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  • Ricardolindo

  • Are you Italian?
    In your opinion, why is, your country, Italy more socially conservative than Spain and, my country, Portugal, despite all 3 countries having a long Catholic history?
    I think that Italy is currently undergoing a conservative backlash; overall, and on the long-medium term, I am not sure that the difference is so strong. Spain and Portugal were about as socially conservative as Italy is now a generation ago, I believe; and there's also a lot of regional and social variation in all three (I visited both Spain and Portugal).
    I'm not very sure of that, the Lega Nord is weird, they are opposed to the legalization of same-sex marriage but support the legalization of brothels. Also, don't most Italians vote for them because of immigration policies? What I question is why Spain and Portugal have same-sex marriage while Italy doesn't.
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