini laconically said. "Hitler will have a bad ending!"

Mussolini himself wouldn’t mind to see the arrogant French, the snobbish British, the red revolutionaries in the USSR or the insane Nazis cut down to size, but he knew that Italia could not survive a conflict with Germany or the United Kingdom. At least, not without a more larger, modern industrial complex and the armed forces to match the Germans or the British. Well, weak as she might be Italia had its own goals, and Mussoloni would see that they at least were reached.

While the Allies, as France and the British had begun reffering to themselves, and Germany were busy squaring off over Poland, they had no time to spare when Italia claimed Albania as its rightfull provins. Italia had a long standing political and financial interest in Albania, and Mussolini used this as a reason for the invasion and annexation. In late march Foreign Minister Grandi met with Albania’s King Zog and gave hin an ultimatum, which in fact was more a declaration of war than anything else. Albania was then invaded and annexed in a text book demonstration of efficiency by the newly formed San Marco marines and other of Italia’s new legions.

Timeline 1939:
April 7, 1939: The Regia Marina anchored off the coast of Albania, an began landing 2 divisions of Bersaglieris and a regiment of marines under general Messe, one of the Army’s new shining stars. Resistance was sporadic, weak and overcome without difficulties.

April 8, 1939: King Zog along with his family escaped to Greece and were subsequently granted asylum by Athens.

April 16, 1939: Albania surrendered to Fascist Italia and on King Victor Emmanuelle III united the crown of Albania to that of Italia and the colonies.

March 15, 1939: Germany takes control of the Czech State. Slovakia gain independence.

May 22, 1939: Germany and Soviets sign Pact of Steel. Most of the Pact is secret, but the two countries publicly declare a non-agression and mutual aid pact.

July 11, 1939: Last stand of the International Brigades at Barcelona. Franco’s forces decimate the foreign troops, but takes serious casualties duing so.

July 26, 1939: The first the post-Milch fighters is taken into service by the RA. The new series of Macchi MC.200M is to replace the older G.50. Through new technics and more efficient management the cost og the MC.220M is reduced by some 50% and the bulding time is cut down to about 10.000 man hours. Futhermore onboard radios, canon armament and more powerfull inline motors is installed in the M-series.

July 28, 1939: The Nationalists entered Madrid.

July 30, 1939: Hostilities in Spain ceased.

August 1, 1939: General Franco announced that the war was over.

August 6, 1939: Mussolini pressures Franco into considering accepting the House of Savoy's claim to the vacant Spanish Throne. Franco makes no definite comiment at this stage.

August 25, 1939: Britain and Poland sign a Mutual Assistance Treaty.

August 31, 1939: British fleet mobilizes. Civilian evacuations begin from London.

September 1, 1939: The German army crosses the border to Poland.

September 3, 1939: Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.

September 4, 1939: British Royal Air Force attacks the German Navy.

September 5, 1939: Italia and the USA proclaims neutrality. German troops cross the Vistula River in Poland.

September 10, 1939: Canada declares war on Germany.

September 17, 1939: The USSR invades Poland from the east. Polish defences quickly collapses

September 29, 1939: Germany and the USSR divide Poland as agreed upon in the Pact of Steel.

November 8, 1939:Assassination attempt on Hitler fails.

October 18, 1939: The first new upgunned and armoured tanks of the M18/39 series is accepted for service. Different Sermovente selfpropelled guns and tank hunters is tested by the Italian army. Ugo Cavallero is most satisfied and orders several vehicles for his new armoured and mechanized division.

November 30, 1939: The USSR launches an attack on Finland. Italian volunteers, arms, and advisors is send to Finland. Mussolini condemns the invasion and Stalin rather harsly: “One man, one man only, a real tyran, through a series of infinite provocations, betraying with a supreme fraud the population of his country, wants nothing more than war and has prepared for it day by day with diabolical obstinacy!”

December 14, 1939: The USSR is expelled from the League of Nations.
Updated Italia Eterna

The begining
Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest of violence!
- Francis Jeffrey.

When Hitler assumed power in Germany, he made it clear that expansion was his goal, and with Austria's large German speaking population it seemed as the logical target for his ambitions. This however did not go dwon well with the Fascist leader of Italia, Mussolini. Austria was protected by Italia, as it provided a buffer between the borders of Germany and Italia, futhermore its Chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss, was a personal friend of Mussolini. Mussolini loudly vowed to protect Austia's independence with all his might and the Legions og Italia if needed be!

The first meeting between Hitler and Mussolini occurred on June 13, 1934. Hitler was advised not to wear a uniform, in order to appear more as a humle and ordinary statesman, rather than the blustering and war mongering fool many Italians perceived the German Führer to be. Hitler appeared somewhat out of place compared to the stylish uniformed and bellicose Italian Duce. Hitler nonetheless began to admonish Mussolini to stop trying to protect Austria and that he wanted Chancellor Dollfuss replaced. Mussolini flatly said no! When Hitler replied that is was sheer folly to go to war over Dollfuss, Mussolini commented that the German persecution of Jews was folly. Neither dictator seemed to speak the same language or to have understood what each was saying.
Somehow Benito Mussolini began to realise that there is something very wrong with Hitler and the way things were being done in his newly fangled Third Reich. Of course he had seen the reports from Servizio Informazioni Militari, that indicated Hitlers was dead serious with all his insane statements about Lebensraum in the East, and racial purity and, not to forget, concerning Austria. Mussolini didn’t like to be bested, but suddenly he knew, that He might have to fold, since Italia couldn’t match Germany in a shooting war, not now at least, and not as long as the country had to do without a more modern and larger industrial complex and the armed forces to match the Germans, or the French for that matter.
Mussolini, who had reached his position as Duce il Fascisti as much by being a good judge of character as anything else, was suddenly seeing the world around him with other eyes, and he did not especially like what he saw! Mussolini stod there for the moment completely lost in thought, seeing himself, the world and his beloved Italia, as he never had before. He began to reflect more closely on the nature of the scruffy looking civilan besides him. Somehow the absence of an elaborate uniform made a deep impression on Mussolini. If Hitler really meant for war with the rest of the world, what about the rest of his intolerable nonsense, this racial bullshit he so spoke of in that little book of his, Mein kampf! My Struggle!? Mussolini smiled briefly and bitterly. What in the name of Roma Eterna did the Germans see in that insane little man?!
For the rest of the meeting, Mussolini seemed distracted and absorbed in his own thoughts. Hitler, who maintained a certain affection, indeed admiration for the Italian, if not for his country and regime, was convinced it was pure awe. Truth be told, Mussolini was frightened. And it was a sudden fear of Germany and Hitler.

Hitler returned to Berlin assuming that the German acquisition of Austria was approved by Mussolini, who returned to Rome distrusting and fearing the Germans. On July 25, 1934, Dollfuss was killed by Nazi assassins in his office. On the day he was killed, the Austrian Chancellor was scheduled to fly to Italia for a meeting with Mussolini. Dollfuss’ family was already waiting for him in Rome. Mussolini took upon him the difficult task of telling Dollfuss’ family of his death.
Mussolini more than suspected that his friend had been assassinated either on Hitlers direct order or by Nazi agents of some sort. Still fumeing with rage Mussolini took two bold steps. He ordered Italian troops to the Austro-Italian border and sent a wire telegram to Vienna guaranteeing Austria's independence. Mussolini expected France and Britain to send the same message, but that never happened. As it happened Italia was confronting Germany alone. Mussolini would never forget the great European powers for their treason, or Hitler and Nazis for making him have to tell his friends familiy of his murder.

Germany was not yet prepared for war and Mussolini's firm stand was enough for Hitler to abruptly change his plans. The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, which allready had prepared a special announcement regarding the fall of Austria, and Dollfuss' fitting death, had to stop it in the last minute and revise it with new statements from Hitler, who noe condemed the murder of Chancellor Dolfuss and the subsequent apprehension of the assassins and their deportation to Austria for trial.
In many eyes Mussolini emerged from the tastless spectacle as a hero and won the admiration from England (Churchill for one never stopped admirering Mussolini’s courage) and France. But it was a Mussolini who had looked over the edge and found a deep bottomless abyss waiting. He however felt confident enough in his position, that he used this to advance his prospect of a new Roman Empire.

Timeline Early Thirties:
September 14, 1930: Germans elect Nazis making them the 2nd largest political party in Germany.

January 15, 1931: Italo Balbo completes a 10.400 km flight from Orbetello to Rio de Janeiro.

November 8, 1932: Roosevelt elected President of the United States.

January 30, 1933: Adolf Hitler becomes Chancelleor of Germay.

Febuary 27, 1933: The Reichstag burns.

March 12, 1933: The first KZ camp is opened.

April 1, 1933: Nazi boycott of Jewish owned shops.

July 14, 1933: NSDAP, the Nazi party, declared only legit party in Germany.

October 14, 1933: Germany quits the League of Nations.

August 12, 1933: Italo Balbo lands in the USA. He was welcomed like a hero. President Roosevelt invited him to lunch, and the Sioux Indian tribe appointed him chief, with the name of "Flying Eagle".

January 5, 1934: Italo Balbo is sent to Libya as Governor.

March 2, 1934: Dino Grandi is fired as Foreing Minister and sent to London as ambassador.

June 13, 1934: Mussolini has a revelation while meeting with Hitler.

July 25, 1934: Chancellor Dollfuss of Austria is assasinated in his office.

August 19, 1934: Hitler becomes Führer of Germany.

War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military.
– Georges Clemenceau.

Having met the Führer of Germany in person, Mussolini knew war and much, much worse were brewing. To revitalize Italia and counter the eventual German threat, he brought men like Italo Balbo, Dino Grandi and Giuseppe Bottai back from obscurity, and disfavour, and gave them the task of bringing Italia forward and out of its stupor. Balbo, Grandi and Bottai gathered a follwoing of able administrators and bright innovators around them and began the work of bringing Italia into modern times. Men like Farinacci and Starace was rapidly sidelined or picked up by the OVRA or other dark clad men at night.
The new men, soon to be called the Leonardi, after the brilliant Leonardo da Vince, spearheaded a series of reforms that shook up the slow and somewhat atrophied Italian economy. The first was land reform, where the major landowners’ stranglehold on land was broken, a series of agricultural cooperatives and businesses was set up under Leonardi supervison. Troops had to be called in here and there, especialley in Sicily and southern Italia, and a few regular battles fought between soldier and the Landowners mafiosi. Ironically, this was one of the things the landowners had used the Fascists to do in the early 1920’s. In the end the reforms got implementet and many of the large landowners ended up with a small plot in the colonies, their large tracts of land and equally large fortunes confiscated and put to better use. Infrastructure also became a paramount concern for the Leonardi, and imposing highways, which had a conspicious likeness to the German Autobahns, and an extended likewise impressing railways were being build all over Italia and the colonies. The Leonardi also began looking into the hidden oil reservoires rumored to be found in Libyan desert.

Mussolini’s new understanding of the world and his sense of a mission didn’t prevent him from walking distrubingly close to the abyss in foreign matters. Mussolini felt that for Italia to become a true great power it had to play a very active role in foreign affaires and thus gain prestige and creat a sense of national pride. Abyssinia was always considered in the sphere of Italian influence, and it was also the only remaining country in Africa which still preserved its indepence. Abyssinia had also defeated the Italians at Adwa in 1896, so in Mussolini’s eyes Abyssinia was perfect for a test of Italia’s arms. Mussoloni therefor ordered the conquest af Abyssinia, over the reinstated Foreign Minister, Dino Grandi’s objections. To repair the damage to Italia’s international reputation he sent the young and charming Gian Galeazzo, Count Ciano, to London and the everpopular Balbo on a goodwill tour to the USA (many americans, among them president Roosevelt and Lindbergh, fondly remembered the Italian Flying Eagle). Grandi, Ciano and Balbo’s efforts immediately began softening the already weak and ineffective sanctions the League of Nations.

