Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

What would be a good name for a Danish order of chivalry founded around 1540?
@King of Danes
Well, the otl Order of the Elephant didn't come into existence until the 1500s, after the reformation, where it's predecessor/earlier design, which was more connected to the Virgin Mary, was deemed too Catholic in appearance. But it wasn't made official until Christian V in the late 1600s. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_Elephant) - If Denmark stays Catholic, then it could evolve into "The Order of the Virgin (Mary)" instead. Alternatively, the Order of the Elephant could be made official earlier. There's also the Order of the Dannebrog, which was also created by Christian V in the late 1600s, but could come into existence much earlier.
My suggestion would be something involving Saint Canute, the patron Saint of Denmark
The Order of Knud Lavard could potentially work yeah. Alternatively, one could also go for The order of Dagmar after Queen Dagmar of Bohemia, who was immensely popular in Denmark. If her tomb is opened earlier and her cross is found, that could be a fitting occasion for it? Maybe the Order of Semiramis could work as well? Margrethe I has been called Semiramis of the North, but I'm unsure if that's more recent or if she was called so already in the 1400s/1500s. What's the occasion for the order? That could likely shape what inspires the order, I'd think :)
I do, I just can't give you the context for the foundation cause I wasn't there.
Aha :) You could always also make up symbolism for the desired order? I don't think the order of the Elephant was very associated with Denmark per se. But India was becoming something Denmark knew about, so it was mysterious and interesting. Maybe something like the Order of the Unicorn could work in that regards as well? Denmark-Norway had good access to narwhal tusks, which resembled unicorn horns, so that could work in its favour?
Aha :) You could always also make up symbolism for the desired order? I don't think the order of the Elephant was very associated with Denmark per se. But India was becoming something Denmark knew about, so it was mysterious and interesting. Maybe something like the Order of the Unicorn could work in that regards as well? Denmark-Norway had good access to narwhal tusks, which resembled unicorn horns, so that could work in its favour?
Hum... weren't unicorns greatly associated with Scotland though? It would make more sense to use it as an order for them... *takes notes*
Hum... weren't unicorns greatly associated with Scotland though? It would make more sense to use it as an order for them... *takes notes*
I suppose that is true - Maybe The Order of the Narwhal or the Whale? A sea inspired order would make sense, actually. Alternatively, and this might be out there, but what about the Order of the Nautilus? The shells at the time were becoming popular in decorating and art, and its names has to do with sailors which fit Denmark very well
I suppose that is true - Maybe The Order of the Narwhal or the Whale? A sea inspired order would make sense, actually. Alternatively, and this might be out there, but what about the Order of the Nautilus? The shells at the time were becoming popular in decorating and art, and its names has to do with sailors which fit Denmark very well
I quite like the Order of the Nautilus.
Although I should've had some humility when estimating the percentage of deaths, I can't really see how disease won't kill a large swath of people.
Maybe you could make the argument that without the introduction of the horse on a large scale, that disease would take a longer time to spread across the continent, and thus have less of an immediate impact overall.
Because sporadic contact does not introduce disease. The Norse in Vinland introduced no disease, nor did any Japanese sailors swept by the currents to the West Coast in the past 1,500 years. In Australia with similar immunological naivety, to my knowledge only the Aboriginal group directly in contact with outsiders had a concept of smallpox before European-derived epidemics began. Further, the most likely disease to be introduced are relatively minor like chickenpox (via shingles), mumps, or whooping cough, which at worst can't kill much more than 5-10% of people and would decrease the amount of death from future epidemics by virtue of natural selection, better social attitudes toward epidemics/illnesses, and avoiding multiple infections (as these diseases are rarely contracted more than once in a lifetime)
I was under the assumption that this Mongol American trade would start off small, but eventually expand across the West Coast of America
The natives have little beside jade and furs to trade to the Mongols, and both of those could be gathered from the northern British Columbia coast.
How could one get James VI of Scotland onto the throne of England in the 1570s/early 1580s? Obviously elizabeth would have to die but other than that? What could prompt the English to choose James or invite him to take the throne during this period? And what would the consequences be if he became king then?

@Kellan Sullivan @FalconHonour @Shiva @Tudorfan @Emperor Constantine @isabella
1580s is probably the earliest you can get away with. James was only born in 1566, and no one is going to want a child on the throne... I also think an English bride would help his chances...
Random thought, feel free to tell me I’m a bad newbie who doesn’t understand how this forum works, however- what if Henry the 8th of England, firstly could only father daughters for whatever reason, and secondly, all the pregnancies he fathered lead to healthy births?
Even excluding the wife roulette, I am curious how much “evidence” it would take for the blame for the gender of the child to shift from the mother to the father.
Although, yes, there would be *nightmares* every time anyone even thought of the succession. And a huge horde of red-headed girls looking so much like their father that no one can claim cheating.
Currently my thought is that Henry’s solution would be to marry off his eldest daughter to someone loyal and pass the crown to a grandson, but that does have flaws.
Also I have work now so can’t type any longer.