
  1. WI: Arabs Accepted Sassanid Offer For Tigris River Border

    During the siege of Bahurasīr, a Sassanid emissary relayed a message from Shahanshah Yazdegerd III to the Arabs, proposing a new border along the Tigris River, with the lands to the west designated as Arab territory and those to the east as Sassanid. IOTL, this offer was rejected, and the Arabs...
  2. How plausible is for the romans don’t invade Britannia and choose to conquer and annex Mesopotamia and Susiana instead?

    Exactly what says in the title. Would the romans choose to go to battle against the parthians in full force to conquer one of the most wealthy regions of the antiquity instead of just conquering a bunch of celtic tribes in Britannia?
  3. AH discussion: Greatest city of the Middle Age.

    AH discussion. With a time period of 600 to 1453, what city or cities would you find exceptionally defensible, economically dominant and culturally important. Also I would like to compare these cities in terms of their relevance for the period. Especially when it comes to comparing the...
  4. LNSS

    A Christian Persian Empire

    What would be the most likely time for a Persian Empire (Mesopotamia + Persian plateau) with a Christian (Nestorian?) ruler class to emerge? From what I understand, in Sassanian Persia, Christianity was beginning to spread so that almost all of Mesopotamia (where Ctesiphon itself, seat of the...