The Spanish Civil War allowed the Italian Commando Supremo to see the effect of modern warfare, and to a certain degree exercise the use of its armed forces and new weapons, but more importantly, it allowed the Germans and Italians an opportunity to develop and embrace radical new methods of war.

Timeline Midthirties:
Febuary 2, 1935: Giuseppe Bottai is appointed as minister in the newly created super ministry of Ministri dell'Industria e del Economia Nazionale (Ministry of Industry and National Economy), Dino Grandi is reinstated as head of the Ministri degli Affari esteri (Foreign Ministry) and Italo Balbo as ministerial head of Ministro della Produzione bellica e del Aeronautica (Ministry of War Production and the Air Force) with Rino Corso Fougier as undersecretary.

March 16, 1935: Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription.

September 15, 1935: Germany implement Nuremberg Race Laws.

July 32, 1935: General Badoglio is replaced as head of Commando Supremo by Mussolini, and general Ugo Cavallero put in his place.

October 3, 1935: Mussolini sends his legions under the command of general Rudolfo Graziani across the Abyssinia border from Italian Somaliland and Eritrea.

October 6, 1935: Adowa in Abyssinia is conqured. Italian troops ravaged the place and is rumored to have killed several civilians.

November 19, 1935: Italian forces is now some 100 miles into Abyssinia. Resistance is surprisingly heavy throughout the country, but the envigorated Italian forces were more than ready to deal with it. Graziani however is somewhat worried and ask Rome for further reinforcements.

November, 23 1935: Mussolini forces the Pope to accept the Abyssinian Coptic Church. Following this step resistance seem to be ebbing away.

December 4, 1935: The Italians bring in more and better tanks organized in the Brigata Corazzata Speciale (Special Brigade Unit). Italia also deploy their first long range reconnaissance company of motorized cars in the Reparto Esplorante di Corpo d'Armata di Manovra or RECAM (Reconnaissance Unit of the Army Mobile Corps). One young captain, Junio Borghese, is to become world famous as a daring commando.

December 10, 1935: Back in Rome the Chief of Commando Supremo, Ugo Cavallero is taking carefull notes of the Abyssinian campaign, and wonders if not the armoured units should be grouped in more organic divisions and used en masse.

December 30, 1935: General Cavallero dispatches the armoured Ariete Division and the newly mechanized Trento Division to the Abyssinian theater.

March 7, 1936: German troops occupy the Rhineland.

May 5, 1936: The victorious Italian army marched into the capital of Addis Ababa, and Abyssinia is formally annexed. Rudolfo Graziani is promoted to Field Marshall.

June 27, 1936: Count Ciano is nominated ambassador to Britain.

June 30, 1936: The former Abyssinian Emperor Haile Selassie, who barely escaped the invading Italians, speaks before the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland: "It is us today. It will be you tomorrow!" He warned the assembly. Dino Grandi in turn took to the stand and asked who could do more for the poor, illiterate Abyssinians? Italia the great European power or the corrupt and nepostistic ex-emperor?” After further verbal exchanges the League decided not to respond militarily and instigated minor economic sanctions against Italia, but these were soon undermined by carefull and clever Italian diplomacy.

July 2, 1936: Italo Balbo once more lands in the USA. He and Charles Lindberg becomes fast friends. The large Italian minority, and quite a few native Americans, hails Balbo as a true hero!

July 19, 1936: General Emilio Mola issues his proclamation of revolt in Navarre. The uprising is of the a shaky start in most of Spain. But Mola's forces was successful in the Canary Islands, Morocco, Seville and Aragon.

20 July, 1936: General Mola’s emmisaries to Hitler and Mussolini request military aid and technical assistance. While Hitler promptly accepted the offer, Mussolini is more cautious. He does however send advisors, observers, some volunteeers and shipments of older weapons to Spain. On the advice of his Foreign Minister, Mussolini is carefull to direct most od his support to the Carlists elements within Mola’s coalition, and makes sure the would knows the Fascisti is backing the Spanish monarchy, not just a rebellious general!.

July 26, 1936: The COMINTERN agrees to send volunteers and funds to aid the Republican cuase in the Spanish Civil War.

July 29, 1936: German transport aircraft begin to airlift Nationalist troops from Spain's North African territories to Spain itself.

August 1, 1936: Olympic games begin in Berlin.

August 8, 1936: The French Government begin to change its attitude towards Republican Spain and stops further sales of arms and ammunition to the Republicans in late ’36. This markes the beginning of the Non-Intervention Policy by most western countries..

August 24, 1936: The new Soviet Ambassador, Marcel Rosenberg, arrives in Republican Spain. He is accompanied by a large number of Russian advisers. Mussolini and his gorvernment view this with suspicion.

September 19, 1936: The Republican submarine B6 was sunk by Italian destroyer, Emanuele Pessagno, off the coast near Gibraltar.

October 2, 1936: Nationalist general Francisco Franco dies in airplane crash under mysterious circumstances.

October 5, 1936: General Mola is proclaimed Generalissimo (Commander-in-Chief) and Head of State in Burgos.

October 12, 1936: Soviet aid begin to arrive in Republican Spain.

October 25, 1936: A large part of Spain's Gold Reserve is transferred to the USSR. This is payment for the Soviet aid.

October 29, 1936: Soviet tanks and aircraft appeares at the front in Spain for the first time. Italian commandos under now major Junio Borghese is ordered to capture and bring back examples of the Soviet weapons if possible.

November 17, 1936: The German Condor Legion is in action for the first time.

November 18, 1936: Germany, and later Mussolini, recognises General Mola's government. In Rome Dino Grandi meets with several representatives from the Spanish Carlist movement.

December 23, 1936: The first Italian volunteers and shipments of Italian supplies arrive in the Nationalist port of Cadiz.

Late thirties
The great masses of people... will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one!
- Adolf Hitler.

The optimist thinks that this is the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist knows it!
- J.Robert Oppenheimer.

Mussolini sad there for the moment completely lost in time and thought. Graman troops had just crossed the borden to the rump Czech state, thereby violating the Venezia Treaty. He began to reflect more closely on the Graman Führer. If Hitler really meant for war with the rest of the world, the he probably ment the rest of his insane ramblings! Mussolini found it hard to belive, that Hitler really meant what he had written in Mein Kampf about the Jews and all the other numerous kinds of people he seem to hate so passionately? Mussolini himself had known, and knew Jews. There were even Jews in the Party, men who held postions of importance and prominence in his regime. Hah, he had even loved a couple. Fondly Mussolini remembered his Queen of Sheeba, Margherita Sarfatti. Did he really want those hinted-at and oh-so-subtle and rather permanent solutions for the Jews? Mussolini found the answer deep in his soul and squared his impressing jaw.
He called for Milch. When the still imposing former German officer came. Mussolini just sat there quitely for a long time and then suddenly asked: “Do you know of these rumors that are coming from your old homeland?”
Milchs face stiffened but answered nonetheless: “Yes, Duce! I do!”
Mussolini nodded, he had feared as much, but asked the next question anyway. “And do your former Führere take himself and all his own nonsence seriosly?”
Milch went pale, which was more than enough answer for Mussolini. “Ah, I thought so! Well then,” he said, “we shall have to see to that!”.

The Leonardi enacted several new economic measures designed to gear up and expand the Italian economy. The armed forces begin a five year military buildup plan which ironically would decrease the size of the armed forces, especially the army, but thoroughly modernize their weapons, equipment and doctrines.
Following the economic and military reforms the Italian Army decided to replace the bulk of their outdated artilley, especially the heavy artillery, which for the most part were old Austro-Hungarian pieces. The army selected two good and thoroughly modern designs by Ugo Cavallero’s Army designteam, one a gun with a caliber of 149mm and a howitzer with a caliber of 210mm. A production order for no less than respectively 900 and 400 was placed.
Together with the focus on artillery Cavallero and his resident Leonardi under colonel Berlese began an extensive tank and anti-tank research program. Alle the lessons from Spain and Abyssinia taken to heart.
Milch and Italo Balbo had grand designs for the Regia Aeronautica (Royal Airforce). Planes like Giuseppe Gabrilli’s G.50 Freccia and later the updated FIAT G55 Centauro would together with Mario Gastoldi’s Macchi series, (The MC.200 Saetta, MC.202 Folgore and MC.205 Veltro) gain RA an edge in the air for years to come.

In Germany, the Jews were coming under increased pressure as Hitler and the Nazi Party stired up more resentment against them. The Nazu inner circle soon began to consider deporting Jews or place them in camps where they could be exploited as cheap and ready aviliable slave labor along with other undesirables. A few voiced opinions of more final solutions.
Anti-Jewish sentiment was also on the rise in most of Europe. Especially in Austria, Czechoslovakia , France, Romania and Russia. In Italia, and Hungary, however it seems that the madness that is seizing most of the continent is passing the nation by. Mussolini and his Fascists approved of many a thing in Hitler’s Germany, but in the end National Socialism with its focus on race, blood and soil, was not anything like Mussolini’s Fascism. Fascism was founded on unity and on the idea of a corporativistic whole, and all that mattered was loyalty to the State, the Fascisti, and, of course Mussolini, not blood, race or somesuch nonsence!

While Mussolini as mentioned sent advisors and observers to Spain, he did not involved Italia further in the Spanish Civil War. Hitler several times asked his Italian opposite number to join Germany’s so called volunteers in fighting the socialists in Spain. Mussolini refused to commit Italia to any further adventures at present. But he did however sign a non-aggression treaty with Germany and, in a greate coup for the new Italian foreign policy, and Count Ciano in London personally, the United Kingdoms. The new Mussolini would rather cut his own throath than follow Hitler to Hell or, for that matter, risk war with the British, at present at least.

Italian propaganda brings out the big guns when the exiled King of Spain, Armadeus I, makes a public appearance in Monaco with his brother the King of Italia in the sommer of 1937, and his heir Carlos Amadeus. General Mola view this as an attempt to undermine his authority, witch it in a way is. Grandi knows that the Italian support to Mola’s Nationalists is somewhat unpopular in Britain, so the Foreing Ministry tries to make it a matter of supporting the Carlists in Spain instead of the Nationalists. Following the rather succesfull PR event, Italia steps up its shipments of arms and supplies. Most of the weapons however is older equipment which is being replaced by the Italian armed forces.

In 1938 the Mussolini and Grandi had another chance to shine on the international scene. To Mussolini it seem that Hitler had begun his descent into his Wagnerite nightmare: Hitler had initiated an invasion of the Sudetenlands and annexed Austria in the Anschluss. Both were actions positively prohibited by the Versailles Treaty. Neither the French or the British wanted a war, as they were far from ready for one, but they couldn’t let Germany’s acts of unabassed aggression go unanswered. Mussolini got the French and British out of the impasse by chairing a peace conference in Venezia. The Venezia Conference’s end document ratified the German acts, but obtained assurances from Hitler that this would be the end of his expansionism. The Venezia Conference was hailed by many as a masterpiece of statemanship by Mussolini, and Grandi. The British PM, Chamberlain, would return to England waving a piece of paper and proclaming peace in our time…

Timeline Late Thirties:
January 3, 1937: Grandi and von Ribbentrop meets in Münich and signs a Non-agression pact. The German Foreign Minister presses for more binding agrements, but Grandi refuses.

