1. WI: Territorially intact Hungary post-WW1

    The basic premise of the scenario revolves around the leaders of Hungary acting more competently and decisively in the closing days of WW1 and during subsequent events. I didn't yet work out the exact details, but one idea of mine is getting Károlyi Mihály appointed Prime Minister of Hungary...
  2. Germany fights to the bitter end in ww1, no ww2?

    i often hear this claim that if the Germans in ww1 had fought till the end like they did in ww2, the second world war with germany as the agressor would not have happened mainly due to the idea that the stab in the back myth would not have leg to stand on if the defeated German armies and took a...
  3. Friedrich der Große

    German elections in a Kaiserreich scenario

    What would be the electoral consequences of a Kaiserreich-like scenario in Germany? How would the Reichstag elections develop after WW1 en further into the future? Will there be a united conservative people’s party composed of the traditional conservative Deutschkonservatieve Partei (DKP) and...
  4. What if Fanny Kaplan successfully killed Lenin?

    On August 30, 1918, Vladimir Lenin was walking out of an arms factory in Moscow. Unexpectedly, three shots rang out, two of which struck him. The culprit was a member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party named Fanny Kaplan, who viewed Lenin as a tyrant in the making and a traitor to the...
  5. TheReformer

    To the Victor, Go the Spoils (Redux): A Plausible Central Powers Victory
    Threadmarks: Background and Rules

    The Redux "They see nothing wrong in the rule that to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy" - William L. Marcy Guten tag all, It's my pleasure to announce that finally after like two years I've got to a point where I am satisfied with the idea of beginning to post my redux of TTVGTS. This...
  6. Central Powers seek peace jointly in Autumn, 1918. What happens to the Ottomans?

    Present is the following scenario: A-H doesn't launch the 2nd Battle of Piave, instead it chooses to strenghten its defences behind the river and also send a few divisions to the Balkans to aid the Bulgarians. As a result, neither the Italian, nor the Balkan Front collapses, however the...
  7. Better handling of 1918 Influenza Pandemic

    The 1918 Influenza Pandemic killed more people than World War I (?!). It seemed like almost no country knew how to deal with the pandemic effectively, resulting in millions of deaths. How could the world have handled the 1918 Influenza Pandemic, or were the high death tolls inevitable due to...
  8. Bomster

    WI/AHC: Germans take Amiens during Operation Michael

    What if the Germans take Amiens in the 1918 Kaiserschlacht? How could the Germans take Amiens through Operation Micheal? And would loosing a key link in the British supply chain cause a crisis that knocks France out of the war before the Americans arrive in force?
  9. Bomster

    CP wins WW1 in 1918, what is the fate of Ireland?

    Let’s assume the POD is a Spring Offensive that causes France to collapse, cutting off Entente supply lines, leading to a victory of the Central Powers in the First World War. What would be the fate of Ireland in this scenario?
  10. Hawkeye

    Soviet Russia after an early end to WW1?

    Could Lenin or other Communists rise to power in Russia if Germany surrendered late 1917 or early 1918 instead of November 11, 1918? Assuming Lenin still ends up in Russia somehow.
  11. WI: D'Esperey respects the Armistice of Villa Giusti, no Belgrade Agreement

    IOTL, the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy signed armistice with the Entente on the 3rd of November 1918 in Villa Giusti, Padua, which put an end to its participation in the conflict on the next day. Despite this, the commander of the Entente forces in Serbia, General Franchet d'Esperey continued his...
  12. Italian Front, 1918: Where should the Austro-Hungarians have concentrated their attack?

    OTL Second Battle of the Piave River was a disaster. One of, if not the most important reason behind this was the fact, that the Austro-Hungarians split up their forces between the Piave and Tyrol Fronts, thus both attacks were too weak to achieve the desired breakthrough. Now, what if the...
  13. WI Károlyi Mihály dies on the Eastern Front in 1916?

    Károlyi became a prominent political figure in Hungary during the later stages of the war. He gained the overall support of most of the pacifist, Entente-friendly and democratic elements in the country. Following the Aster Revolution, he became Prime Minister on October 31st and later on became...
  14. Rorke

    Heilige Maria: The Death Ride of the High Seas Fleet
    Threadmarks: #001

    October 24th, 1918 Berlin An aide strides out of the meeting room in the Admiralty headquarters, sweating profusely. In his hand, he holds an order, an order that will decide the fate of the empire. He takes a handkerchief out of his tunic and dabs his forehead, quickening his pace as he...
  15. Gukpard

    AHC: What is the best Germany can do in 1918 for damage control?

    First, this is after the defeat on the spring offensive. Well, imagine that the German Empire is not going to surrender, but also not going to be buried in ruble like 1945 Germany. What can they do? Imagine you have the power to control the german bureocracy and the political government, how...
  16. GauchoBadger

    Situation of the Middle Eastern theater in a 1918 CP victory scenario?

    Basically, assume that the US under Wilson doesn't join WWI on the side of the Entente around 1917. The German Spring Offensive of Q2 1918, thus, is a success, forcing Britain and France to the negotiating table. The main question here is, what would happen in the Middle East theater, primarily...
  17. WI: Röhm dies of Spanish Flu

    There have been countless "what if Hitler at [point X in his life]" threads. So I decided to do something a little different: talk about another prominent Nazi's near-death experience. In 1918, Hauptmann Ernst Röhm contracted the deadly Spanish flu and was not expected to make it. But he...
  18. Saudi Arabia annexes North Yemen POD of 1918

    POD of 1918 Make North Yemen be annexed as a Permanent part of Saudi Arabia by 1939 that remains all the way to this alternate present. When looking at how the Saudis took over many Arab Kingdoms such as the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz I always thought it was weird that yemen was the only...
  19. DBWI: Instead of Austria, it's the Germany who gets punished at Versailles

    I mean, this is quite far-fetched, because nobody of sane mind would be so foolish to not see the Austrian guilt and instead focus on Germany. But what if the Germans got to carry the main burden of Versailles? How would the German economy fare under imposed sanctions? Would the Weimar republic...
  20. iVC

    Drastic times calls for drastic measures

    The May offensive of the royalists failed, as soon as it began. Canadian and Australian units in Scarborough refused to engage their brothers - the British proletarians. General Pershing at a secret meeting of the commanders of the troops of counter-revolutionaries and interventionists admitted...