April 19, 1937: The Falange and Carlists Movement in Spain is united and becomes the Royalists.

May 22, 1937: Goering dies in an car accident. Hitler is heartbroken and declares a national day of mourning. Goering recieves a full stat funeral and a sadden Hitler holds one an unusual calm memorial speech.

May 24, 1937: Ernst Udet is promoted to Air Marshall and Commander in Chief of the Luftwaffe.

May 29, 1937: Gestapo-agents arrest Luftwaffe general Erhard Milch on the suspecion of jewish ancestry. Without Goerings patronship and support Milchs jewish background is exposed and he is found of mixed blood and unworthy to serve in the armed forces of the Third Reich by a court martial!

June 7, 1937: Erhard Milch is welcomed in Rome! Mussolini is in direct opposition to Hitler’s policies regarding Jews, and on the advice of Italo Balbo, who sees Milch as an great asset to the Regia Aeronautica, Mussolini offers Milch a place in the Regia Aeronauticas R&D department and puts him in an Italian uniform. Milch is soon becoming an important part of the research and development program.

June 9, 1937: Hitler is enragde but is more or less told to go to Hell by and an equally enraged Mussolini.

June 11, 1937: Soviet leader Stalin begins a purge of Red Army generals.

August 4, 1937: Amadeus I, the exiled King of Spain, his son and heir, Carlos Amadeus, and King Vittorio Emmanuele III of Italia makes a public appeareance in Monaco. General Mola appearantly is furious.

October 7, 1937: Mussolini and Grandi meets with Chamberlain and his Foreign Minister in London. The Italians succeeds in getting the British to sign a non-agression treaty.

March 12, 1938: Hitler announces the Anschluss, or union, with Austria. The Italian government, and Mussolini, protest vehemently, but ultimately to no end.

August 12, 1938: German military mobilizes.

August 13, 1938: Italian military mobilizes. Commando Supremo Chief, Ugo Cavallero, warns Mussolini that the armed forces is not ready for war.

August 15, 1938: Foreign Minister Dino Grandi suggest an peace conference. Mussolini agrees.

September 30, 1938: The Peace Conference at Venezia. British PM, Chamberlain, appeases Hitler at Munich.

October 10, 1938: The Italian Army demobilizes. Mussolini and General Cavallero is shocked by the poor states of the conscripts and their equipment. There’s a lot more to do for the Leonardi.

October 15, 1938: The German Army occupy the Sudentenland, and the Czechoslovakian government resigns.

Nov 9, 1938: Nazis in Germany instigates the Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass).

Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after the changes occur!
- Giulio Douhet.

I intend to declare war, not wage it!
- Mussolini.

When Germany, not to the overt surprise of anyone in Rome, invaded Poland against all previous agreements. Mussolini met with Balbo, Grandi and his son-in-law, the ambassador to London, Count Ciano, in Mussolini’s office in the Palazzo Venizia in Rome. When Mussolini asked what the Italian position should be. Balbo with usual lack of finéss showed simply said that Italia must never be reduced to shoe-shiners of German jackboots, neither to lackeys of the capitalistic pigs in London and Paris. Both Mussolini and Grandi agreed, eventhough the young Ciano would have liked to se the Legions march of to war! But as Baldo said "Either it will be necessary to rid the world of Hitler or he will selfdestruct!” Mussolini laconically said. "Hitler will have a bad ending!"

Mussolini himself wouldn’t mind to see the arrogant French, the snobbish British, the red revolutionaries in the USSR or the insane Nazis cut down to size, but he knew that Italia could not survive a conflict with Germany or the United Kingdoms. At least, not without a more larger, modern industrial complex and the armed forces to match the Germans or the British. Well, weak as she might be Italia had its own goals, and Mussoloni would see that they at least were reached.

While the Allies, as France and the British had begun reffering to themselves, and Germany were busy squaring off over Poland, they had no time to spare when Italia claimed Albania as its rightfull provins. Italia had a long standing political and financial interest in Albania, and Mussolini used this as a reason for the invasion and annexation. In late march Foreign Minister Grandi met with Albania’s King Zog and gave hin an ultimatum, which in fact was more a declaration of war than anything else. Albania was then invaded and annexed in a text book demonstration of efficiency by the newly formed San Marco marines and other of Italia’s new legions.

Timeline 1939:
January 24, 1939: Reinhard Heydrich og the RSHA is ordered by Himmler to speed up emigration of Jews.

January 30, 1939: In his speech before the Reichstag on the sixth anniversary of his coming to power, Hitler proclaims: “In the course of my life I have very often been a prophet, and have usually been ridiculed for it. During the time of my struggle for power, it was in the first instance only the Jewish race that received my prophecies with laughter when I said that I would one day take over the leadership of the state and with it that of the whole nation and that I would then among other things settle the Jewish problem. Their laughter was uproarious, but I think that for some time now they have been laughing on the other side of their face. Today I will once more be a prophet: if the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevising of the earth and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!” In Rome Mussolini skaes his head and comments: “He’s not a very good speaker, is he?”

April 7, 1939: The Regia Marina anchores off the coast of Albania, an begin to land 2 divisions of Bersaglieris and a regiment of marines under general Messe, one of the Army’s new shining stars. Resistance is sporadic, weak and overcome without difficulties.

April 8, 1939: King Zog along with his family escapes to Greece and was subsequently granted asylum by Athens.

April 16, 1939: Albania surrenders to Fascist Italia and on King Victor Emmanuelle III unites the crown of Albania to that of Italia and the colonies.

March 10, 1939: Stalin postulates a kinship between Nazism and Communism in a radio speech.

March 15, 1939: German troops occupy the rest of Czechoslovakia, annexing Bohemia and Moravia and giving Ruthenia to Hungary. Slovakia is granted indepencence. This was all in violation of Venizia Agreement of the previous year, but only produced weak British and French protests. Mussolini is furious.

May 22, 1939: Germany and Soviets sign Pact of Steel. Most of the Pact is secret, but the two countries publicly declare a non-agression and mutual aid pact.

July 11, 1939: Last stand of the International Brigades at Barcelona. Mola’s forces decimate the foreign troops, but takes serious casualties duing so.

July 26, 1939: The first the post-Milch fighters is taken into service by the RA. The new series of Macchi MC.200M is to replace the older G.50. Through new technics and more efficient management the cost of the MC.220M is reduced by some 50% and the bulding time is cut down to about 10.000 man hours. Futhermore onboard radios, canon armament and more powerfull inline motors is installed in the M-series.

July 28, 1939: The Royalists enters a ruined Madrid.

July 30, 1939: Hostilities in Spain ceases.

August 1, 1939: General Mola announces that the civil war is over.

August 6, 1939: Mussolini pressures Mola into considering accepting the House of Savoy's claim to the vacant Spanish Throne. Mola makes no definite comiment at this stage.

August 25, 1939: Britain and Poland sign a Mutual Assistance Treaty.

August 31, 1939: British fleet mobilizes. Civilian evacuations begin from London.

September 1, 1939: The German army stream over across the border to Poland.

September 3, 1939: Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.

September 4, 1939: British Royal Air Force attacks the German Navy.

September 5, 1939: Italia and the USA proclaims neutrality. German troops cross the Vistula River in Poland.

September 10, 1939: Canada declares war on Germany.

September 17, 1939: The USSR invades Poland from the east. Polish defences quickly collapses

September 29, 1939: Germany and the USSR divide Poland as agreed upon in the Pact of Steel.

November 8, 1939:Assassination attempt on Hitler fails.

October 18, 1939: The first new upgunned tanks with welted armour of the M18/39 series is accepted for service. Different Sermovente selfpropelled guns and tank hunters is tested by the Italian army. Ugo Cavallero is most satisfied and orders several vehicles for his new armoured and mechanized division.

November 30, 1939: The USSR launches an attack on Finland. Italian volunteers, arms, and advisors is send to Finland. Mussolini condemns the invasion and Stalin rather harsly: “One man, one man only, a real tyran, through a series of infinite provocations, betraying with a supreme fraud the population of his country, wants nothing more than war and has prepared for it day by day with diabolical obstinacy!”

December 14, 1939: The USSR is expelled from the League of Nations.

December 24, 1940: Pope Pius XII makes a Christmas appeal for peace.

Italians must be kept standing up by kicking them in their shins!
- Mussolini.

In 1940 Hitler ordered an invasion of Belgium and Holland and thus avoided the direct confrontation in Alsace and Lorraine. France soon imploded and fell to the German Panzers, who seem to roam at will. It was during these hectic days that Mussolini seized, what he saw as a golden opportunity. As the Germans took Paris and the French government collapsed in confusion, Italian forces in Eritrea quickly took control of the French colony, Djibouti. Likewise did a couple of Italian Alpini divisions spearheaded by the now famous San Marco marines under Umberto, Prince of Piemonte and commander of the Italian Western Army Group land in the Savoy. Needless to say, the population of Italia was ecstatic.

Immediately Germany and England both wanted to know what the intentions of Italia was, and Grandi in the Foreign Ministry quickly replied. His sent a special envoy to Germany, reaffirming the non-aggression treaty and Italia’s neutrality and went to London himself, where he stated that the invasion of Djibouti were a unfortunate, but necessary act to ensure the safety of maritime traffic in the Rea Sea. And that the liberation of Savoy was the obvious solution to a long controversy between Italia and France. After all, as the Italian Minister put it, with a new, pro-German government forming under Petain, did the British really want to risk these strategically important territories falling under Nazi control? And did the British really want to start a war with yet another nation, while they were trying to fight a seemingly lost war with Germany? In the end Churchill acquiesced to the Italian’s naked aggression, but couldn’t, or would, hide his contempt for these actions.

Timeline 1940:
January 8, 1940: Rationing begins in Britain.

March 3, 1940: Britain intends to proposed ban on Italian imports of German coal.

March 9, 1940: Dino Grandi fly to London and succeeds with the aid of Count Ciano to reach an agreement regarding the freedom of Italian trade. It is rumoured that Mussolini and Churchill exchange several telegrams and even had telephone conversations during the negotiations.

March 16, 1940: The German Luftwaffe bomb Scapa Flow naval base near Scotland.

April 9, 1940: Finland signs a peace treaty with the USSR. Returning Italian veterans is marched through Rome, where they are cheered and complimented by Mussolini and Cavallero as true heirs to the proud inheritage of the Roman Legions. Standing by Musolini and King Vittorio Emanuelle III’s side is Carlos Amadeus, the son of exiled Spanish king. Italian news reels show a lot of pictures of the young man in the following week..

May 10, 1940: Germany invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. In Britain Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister.

May 12, 1940: Dino Gradi meet with general Mola in Madrid. Mola is under intens Italian pressure to allow Carlos Amadeus back in Spain and accept him as King.

May 15, 1940: Holland surrenders to the Germans.

May 26, 1940: Evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk in Operation Dynamo begin. As Calais fall to the rapidly advancing Germans the evacuation becomes frantic.

May 27, 1940: Luftwaffe activity increases in France and will gain absolute supremacy over Northern France in the next days. Some 40,000 Allied troops is brought of the beaches at Dunkirk.

May 28, 1940: The last night of the Dunkirk evacuation sees 50,000 Allied troops evacuated from Dunkirk. All in all some 120,000 Allied troops escapes the Germans. After heavy fighting the German spearhead bearch the defence and takes 100,000 Allied prisoners and captures huge quantities of equipment and supplies.

May 28, 1940: Belgium surrenders to the Germans. Churchill fly's to Paris to meet with the Supreme Allied War Council. His position is precarious because of the Dunkrk catastrophe.

June 3, 1940: Lufwaffe bomb Paris.

June 8, 1940: Carlos Amadeus is finnaly crowned King of Spain, and Spain proclaimed a constititional monarchy with Emilio Mola as premier.

June 14, 1940: Paris falls to the Germans. Italia, and Mussolini, who explodes with envy stays quiet, though the British and the French expect war at any moment. The Italian public cries for war, but Mussolini and his inner circle, the Leonardi, decides it's better to play it safe and see how the situation develops. A few secret preparations is taking place though.

June 16, 1940: The quick fall of France and the British governments apparent weakness is the sign Mussolini had been waiting for. As the Germans occupy Paris and the French government tries to rally, Italian forces in Eritrea cosses the borders and quickly take control of Djibouti. Likewise a couple of Italian divisions are landed in Savoy, thus reestablishing the border at the 1859 lines.

June 18, 1940: Marshal Pétain becomes French Prime Minister.

June 19, 1940: Mussolini holds his now famous Forum Romanum speech: "In just 30 years of Fascist rule, Italia has eclipsed France. In the next century, we will rise above Britain and Germany and leave them in the dust behind us!"

June 21, 1940: Italian torpedo boat Clio is sunks by Fench submarine Narval off the coast of North Africa.

June 27, 1940: The French sign an armistice at Compiègne.

June 28, 1940: Hitler tours Paris.

July 1, 1940: German u-boots begins a limited campaign against merchant shipping in the Atlantic. Hitler is very carefull about ulimited submarine warfare, since he clearly remembers the American reaction in the Great War.

July 5, 1940: French Vichy government breaks off relations with Britain. Subsequently British Britain recognizes colonel Charles de Gaulle as leader of the Free French and aides in the conquest of Vichy Equatorial Africa. De Gaulle sets up his Free French in Dakar.

July 10, 1940: Battle of Britain begins. Air Marshall Udet’s Luftwaffe concentrates on British radar installations and air bases.

July 23, 1940: Stalin orders the Red Army into the Baltic States. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is annexed. In Rome Mussolini suffers a fit and vows to fight communism whenever possible.

August/september, 1940: The Battle of Britain. Italian observers are present om both sides. Ciano reports that the British seem to be somewhat annoyed with the Italians. Luftwaffes M109 and longe range Heinkel fighters are doing remarkably well against the British ditto.

August 13, 1940: Luftwaffe begins to raid British airfields and factories further inland. Most of the British radar installations is at this time totally destroyed and the RAF fights halfblinde.

August 15, 1940: Air Marshall and Luftwaffe Commander in Chief Ernst Udet is complimented by Hitler at his forward headquarter at the English Channel in France.

August 21: First Battle of London. Luftwaffe tries to draw the RAF into a decisive battle.

August 25: Second Battle of London. Massive air battle with over 800 planes involved. Heavy casualties on both sides. A jubilant Udet proclaims RAF dead and gone.

September 3, 1940: Hitler plans the invasion of Britain under the codename Operation Sealion. Kriegsmarine Commander in Chief Raeder protest.

September 5, 1940: Hitler declares a blockade of the British Isles.

Septemer 7, 1940: Third Battle of London. The RAF seems to bee quite alive, but is mauled even further bu the Luftwaffe. Air Maskal Udet and his Chief of Staff, Felmy, begins to worry over the many casualties Luftwaffes pilots are taking..

September 15, 1940: Massive air raids on British Channel Ports. RAF has withdrawn into the interior and the bombers reign free.

Sept 16, 1940: United States military conscription bill passed.

September 20, 1940: A exultant Hitler orders Operation Sealion executed.

September 23, 1940: Thousands of German troops drown in the English Channel when a sudden storm hits the invasion fleet. The Royal Navy and the Kriegsmarine clashes violently the next days and both sides suffers dearly. Luftwaffe and the Kriegmarine’s torpedo bombers presence seems to tip the balance ever so slightly in the Germans favour, but the weather ruins the invasion.

October 1, 1940: A disguested Hitler sacks Keitel and Raeder and postpone Operation Sealion indefinitely.

October 2, 1940: Dönitz is promoted to Commander in Chief for the Kriegsmarine and ordered to step up his u-boot campaign.

October 3, 1940: Hitler declares a blockade of the British Isles and unleasheds the u-boots. The humiliation of Operation Sealion has made Hitler forget all about the Americans, now he wants to see Britain brought down no matter to cost.

October 7, 1940: German troops enter Romania.

October 18, 1940: Hitler fails to convince neither of Mola, Mussolini or Pétain to enter the war against Britain. The meeting is somewhat of a disaster since the invited French and Italian statesmen dislikes each other profoundly.

November 5, 1940 - Roosevelt reelected as president in the USA.

November 10, 1940: Italian torpedo boat Calipso sinks after hitting a mine near Tripoli.

November 14, 1940: Germans bomb the British port of Hull.Large parts of the city is destroyed in violent firestorms that are fueled by the huge stocks of coal in the city.

November 20, 1940: Hungary, Slovakia and Germany signs a so called armed alliance treaty, mentioned countries is hence known as the Central Powers.

November 23, 1940: Romania joins the Central Powers.

December 12, 1940: Mussolini meets with the Turkish president Inonö. Inonö relays a piece advice to Mussolini: “never ever fight the British!” The meeting ends with Turkey buying som outdated Italian warships, u-boats and bi-planes.

December 23, 1940: Italian torpedo boat Fratelli Cairoli sinks after hitting a mine off the coast of Tripoli.
Alikchi said:
I like this. I especially like your alternate Mussolini. Keep going! :)

Thank you very much, Alikchi - had begun to wonder if anybody read it! :)

I'll post 1941 either tomorrow or the day after - I'm having a few difficulties with Britain and a civil war in Yugoslavia!

Besides that, any comment or ideas?

Best regards!

post war

Having thousands of Free French in Senagal during the war will have interesting after effects. :rolleyes:

having "non German freindly" italian troops in Albania will also have interesting effects. As a Road block to German expansion down the Balkans, No Germans in Greece. ?Whould the Germans even go into Jugoslavnia? ?IF not what happens to Marchall Tito? Italian surrport to reinstall the Jugoslavnia King.

Interesting- will tune in tommorrow for the next exciting episode.

Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains!
- Churchill.

We cannot be less present than Slovakia. We have to repay our ally!
- Mussolini.

Mussolini, remembering the rapports about Hitler and his mad obsession with racial purity, used the various Jews within the Fascisti, who all seemed to be among the Leonardi, to set up an office that would favour immigration from occupied Europe into the Italian colonies.
Under the aegis of the Leonardi hundreds of new farmsteads was opened up to refugees from Nazi prosecution, and exiled Italian political and military outcasts. Nummerous new fishing communities was created along the coastlines. New industries was set up, at first related to the agricultural and infrastructural needs, but in the following years extended to other sectors as well. During the diplomatic offensive in the USA several American coporations were invited in to make their own fortunes in Italia and especially in Italian Africa. Infrastructure was also opgraded, with networks of new paved roads and an ever growing railway network.
An important radical decision in Italian politics was made in regard to the coloniesand its inhabitants. Just like Algeria was with France, Libya was proclaimed an integrated part of Italia. Unlike the French, however, Italia decided not just to annex the land, but to integrate the people living there as well. Citizenship was at first extended to most of the Libyan population. Later Eritreans, Somalis and Abyssinians would be rewarded with citizenship for their merits and loyalty to Italia. Like Caracalla’s Edict had extended Roman citizenship to the entire Empire, the Kingdom now extended the same citizenship to larger and larger parts of its population. Mussolini of course made much of this parallel, which Foreign Minister Grandi’s people overseas, not surprisingly, did too. These new citizens would provide Mussolini and the Fascisti with some of their most ardent supporters and steadfast soldiers in the years to come.

In mid 1941 Carabinieri major Talamo and group of the Sezione Prelevamento (Withdrawal Section) of SIM broke into the American embassy in Rome and stole a code book known as the Black Code. They photographed the codes and put the book back in its place with no one the wiser. The photograhs were then used to decipher secret American diplomatic communication. Eventough Grandi at first was furious at the serious breach of diplomatic protocol, he was later trilled by having direct acces to the Americans mail. The Black Code would become a essential tool for the Ministri degli Affari esteri in many years to come.

Italian and Iraqi diplomats met in Rome for a disussion of Italian arms sales and aid in creating a mordern Iraqi army, navy and air force. In return Italia is granted very favorable terms regarding access to olie. This source of vital oil provides the Italians with the ability to use their Fleet and airforce with greater impunity. Secretly Rashid Ali’s envoys promises to nationalize british oli interests in Iraq in return for Turko-Axis protection. As for now however the second part of the negotiations is put on hold and held secret.

In the early summer of ´41 Yugoslavia disintegrated into civil war triggered by German pressure for it to join the Central Powers. Mussolini ordered the military to intervene as peace keepers, and back the Kroatian Nationalists amongst others. The various nationalities were allready fighting each other with great entusiasm, and Mussolini played them out against each other while the Germans were trying to figure out what to do – The German army apparently was not available to deal directly with the Yugoslavs. The Serb elements in the Yugoslavian army tried to resist, but the modernized and well equiped Italian armed forces managed to overwhelm all resistence with an impressive display of new tactics and superior logistics. Two forces, one from Northeastern Italia and one from Albania, under the command of respectively general Giovanni Messe and marshall Rudolfo Graziani, drove deep and fast into Yugoslavian territory, and soon had little to do but collect the masses of Albanian, Kroatian, Montenegrin and Slovenian POWs and deserters. The Serb units fought well, and forced the Italians to work for their victories in parts of the country.
The final break up of Yugoslavia took part in the Athens Balkan Conference. Italia claimed Dalmatia, most of Slovenia, Kosova and other mostly Albanian populated territories. Greece and Bulgaria divided Macedonia between them, while Romania and Hungary took Vojovdina and other border regions as well. Three new nations was made out of the former Yugoslavia: the Kroatian Republic, the Kingdom of Montenegro and finally the Kingdom of Serbia. Germany’s foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, who seemed odly non-present as if his mind was elsewhere, claimed German sovereingty over northern Slovenia at the Conference. Mussolini still needing Hitler’s goodwill gave in to the German demands, over the very vocal protests of the inhabitants by the way.

In London, Churchill and the Imperial Staff began to see the neutral Italia as much more of a problem than an active and hostile Italia – After all you could strike at an enemy, but at a supposed friend, no! The British dedicated a large naval force to watch over the Italians, whose suddenly quite clever government seemed capable of action and adventure at any given opportunity. Besides the naval and air units, no larger force of men was needed, so the Imperial Staff began to reinforce garrisons in the Far East, while keeping an eye out for trouble in the Mediterrenean.
The good relations Dino Grandi and his envoys had built with Spain, Turkey, USA and even the Greek became an effective block to any thought, on the British side, to take matters further. The enthusiasm the various Italo-American communities showed at Mussolini’s many successes, and his increased prestige in the USA, were enough to convince Churchill and his cabinet not to take steps against the Italians. Once again Mussolini and Grandi managed to wiggle their way though the diplomatic difficulties. Indeed, by acting as guarantor for Bulgarian, Greek, Kroatian, Spanish and Turkish independence and neutrality, Mussolini’s prestige increased even further, at least outside of Whitehall…

Deep within himself Mussolini felt an urge to fight the menace of communism, and, not to forget, he needed to be on the German’s good side, however much he personally detest their Führer. When the Central Powers invades the USSR, the Fascisti on Mussolini’s order organised, and the Army equiped, an Italian Volunteer Legion, Corpo di Spedizione Italiano, under general Ettore Bastico to join the fighting on the Eastern Front. Five divisions of Blackshirts and Young Fascists was formed and shipped out East. Mussolini however did not declare war on the USSR, and made sure the world knew the Italian forces at the front were volunteers. The Italian units was actually rather well equiped and trained. The units was all staffed with officers from the Abyssinian, Albanian and Yugoslavian campaigns, and many of ther men had some kind of military experience. SS and some Wehrmacht units on the Eastern Front would later complain that the Italian soldiers protected and even evacuated Jews when the notorious Einstazgruppen showed up. Later in the war Italia expanded its commitment and sent regular army units, among them the armoured Ariete and the alpini Julia divisions.

Timeline 1941:
January 1, 1941: Germany begins negotiations regarding Bulgaria's entry into the Central Powers.

January 12, 1941: The Kingdoms of Italia and Spain signs the Mediterrenean Pact with Turkey as an assosiated member. The Mediterrenean Pact is a defensive alliance and free trade zone all in one. In a now famous speech, Mussolini referres to the Rome/Madrid Pact as an Axis in which all of the Mediterrenean revolves around. The term Axis will be the unofficial name of the pact

January 14, 1941: New reform spree in the Italian Army. Over 20 generals and more than 300 other officers are fired. Besides that, the numbers of divisons was further reduced by merging them in triangular divisons instead of binary ones. More anti-aircraft and anti-tank artillery added to all divisions no matter type.

January 23, 1941: Hitler demands that Bulgaria joins the Central Powers, but the Bulgarians play for time, and seek closer ties with the Axis. Mussolini guarantees Bulgarias indepencence, much to Hitlers annoyance

January 29, 1941: Greek general, and ruler, Metaxis dies. Alexandros Korizis takes his place.

Febuary 12, 1941: The British Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden and general Sir John Dill, Chief of the Imperial General Staff leave Britain for a tour of the Balkan capitals in order to try and establish a counterweight to the Central Powers and the Axis. However, Yugoslavia refuses to see them and Turkey and Bulgaria refuses their proposals flat out. Only Greece shows some interest.

Febuary 14, 1941: Hitler starts to apply pressure on Yugoslavia to join the Central Powers.

Febuary 15, 1941: Great Britain breaks off all diplomatic relations with Romania, as it is clear that the Romanians are firmly allied with the Central Powers.

March 1, 1941: Bulgaria joins the Axis after the discovery of a planned pro-British coup.

March 4, 1941: After Bulgaria's entry into the Axis, Hitler increases the pressure on Yugoslavia to join the Central Powers. as he demands that Yugoslavia joins now and accept stationing of German troops.

March 7, 1941: Günther Prien’s u-boot, U-47, is sunk by the British destroyer, HMS Wolverine.

March 11, 1941: President Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act. Congress at the same time gives Italia loan guarantees.

March 18, 1941: British Commandos raid the coast of Northern France and takes several prisoners.

March 25, 1941: Under heavy pressure Yugoslavia finally signs with the Central Powers. Four Yugoslav ministers resign rather than accept the terms of the treaty. Anti-German demonstrations in Yugoslavia.

March 27, 1941: A coup in Yugoslavia! General Simonic overthrows the government, and the treaty with the Central Powers is renounced. King Peter takes control and forms new cabinet under his supervision. Civil war erupts as pro-Central Powers, pro-Axis, pro-Allied, royalists, communists and sepparatists fights it out.

March 29, 1941: The Italian Army moves into Yugoslavia to restore order and peace.

April, 1941: Most of the month Lufwaffe attacks targets in Britain. The intense focus placed on construction and development of fighters under Air Marshall Udet, have given the Luftwaffe air supremacy over most of Southern Britain, but there are simply to few bombers for the attacks to be effective and they are taking casualties the Luftwaffe cannot afford. The German airforce suffers heavy losses and Udet is forced to call of the Blitz..

April 2, 1941: Several clashes between Italian troops and Yugoslavian army units. Most of Kroatia allies with Mussolini. The Regina Aeronautica carries out devastating attacks on Yugoslavia and wipes out the Yugoslav air force on the ground.

April 3, 1941: British Commandos once angain raid the coast of Northern France. An enraged Hitler orders every caught Commando shot instantly.

April 4, 1941: Pro-Axis regime set up in Iraq. Within the day, the Axis and Turkey has recognized the new regime under Rashid Ali. Britain demands that Iraq refrains from selling oil to any anti-British nation. Mussolini in a radio broadcast calls the new Iraqi regime: "A gathering of brave patriots, who is upholding Iraqi national sovereignty and defending the rights of Arabs everywhere!"

April 9, 1941: Italian troops capture Skopje in Macedonia. Great Britain severs diplomatic relations with Hungary and Slovakia.

April 11, 1941: Italian forces capture Nis and Monastir in Yugoslavia. In Zagreb, Ante Pavelic, the Kroatian Fascist leader, proclaims the independent state of Kroatia, and set himself up as Poglavnik (leader).

April 13, 1941: Italian forces begin their effort to push down the Yugoslav coast in order to link up with the 11th Army comming north from Albania.

April 14, 1941: Heavy German air attack on Plymouth, Hull and London. Luftwaffe navigators misjudges their positions and hit central London instead of the docks as intended.

April 16, 1941: RAF Bomber Command attacks Hamburg in retaliantion for the air attack on London two days before.

April 18, 1941: Greek forces invade Macedonia in support af the Italian aim of bringing peace to the wartorn country. The new Italian M20/40 tank is seen in combat for the first time, Armed with a long 50mm main gun and well protected by welted armour, the tank is a very unpleasant surprise to the Serbs.

April 23, 1941: Italian and Kroatian troops occupy Sarajevo in Yugoslavia.

April 27, 1941: In the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade, King Peter, sureenders to the Italian general Messe.

April 28, 1941: RAF Bomber Command attacks Berlin.

April 29, 1941: Fighting continues in Macedonia for the next dozen days.

May 1, 1941: Last major Luftwaffe bombing raid on Britain. London is hit several times. Following this attack, RAF generals are highly suspicious over the sudden absence of Luftwaffe from the skies over Britain. It seems that most aircraft has been withdrawn from France all together.

May 5, 1941: Vichy military court sentences 56 NCO’s and privates, siding with de Gaulle to death or hard labour in absentia. All property of free French fighters is to be confiscated.

May 10, 1941: A lone Me-110 fighter is shot down over the Channel. It’s later revealed that the pilot was no other than Nazi Deputy Führer Rudolph Hess.

May 15, 1941: The Athen Balkan Conference. Jugoslavia is partitioned. Italia gains Dalmatia, most of Slovenia, Kosova and other territories with Albanian speaking majorities. The rest of the former country of Yugoslavia is taken by Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. Three sovereign nations is established: The Kingdom of Montenegro, a Kroatian Republic and the Kingdom of Serbia. After some bickering Germany gains Northern Slovenia as rightfull compensation for her non-interference.

May 17. 1941: Italia sells a handfull of submarines and some other naval vessels to Romania and Turkey.

May 19, 1941: Egyptian liner Zamzam reported sunk by Germans in the South Atlantic, passenger list included over 200 Americans.

May 21, 1941: The US merchant ship Robin Moor is sunk by the German u-boot, U-69. This sinking of a neutral American vessel is publicly denounced by President Roosevelt and becomes yet another argument for him in his secret desire for bringing the United States into the war on Britains side. An RAF reconnaissance plane sight the German battleship Bismarck and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen on their way out into the Atlantic Ocean.

May 24, 1941: Bismarck along with Prinz Eugen sinks the pride of the Royal Navy, the battle cruiser Hood, and the Prince of Wales. Count Ciano delivers an official note of condolation signed be Grandi to the British PM, Churchill.

June 1, 1941: Bismarck and Prinz Eugen arrives in Brest for repairs.

June 4, 1941: Border clashes between Iraqi and Vichy French forces on the Syrian-Iraqi border. British forces begins build-up in the area.

June 8, 1941: Soviet news agency, Tass, denies German threat to the Motheralnds borders and calls rumours absurd and to be obvious anti-revolutionary propaganda made up by the capitalists in London and Rome.

June 12, 1941: Operation Otto is launchend without any declaration of war by the Central Powers. Millions of soldiers from the Central Powers crosses the border to the USSR. The fighting is hard and the Germans find the soft and wet russian ground very difficult to manuever on. The Soviet supreme command, STAVKA, rushes reserves forward.

June 13, 1941: The NKVD begin to arrest those in the Baltic States who might support a German occupation. Several thousands are rounded up and sent of the to Gulags in Siberia.

June 14, 1941: The USA freezes German assets in America.

June 19, 1941: The ground hardens and the Central Powers begin to gain ground as their panzers can roam free. Large formations of Soviet soldiers are incircled and reduced in the next few weeks.

June 20, 1941: Italian torpedo boat Confienza sinks in the Adriatic after being rammed by a merchant vessel.

June 23, 1941: The Red Army launches a tank counter-attack near Tilsit in Lithuania, but it's repulsed with heavy losses. Subsequently Army Group North sweeps into Lithuania and Belarus, taking Vilna and Kaunas.

June 28, 1941: Army Group Centre's Panzer Groups meet east of Minsk and trapping over thirty divisions of the Red Army. Army Group South’s mostly Romanian, Slovakian and Hungarian troops meets tougher than expected resistance in its drive through the southern Ukraine. The Italian ekspedition force is fighting as part of Army Group South.

July 1, 1941: British troops lands in Vichy French Syria. Among the British forces are Free French forces under selfproclaimed general De Gaulle and Free Polish Brigades. The Vichy French defends themselves with great tenacity, if not skill, but is overwhelmed.

July 3, 1941: For the first time since the beginning of the war, Stalin speaks to the Soviet people over the radio: “A grave threat hangs over our country!” Stalin demands utmost resistance in the patriotic war against Fascism and calls for a policy of scorched earth where the Red Army is forced to yield ground and the formation of people's partisan groups behind enemy lines, and the summary execution of all cowards and shirkers.

July 6, 1941: Germans capture Minsk and nearly 200,000 Soviet soldiers.

Juli 10, 1941: Mussolini’s second son, Bruno, dies in air crash. Mussolini is devasted and withdraws completely from public life the next days. Army Group North captures Pskov and advances toward Leningrad.

July 12, 1941: Violent Soviet counter attack is repulsed be Germans in the area of Korosten to the west of Kiev.

July 15, 1941: Stalin appoints new commanders for the fronts. Voroshilov gains the northern front, Timoshenko for the central and Budjenny for the southern. Armoured units of Army Group North advances within 10 miles of Kiev.

July 20, 1941: Germans cross the Dnieper in the Ukraine. Stalin appoints himself Defence Commissar. USSR resumes diplomatic relations with German occupied countries.

July 22, 1941: Mutual Assistance agreement between British and Soviets.

July 27, 1941: American olie companies begin a search for olie in Italian North Africa.

July 31, 1941: Himmler instructs Heydrich to prepare for the final solution to the Jewish question.

August 1, 1941: United States announces an oil embargo against aggressor states.

August 9, 1941: Finland eclares war on the USSR, but do not join the Central Power’s alliance. Finnish forces immediately begin to attack along the border.

August 14, 1941: Roosevelt and Churchill announces the Atlantic Charter.

August 16, 1941: German and Romanian forces of Army Group South captures Nikolaev, an important Soviet naval base on the Black Sea. In the north, Novgorod falls the the rapidly advancing Germans panzer formations.

August 17, 1941: Army Group North in its drive toward Leningrad captures Narva. The Romanians lay siege to the Black Sea port of Odessa.

August 21, 1941: Marshal Voroshilov tells the people of Leningrad to be brave and defend their city to the last bullet in the true spirit of communism and Mother Russia.

August 24, 1941: First German assault on Leningrad. Heavy Romanian losses around Odessa.

August 30, 1941: Finnish forces reach Leningrad from the north and engage in the second assault on the city.

September 1, 1941: Nazis order alle Jews to wear a yellow star. In the Jewsih ghetto in Waszaw SS-units go on a rampage, killing thousands and sending thousands more to the rapidly expanding KZ camps. Italian diplomats ensures that a large part of the Jews destinied for the camps is end to Italia instead!

September 3, 1941: First experimental use of gas chambers at Auschwitz.

September 8, 1941: Leningrad is now completely surrounded by German and Finnish troops.

September 11, 1941: German order of the day says Leningrad must be taken quickly, regardless of cost. Zhukov takes command of city.

September 12, 1941: The first snow reported on Russian Front. German forces in the Kremenchug bridgehead across the Dnieper in the Ukraine and advance north to aid in the encirclement of Kiev.

September 13, 1941: German High Command announces that Russian POWs will get less rations than other nationalities. Third battle of Leningrad. German units fight their way into the subburbs and dig in.

September 17, 1941: In Ankara, Italian and Turkish diplomates signs sweeping economic and military aid treties, not quite an allinace but very close. A secret protocal, the Grandi-Inonü protocol, effectively and for all purpose divides the Balkans and the Middle East between them.

September 19, 1941: A sumber and very quiet Mussolini visits Italian volunteers at Uman, Ukraine. Stalin is enraged but, pracmatic as ever, do not declare war on the Kingdom of Italia. Major uprising in the Ukraine and Baltics.

September 20, 1941: Fourth Battle at Leningrad! Most of the city ends up in Finno-German hands. Both sides thake very heavy losses in the battle.

September 21, 1941: In Kiev the long forbiddennational flag of the Ukraine is raised and nationalist forces sieze radio broadcasting facilities and declare an independent Ukraine.

September 24, 1941: Germans take Kiev. Major elements of the Red Army, mainly those consisting of soldiers from the Ukraine and the Baltic, refuse to obey orders and join with various nationalist rebels.

September 26, 1941: The Free French government in Dakar signs an alliance with the Soviet Union. Harsh Soviet attempts to crush the unrest among ist units have utterly failed and thousands of troops either rebel or surrenders to the Central Powers.

September 27, 1941: Nazis and Ukrainian nationalists begin to execute Jews in Kiev. Italian troops intervene and and full scale battle is only just adverted. The Nazi succeeeds in killing nearly 1,000 Jews before that!

September 28, 1941: An Soviet-British-US conference opens in Moscow. The conference ends with the signing of a protocol committing Britain and the USA to supply Russia with hundreds of aircraft each month and to deliver tons of aluminium, rubber, tin, food and medical supplies. After what is known as the Fifth Battle at Leningrad the city is finally subdued and occupied.

October 1, 1941: Operation Typhoon begins as the German army launches its attack on Moscow. Libya is proclaimed an integrated part of the Kingdom of Italia. The Axis, Turkey, Greece, Japan and Iraq recognizes the new nationalists gorvernment of Ukraine. The Central Powers is omniously quiet.

October 7, 1941: Stalin lifts ban on religion in Russia to boost morale. German advance on Moscow continues with the capture of Vyasma.

October 9, 1941: Hitler announces that the war in the East, for all intents and purposes, has already been decided with Leninggrad, Minsk and Kiev under the control of the Central Powers.

October 10, 1941: Premier Mola send three light Spanish divisons made up of volunteers to the Eastern Front. The Spanish will fight side by side with the Italians in 1st Axis Volunteer Army. Later a reinforced brigade from Kroatia is added. General Zhukov is put in charge of the West Front for the defence of Moscow. Army Group South concludes the battle along the Sea of Azov and takes 100,000 prisoners.

October 11, 1941: Rumours of an impending capture of Moscow by the German Army cause thousands of civilians to flee the city.

October 12, 1941: Army Group Centre captures Kaluga and Bryansk. Women and children is evacuated from Moscow.

October 13, 1941: German forces of Army Group Centre capture Kalinin, just 100 miles west of Moscow.

October 16, 1941: Romanians with the aide of the 1st Axis Volunteer Army finally take Odessa. In Bucarest, marshall Antonescu is shocked by the numbers of casualties.

October 24, 1941: Germans encircles Kharkov. A Soviet attempt to break out of the Kharkov pocket allows roughly 100,000 Soviet soldiers to escape before the Germans angain surrounds the pocket. Some 400.000 Soviet soldiers remain trapped around Kharkov.

October 30, 1941: Germans reach Sevastopol.

November 11, 1941: Aircraft carrier Ark Royal is torpedoed off Gibraltar by U-81 and later sinks. Speaking from Red Square in Moscow, with the spearheads of the Wehrmacht less than 100 miles from the capital, Stalin predicts that: “the Fascist German invaders are facing disaster!” The very same day Kharkov falls to the Central Powers.

November 13, 1941: British aircraft carrier Ark Royal is sunk just west of Gibraltar by an u-boot.

November 17, 1941: Reichskommissariat Ostland is established and Alfred Rosenberg is put in control. Siberian troops engages German units in front of Moscow in temperatures of -20°C.

November 25, 1941: U-331 sinks the battleship HMS Barham in the Mediterranean.

November 20, 1941: Central Powers take Rostov.

November 27, 1941: Soviet troops retake Rostov. To the north series of large chaotic tank battles are taking place. Both sides are severely depleted, but the Central Powers continue to push forward.

December 5, 1941: German attack on Moscow is abandoned. Britain declares war on Finland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania.

December 6, 1941: The Red Army launches a major counteroffensive around Moscow.

December 12, 1941: German Propaganda Minister, Josef Goebbels broadcasts an appeal for winter clothing for the German troops on the eastern front.

December 19, 1941: Another assasination attempt on Hitler. The assassin is believed to be an disgruntled Austrian.

December 25, 1941: Italian ans Spanish volunteers of the Axis Army resist the Soviet counteroffensive around Stalino.

December 31, 1941: Allied shipping sunk by the German u-boots in the entire year of 1941 is 503 ships, equalling 2,530,011 tons. 35 of the Kriegsmarine’s u-boots were lost in the same period.
What is Turkey planning? They seem to be signing treaties left and right, but I remember them as being very neutral.. "dividing the balkans and the middle east" between Turkey and Italy is an interesting idea, to say the least.

By the way, is Italy building any aircraft carriers?

Excellent TL. :0
Alikchi said:
What is Turkey planning? They seem to be signing treaties left and right, but I remember them as being very neutral.. "dividing the balkans and the middle east" between Turkey and Italy is an interesting idea, to say the least.
Hmm, yes, I know. My basic idea is that with the Med being somewhat more peacefull (no Italo-British war), the Rome/Madrid Axis, the dismemberment of Yugoslavia, the apparently very agressive nature of Hitler and his seemingly good chum Stalin and the more independent Iraq, Inonü, clever as he were, wouldn't mind getting closer in with Italia/Spain (weapons, training, security etc etc).
And dividing is perhaps to strongly put, sorry, I was thinking in terms of interest zones ala the Allies and USSR during and after the War.

Alikchi said:
By the way, is Italy building any aircraft carriers?
I don't really know. I would love to see the RM put a few to sea, but can they afford it? I hope to do some more updates on the economics later, but I think the Regia Marina is put on hold while the Regia Esercito reforms and the Regia Aeronautica rebuild (udgrades with post-Milch fighters, bombers etc etc).

I'm thinking about doing a few short stories with Borghese in the Spanish Civil War. One where he and his men capture som Soviet gear, and one where they stop a large secret shipment going from Republican Spain to the USSR (hehe, yes, it's the gold reserve :))
If option number two is picked I'll rewrite parts of the TL, and viola the Axis it somewhat richer and the USSR somewhat less! :D

Alikchi said:
Excellent TL. :0
Thank you! I don't know how plausible it is, but I'm having fun imagening a more eh, intelligent Mussolini and stronger Italy.
Funy thing though, I posted the TL on Comando Supremo Forum too and most people there said nothing about Mussolini growing a brain, but commented that Milch's defection was unrealistic! :rolleyes:

Best regards and all!

- Bluenote.

PS: Oh, and I hope to put 1942 up sometime around sunday or monday!
Updated 1941.

I've changed a few things in the Italia Eterna TL. First of all, Goering dies earlier, so Walther Wever takes over Luftwaffe instead of Udet. Secondly, the Spansh gold reserve is intercepted before it reaches the USSR. A few things too have been edited in 1941, so I thought, I would repost it

Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.
- Winston Churchill.

We cannot be less present than Slovakia. We have to repay our ally!
- Benito Mussolini.

Mussolini, remembering the rapports about Hitler and his mad obsession with racial purity, used the various Jews within the Fascisti, who all seemed to be among the Leonardi, to set up an office that would favour immigration from occupied Europe into the Italian colonies.
Under the aegis of the Leonardi hundreds of new farmsteads was opened up to refugees from Nazi prosecution, and exiled Italian political and military outcasts. Nummerous new fishing communities was created along the coastlines. New industries was set up, at first related to the agricultural and infrastructural needs, but in the following years extended to other sectors as well. During the diplomatic offensive in the USA several American coporations were invited in to make their own fortunes in Italia and especially in Italian Africa. Infrastructure was also opgraded, with networks of new paved roads and an ever growing railway network.
An important radical decision in Italian politics was made in regard to the coloniesand its inhabitants. Just like Algeria was with France, Libya was proclaimed an integrated part of Italia. Unlike the French, however, Italia decided not just to annex the land, but to integrate the people living there as well. Citizenship was at first extended to most of the Libyan population. Later Eritreans, Somalis and Abyssinians would be rewarded with citizenship for their merits and loyalty to Italia. Like Caracalla’s Edict had extended Roman citizenship to the entire Empire, the Kingdom now extended the same citizenship to larger and larger parts of its population. Mussolini of course made much of this parallel, which Foreign Minister Grandi’s people overseas, not surprisingly, did too. These new citizens would provide Mussolini and the Fascisti with some of their most ardent supporters and steadfast soldiers in the years to come.

In mid 1941 Carabinieri major Talamo and a group of the Sezione Prelevamento (Withdrawal Section) of SIM broke into the American embassy in Rome and stole a code book known as the Black Code. They photographed the codes and put the book back in its place with no one the wiser. The photograhs were then used to decipher secret American diplomatic communication. Eventough Grandi at first was furious at the serious breach of diplomatic protocol, he was later trilled by having direct acces to the Americans mail. The Black Code would become a essential tool for the Ministri degli Affari esteri in many years to come.

Italian and Iraqi diplomats met in Rome for a disussion of Italian arms sales and aid in creating a mordern Iraqi army, navy and air force. In return Italia is granted very favorable terms regarding access to olie. This source of vital oil provides the Italians with the ability to use their Fleet and airforce with greater impunity. Secretly Rashid Ali’s envoys promises to nationalize british oli interests in Iraq in return for Turko-Axis protection. As for now however the second part of the negotiations is put on hold and held secret.

In the early summer of ´41 Yugoslavia disintegrated into civil war triggered by German pressure for it to join the Central Powers. Mussolini ordered the military to intervene as peace keepers, and back the Croatian Nationalists amongst others. The various nationalities were allready fighting each other with great entusiasm, and Mussolini played them out against each other while the Germans were trying to figure out what to do – The German army apparently was not available to deal directly with the Yugoslavs. The Serb elements in the Yugoslavian army tried to resist, but the modernized and well equiped Italian armed forces managed to overwhelm all resistence with an impressive display of new tactics and superior logistics. Two forces, one from Northeastern Italia and one from Albania, under the command of respectively general Giovanni Messe and marshall Rudolfo Graziani, drove deep and fast into Yugoslavian territory, and soon had little to do but collect the masses of Albanian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Slovenian POWs and deserters. The Serb units fought well, and forced the Italians to work for their victories in parts of the country.
The final break up of Yugoslavia took part in the Athens Balkan Conference. Italia claimed Dalmatia, most of Slovenia, Kosova and other mostly Albanian populated territories. Greece and Bulgaria divided Macedonia between them, while Romania and Hungary took Vojovdina and other border regions as well. Three new nations was made out of the former Yugoslavia: the Croatian Republic, the Kingdom of Montenegro and finally the Kingdom of Serbia. Germany’s foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, who seemed odly non-present as if his mind was elsewhere, claimed German sovereingty over northern Slovenia at the Conference. Mussolini still needing Hitler’s goodwill gave in to the German demands, over the very vocal protests of the inhabitants by the way.

In London, Churchill and the Imperial Staff began to see the neutral Italia as much more of a problem than an active and hostile Italia – After all you could strike at an enemy, but at a supposed friend, no! The British dedicated a large naval force to watch over the Italians, whose suddenly quite clever government seemed capable of action and adventure at any given opportunity. Besides the naval and air units, no larger force of men was needed, so the Imperial Staff began to reinforce garrisons in the Far East, while keeping an eye out for trouble in the Mediterrenean.
The good relations Dino Grandi and his envoys had built with Spain, Turkey, USA and even the Greek became an effective block to any thought, on the British side, to take matters further. The enthusiasm the various Italo-American communities showed at Mussolini’s many successes, and his increased prestige in the USA, were enough to convince Churchill and his cabinet not to take steps against the Italians. Once again Mussolini and Grandi managed to wiggle their way though the diplomatic difficulties. Indeed, by acting as guarantor for Bulgarian, Greek, Croatian, Spanish and Turkish independence and neutrality, Mussolini’s prestige increased even further, at least outside of Whitehall…

Deep within himself Mussolini felt an urge to fight the menace of communism, and, not to forget, he needed to be on the German’s good side, however much he personally detest their Führer. When the Central Powers invades the USSR, the Fascisti on Mussolini’s order organised, and the Army equiped, an Italian Volunteer Legion, Corpo di Spedizione Italiano, under general Ettore Bastico to join the fighting on the Eastern Front. Five divisions of Blackshirts and Young Fascists was formed and shipped out East. Mussolini however did not declare war on the USSR, and made sure the world knew the Italian forces at the front were volunteers. The Italian units was actually rather well equiped and trained. The units was all staffed with officers from the Abyssinian, Albanian and Yugoslavian campaigns, and many of ther men had some kind of military experience. SS and some Wehrmacht units on the Eastern Front would later complain that the Italian soldiers protected and even evacuated Jews when the notorious Einstazgruppen showed up. Later in the war Italia expanded its commitment and sent regular army units, among them the armoured Ariete and the alpini Julia divisions.

Timeline 1941:
January 1, 1941: Germany begins negotiations regarding Bulgaria's entry into the Central Powers.

January 12, 1941: The Kingdoms of Italia and Spain signs the Mediterrenean Pact with Turkey as an associated member. The Mediterrenean Pact is a defensive alliance and free trade zone all in one. In a now famous speech, Mussolini referres to the Rome/Madrid Pact as an Axis in which all of the Mediterrenean revolves around. The term Axis will be the unofficial name of the pact

January 14, 1941: New reform spree in the Regia Esercito (the Royal Army). Over 20 generals and more than 300 other officers are fired. Besides that, the numbers of divisons is further reduced by merging them in triangular divisons instead of binary ones. More anti-aircraft and anti-tank artillery added to all divisions no matter type.

January 23, 1941: Hitler demands that Bulgaria joins the Central Powers, but the Bulgarians play for time, and seek closer ties with the Axis. Mussolini guarantees Bulgarias indepencence, much to Hitlers annoyance

January 29, 1941: Greek general, and ruler, Metaxis dies. Alexandros Korizis takes his place.

Febuary 12, 1941: The British Foreign Secretary, Lord Halifax and general Sir John Dill, Chief of the Imperial General Staff leave Britain for a tour of the Balkan capitals in order to try and establish a counterweight to the Central Powers and the Axis. However, Yugoslavia refuses to see them and Turkey and Bulgaria refuses their proposals flat out. Only Greece shows some interest.

Febuary 14, 1941: Hitler starts to apply pressure on Yugoslavia to join the Central Powers.

Febuary 15, 1941: Great Britain breaks off all diplomatic relations with Romania, as it is clear that the Romanians are firmly allied with the Central Powers.

March 1, 1941: Bulgaria joins the Axis after the discovery of a planned pro-British coup.

March 4, 1941: After Bulgaria's entry into the Axis, Hitler increases the pressure on Yugoslavia to join the Central Powers. as he demands that Yugoslavia joins now and accept stationing of German troops.

March 7, 1941: Günther Prien’s u-boot, U-47, is sunk by the British destroyer, HMS Wolverine.

March 11, 1941: President Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act. Congress at the same time gives Italia loan guarantees.

March 18, 1941: British Commandos raid the coast of Northern France and takes several prisoners.

March 25, 1941: Under heavy pressure Yugoslavia finally signs with the Central Powers. Four Yugoslav ministers resign rather than accept the terms of the treaty. Anti-German demonstrations in Yugoslavia.

March 27, 1941: A coup in Yugoslavia! General Simonic overthrows the government, and the treaty with the Central Powers is renounced. King Peter takes control and forms new cabinet under his supervision. Civil war erupts as pro-Central Powers, pro-Axis, pro-Allied, royalists, communists and sepparatists fights it out.

March 29, 1941: The Regia Esercito moves into Yugoslavia to restore order and peace.

April, 1941: For most of the month Lufwaffe attacks targets in Britain. The intense focus placed on construction and development of modern long ranges fighters under the Wever-Kesselring duo, have given the Luftwaffe air supremacy over most of Southern Britain, but there are simply to few heavy bombers for the attacks to be effective and they are taking casualties the Luftwaffe cannot afford. The German airforce suffers heavy losses and Wever is forced to call of the Blitz..

April 2, 1941: Several clashes between Italian troops and Yugoslavian army units. Most of Croatia allies with Italia. The Regia Aeronautica carries out devastating attacks on Yugoslavia and wipes out the Yugoslav air force on the ground.

April 3, 1941: British Commandos once angain raid the coast of Northern France. An enraged Hitler orders every caught Commando shot instantly.
Fordism is introduced in Italia as Ford Motor Company sets up a joint venture with FIAT. In the following years this a other assembly-line factories will makes thousands of truck for bth civilian and military use.

April 4, 1941: Pro-Axis regime set up in Iraq. Within the day, the Axis and Turkey has recognized the new regime under Rashid Ali. Britain demands that Iraq refrains from selling oil to any anti-British nation. Mussolini in a radio broadcast calls the new Iraqi regime: "A gathering of brave patriots, who is upholding Iraqi national sovereignty and defending the rights of Arabs everywhere!"

April 9, 1941: Italian troops capture Skopje in Macedonia. Great Britain severs diplomatic relations with Hungary and Slovakia.

April 13, 1941: Italian forces capture Nis and Monastir in Yugoslavia. In Zagreb, Ante Pavelic, the Croat Fascist leader, proclaims the independent state of Croatia, and set himself up as Poglavnik (leader).

April 14, 1941: Italian forces begin their effort to push down the Yugoslav coast in order to link up with the 11th Army comming north from Albania.
Heavy German air attack on Plymouth, Hull and London. Luftwaffe navigators misjudges their positions and hit central London instead of the docks as intended.

April 16, 1941: RAF Bomber Command attacks Hamburg in retaliantion for the air attack on London two days before.

April 18, 1941: Greek forces invade Macedonia in support af the Italian aim of bringing peace to the wartorn country. The new Italian M20/40 tank is seen in combat for the first time, Armed with a long 50mm main gun and well protected by welted armour, the tank is a very unpleasant surprise to the Serbs.

April 23, 1941: Italian and Croat troops occupy Sarajevo in Yugoslavia.

April 27, 1941: In the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade, King Peter, surrenders to the Italian general Messe.

April 28, 1941: RAF Bomber Command attacks Berlin.

April 29, 1941: Fighting continues in Macedonia for the next dozen days. Hitler fires Air Marshall Wever as head of the Luftwaffe. Albert Kesselring takes his place.

May 1, 1941: Last major Luftwaffe bombing raid on Britain. London is hit several times. Following this attack, RAF generals are highly suspicious over the sudden absence of Luftwaffe from the skies over Britain. It seems that most aircraft has been withdrawn from France all together.

May 5, 1941: Vichy military court sentences 56 NCO’s and privates, siding with de Gaulle to death or hard labour in absentia. All property of free French fighters is to be confiscated.

May 10, 1941: A lone Me-110 fighter is shot down over the Channel. It’s later revealed that the pilot was no other than Nazi Deputy Führer Rudolph Hess.

May 12, 1941: Drastic reforms in the Regia Marina. Ships under construction is to be finished, but no new one build in the next two years. Ressources are being diverted to the army and airforce. The admirals however very reluctantly accepts that they can either built or buy up to two carriers, but that is it - no more expensive cruisers or battleships in that period.

May 15, 1941: The Athen Balkan Conference. Jugoslavia is partitioned. Italia gains Dalmatia, most of Slovenia, Kosova and other territories with Albanian speaking majorities. The rest of the former country of Yugoslavia is taken by Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. Three sovereign nations is established: The Kingdom of Montenegro, a Croat Republic and the Kingdom of Serbia. After some bickering Germany gains Northern Slovenia as rightfull compensation for her non-interference.

May 17. 1941: Italia sells quite a few submarines and some other naval vessels to Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Turkey.

May 19, 1941: Egyptian liner Zamzam reported sunk by Germans in the South Atlantic, passenger list included over 200 Americans.
Regia Marina begins construction af a light carrier, the Aquila, and seeks either American or Japanese help with the construction of a larger fleet carrier as well.

May 21, 1941: The US merchant ship Robin Moor is sunk by the German u-boot, U-69. This sinking of a neutral American vessel is publicly denounced by President Roosevelt and becomes yet another argument for him in his secret desire for bringing the United States into the war on Britains side.
An RAF reconnaissance plane sight the German battleship Bismarck and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen on their way out into the Atlantic Ocean.

May 24, 1941: Bismarck along with Prinz Eugen sinks the pride of the Royal Navy, the battle cruiser Hood, and the Prince of Wales. Count Ciano delivers an official note of condolation signed by Grandi to the British PM, Churchill.

June 1, 1941: Bismarck and Prinz Eugen arrives in Brest for repairs.

June 4, 1941: Border clashes between Iraqi and Vichy French forces on the Syrian-Iraqi border. British forces begins build-up in the area.

June 8, 1941: Soviet news agency, Tass, denies German threat to the Motherlands borders and calls rumours absurd and to be obvious anti-revolutionary propaganda made up by the capitalists in London and Rome.

June 10, 1941: The Regia Marina begin to investigate the posibility of putting radars on their ships. The lesson of sinking of HMS Hood and HMS Prince of Wales by the Germans is taken to heart.

June 12, 1941: Operation Otto is launchend without any declaration of war by the Central Powers. Millions of soldiers from the Central Powers crosses the border to the USSR as the codeword Dortmund is passed on. The fighting is hard and the Germans find the soft and wet russian ground very difficult to manuever on. The Soviet supreme command, STAVKA, rushes reserves forward.

June 13, 1941: The NKVD begin to arrest those in the Baltic States who might support a German occupation. Several thousands are rounded up and sent of the to Gulags in Siberia.

June 14, 1941: The USA freezes German assets in America.

June 16, 1941: The American car-maker General Motors begin to set up a modern factory just outside Milano. The factory is to produce sturdy little cars ala the German Volkswagen, again for both civilian and military use.

June 19, 1941: The ground hardens and the Central Powers begin to gain ground as their panzers can roam free. Large formations of Soviet soldiers are incircled and reduced in the next few weeks.

June 20, 1941: An Italian torpedo boat, the Confienza, sinks in the Adriatic after being rammed by a merchant vessel.

June 23, 1941: The Red Army launches a tank counter-attack near Tilsit in Lithuania, but it's repulsed with heavy losses. Subsequently Army Group North sweeps into Lithuania and Belarus, taking Vilna and Kaunas.

June 28, 1941: Army Group Centre's Panzer Groups meet east of Minsk and trapping over thirty divisions of the Red Army. Army Group South’s mostly Romanian, Slovakian and Hungarian troops meets tougher than expected resistance in its drive through the southern Ukraine. The Italian ekspedition force is fighting as part of Army Group South.

July 1, 1941: British troops lands in Vichy French Syria. Among the British forces are Free French forces under selfproclaimed general De Gaulle and Free Polish Brigades. The Vichy French defends themselves with great tenacity, if not skill, but is overwhelmed.

July 3, 1941: For the first time since the beginning of the war, Stalin speaks to the Soviet people over the radio: “A grave threat hangs over our country!” Stalin demands calls for a policy of scorched earth when ever the Red Army is forced to yield ground and utmost resistance in the patriotic war against Fascism. In the same speech Stalin also orders the formation of partisan groups nadn that all cowards, shirkers and incompetents be summarily executed.

July 6, 1941: Germans capture Minsk and take nearly 200,000 Soviet soldiers prisoner.

Juli 10, 1941: Mussolini’s second son, Bruno, dies when his airplane crashes. Mussolini is devasted and withdraws completely from public life the next days. Army Group North captures Pskov and advances toward Leningrad.

July 12, 1941: Violent Soviet counter attack is repulsed be the Central Powers west of Kiev.

July 15, 1941: Stalin appoints new commanders for the fronts. Voroshilov gains the northern front, Timoshenko for the central and Budjenny for the southern. Armoured units of Army Group South advances within 10 miles of Kiev.

July 20, 1941: Germans cross the Dnieper in the Ukraine. Stalin appoints himself Defence Commissar. USSR resumes diplomatic relations with German occupied countries.

July 22, 1941: Mutual Assistance agreement between British and Soviets.

July 27, 1941: American oil companies begin a search for oil in Italian North Africa.

July 31, 1941: Himmler instructs Heydrich to prepare for the final solution to the Jewish question.

August 1, 1941: United States announces an oil embargo against aggressor states. Finland declares war on the USSR, but do not join the Central Power’s alliance. Finnish forces immediately begin to attack along the border.

August 14, 1941: Roosevelt and Churchill announces the Atlantic Charter.

August 16, 1941: German and Romanian forces of Army Group South captures Nikolaev, an important Soviet naval base on the Black Sea. In the north, Novgorod falls the the rapidly advancing German panzer formations.

August 17, 1941: Army Group North in its drive toward Leningrad captures Narva. The Romanians lay siege to the Black Sea port of Odessa.

August 21, 1941: Marshal Voroshilov tells the people of Leningrad to be brave and defend their city to the last bullet in the true spirit of communism and Mother Russia.

August 24, 1941: First German assault on Leningrad ends with heavy losses. Considering the German effort in the North around Leningrad, the Romanian forces around Odessa opts for a siege.

August 28, 1941: Finnish forces reach Leningrad from the north and engage in the second assault on the city.

September 1, 1941: Nazis order alle Jews to wear a yellow star. In the Jewsih ghetto in Waszaw SS-units go on a rampage, killing thousands and sending thousands more to the rapidly expanding KZ camps. Italian diplomats ensures that a large part of the Jews destinied for the camps is send to Italian Africa instead!

September 3, 1941: First experimental use of gas chambers at Auschwitz.

September 8, 1941: Leningrad is now completely surrounded by German and Finnish troops.

September 11, 1941: German order of the day says Leningrad must be taken quickly, regardless of cost. Zhukov takes command of city.

September 12, 1941: The first snow reported on Russian Front.

September 13, 1941: German High Command announces that Russian POWs will get less rations than other nationalities.
Third battle of Leningrad. German units fight their way into the suburbs and dig in to defend their gains ans reconsolidate.

September 17, 1941: In Ankara, Italian and Turkish diplomates signs sweeping economic and military aid treaties, not quite an alliance but very close.

September 19, 1941: A somber and very quiet Mussolini visits Italian volunteers in the Ukraine. Stalin is enraged but, pracmatic as ever, do not declare war on the Kingdom of Italia. Major uprisings in the Ukraine and Baltics.

September 20, 1941: Fourth Battle at Leningrad! Most of the city ends up in Finno-German hands. Both sides thake very heavy losses in the battle. A young girl, Tanya Savicheva, writes in her diary: "20th September at 7.30 morning 1941. The Savichevs are dead, all dead, only Tanya remains." Tanya herself dies in following days.

September 21, 1941: In Kiev the long forbidden national flag of the Ukraine is raised and nationalist forces sieze radio broadcasting facilities and declare an independent Ukraine.

September 24, 1941: Army Group South take Kiev. Major elements of the Red Army, mainly those consisting of soldiers from the Ukraine and the Baltic, refuse to obey orders and join with various nationalist rebels. Marshall Budjenny commits suicide in his HQ after radioing Stalin that it is over.

September 26, 1941: The Free French government in Dakar signs an alliance with the Soviet Union.
Harsh Soviet attempts to crush the unrest among ist units have utterly failed and thousands of troops either rebel or surrenders to the Central Powers.

September 27, 1941: Nazis and Ukrainian nationalists begin to execute Jews in Kiev. Italian troops intervene and and full scale battle is only just adverted. The Nazi succeeeds in killing nearly 1,000 Jews before that!

September 28, 1941: An Soviet-British-US conference opens in Moscow. The conference ends with the signing of a protocol committing Britain and the USA to supply Russia with hundreds of aircraft each month and to deliver tons of aluminium, rubber, tin, food and medical supplies.
After what is known as the Fifth Battle at Leningrad the city is finally subdued and occupied. Most of Army Group North is no longer able to mount offenvise actions due to the high level of casualties taken in the batlles for Leningrad. General Zhukov is killed fighting side by side with his men in one of the last pockets of resistance in the city.

October 1, 1941: Operation Typhoon begins as the German army launches its attack on Moscow.
The Axis, Turkey, Greece, Japan and Iraq recognizes the new nationalists gorvernment of Ukraine. The Central Powers is omniously quiet. Libya is proclaimed an integrated part of the Kingdom of Italia.

October 7, 1941: Stalin lifts ban on religion in Russia to boost morale. German advance on Moscow continues with the capture of Vyasma.

October 9, 1941: Hitler announces that the war in the East, for all intents and purposes, has already been decided with Leningrad, Minsk and Kiev under the control of the Central Powers.

October 10, 1941: Premier Mola send three light Spanish divisons made up of volunteers to the Eastern Front. The Spanish will fight side by side with the Italians in 1st Axis Volunteer Army. Later a reinforced brigade from Croatia is added.
General Konev is put in charge of the West Front for the defence of Moscow. Army Group South concludes the battle along the Sea of Azov and takes 100,000 prisoners.

October 11, 1941: Rumours of an impending capture of Moscow by the German Army cause thousands of civilians to flee the city.

October 12, 1941: Army Group Centre captures Kaluga and Bryansk. Women and children is evacuated from Moscow.

October 13, 1941: German forces of Army Group Centre capture Kalinin, just 100 miles west of Moscow.

October 16, 1941: Dino Grandi and team of Leonardi visits Argentine and Brazil. They conclude several trade agreements with include rubber and varoius metals.

October 24, 1941: Germans encircles Kharkov. A Soviet attempt to break out of the Kharkov pocket allows roughly 100,000 Soviet soldiers to escape before the Germans angain surrounds the pocket. Some 400.000 Soviet soldiers remain trapped around Kharkov.

October 30, 1941: Germans reach Sevastopol on the Crimean Penninsula. The fortified city is besieged.

November 4, 1941: General Petre Dumitrescu’s Romanian forces accepts the surrender of Odessa.

November 11, 1941: Aircraft carrier Ark Royal is torpedoed off Gibraltar by U-81 and later sinks.
Speaking from Red Square in Moscow, with the spearheads of the Wehrmacht less than 100 miles from the capital, Stalin predicts that: “the Fascist German invaders are facing disaster!” Much to Stalins aggrevation Kharkov falls to the Central Powers the same day.

November 13, 1941: British aircraft carrier Ark Royal is sunk just west of Gibraltar by an u-boot.

November 17, 1941: Reichskommissariat Ostland is established and Alfred Rosenberg is put in control. Siberian troops engages German units in front of Moscow in temperatures of down to -20°C.

November 22, 1941: U-331 sinks the battleship HMS Barham in the Mediterranean.

November 24, 1941: Central Powers take Rostov. Ukainian combat units are being formed under Axis supervision. German commanders in the area stay quiet.

November 25, 1941: From Rome a strangly subdued, but very intens Mussolini speaks of the evil of Communism and the furture of a free Ukraine. Hitler considers ordering the Ukrainian units, and even some Axis ones, disarmed and interned, but is persuaded to accept the situation for now by general Halder, Chief of the OKW.

November 29, 1941: Soviet troops retake Rostov. To the north series of furious tank battles are taking place. Both sides are severely depleted, but the Central Powers continue to push forward. Italian offficers in the area wires Comando Supremo with horrified reports of giant unstoppable Soviet tanks.

December 1, 1941: Japanese naval advisors arrive in Italia. The Japanese officers are experts on carrier warfare.
German advance units from Army Group Center enters the suburbs ringing Moscow.

December 3, 1941: More German troops join the attack on Moscow. Operation Typhoon reach a cressendo with heavy inner City fighting. Stalin is said to still be in the city.

December 5, 1941: German casualties during the attack on Moscow mounts alarmingly. Britain declares war on Finland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania.

December 6, 1941: Under general Konev the Red Army launches a major counter-offensive around Moscow.

December 10, 1941: German attack on Moscow is abandoned, and the battered German units begin to fall back. Konev is promoted to Marshall.

December 12, 1941: German Propaganda Minister, Josef Goebbels broadcasts an appeal for aid in form of winter clothing for the German troops on the eastern front.

December 19, 1941: Another assasination attempt on Hitler. The assassin is believed to be an disgruntled Austrian.

December 25, 1941: Italian and Spanish volunteers of the Axis Army succesfully resist a weak Soviet counter-offensive in the eastern Ukraine.

December 31, 1941: Allied shipping sunk by the German u-boots in the entire year of 1941 is 503 ships, equalling 2,530,011 tons. 35 of the Kriegsmarine’s u-boots were lost in the same period.