entente victory

  1. Oba Cahokia

    Italy joins the Central Powers but the Entente still Wins

    I can't understate that a powerful notion of Italy joining the war on the side of the Central Powers would result in a Central Powers Victory and the consequences of world coming from that. But I barely anyone exploring the opposite direction of the Central Powers still losing with Italy on...
  2. Entente Victory in a Central Powers victorious world

    In a scenario where the Central Powers won WW1, how and what will the world think of an Entente victory? Will the world think of an Entente victory as impossible as the Central Power and Axis victory threads criticized as impossible here or something which is possible? Does it matter if the...
  3. WI: 1914 Entente Victory but Belgium 'Let Them Pass'

    Great War history is not my forte so I'm not sure if this is possible. But, assuming everything goes comically wrong for the Central Powers, and everything right for the Entente--perhaps with earlier PODs resulting in a better prepared France and Russia--I was wondering if this scenario is...
  4. Russo-French Victory in WWI: Germany Partition Schemes?

    Early in World War I, it seemed possible that an Entente victory would result in a balkanization of Germany. Russian Tsar Nicholas II and French President Raymond Poincaire both supported the idea, various civilian and military leaders proposed such schemes, and in both countries the media...
  5. Original Entente Plans for Middle East

    From what I've read, the Sykes-Picot agreement really wasn't at all like the ultimate outcome in the Middle East post-WWI. The basic spheres of influence largely aligned (with some exceptions, ie. France getting Mosul) but at this point there were no plans regarding mandates and establishing...
  6. Cymry-Korean

    Austria-Hungary in an Early Entente Victory

    How do you all think Austria-Hungary wpuld develop after having been defeated alongside Germany in a shorter WW1, probably ending sometime on early 1916. While I don't think Austria-Hungary would collapse in this scenario, I do expect that they would lose Trentino and Trieste to Italy...
  7. Cymry-Korean

    Entente Victory in 1916: Aftermath?

    Hello all I've had some ideas mulling about in my head around an early victory for the Entente that leaves the Central Powers relatively intact. In a previous thread, it was mentioned that the two likely ways for an earlier Entente victory would be if the French avoided the needless waste of...
  8. AltoRegnant

    AHC: French Plans For Post WW1 Europe

    map links to the Wikipedia source. So, this thread claims this is what france wanted out of a best-case scenario in world war I. assuming everything starts the same, 1914,, Belgium, etc, how do we get this for them? I imagine a more hawkish US would help, perhaps Jutland goes bad enough Britain...
  9. Cymry-Korean

    Politics of the Central Powers After an Early Entente Victory?

    I'm in the planning stages of my first Post-1900 timeline, and I've decided to focus it on the aftermath of an early Entente victory in WW1. I'm considering PODs like Plan XVII being rejected or the British Expeditionary Force advancing between the German 1st and 2nd Armies. Would either of...
  10. AltoRegnant

    Could The Entente Win Without America?

    it's often floated as a POD for a central power victory that the us doesn't enter after brest-livtosk. I've used it in some AHCs a few times. But i want to know, should wilson remain isolationist, could the british, french, and Italian forces win the great war? What would this alternative treaty...
  11. Marklin

    TL 191 DBWI: Final Season of Man in the High Castle finished!

    (Ooc: this is more of a DBRP than a DBWI. I messed up on the title) So I'm sure by this point the folks here have watched Man in the High Castle, and the ones who have yet to watch it here are at least aware of it. Those who somehow aren't aware of the series here have most likely heard of the...
  12. GauchoBadger

    WI: Larger Entente success in 1916, Russian Empire lingers on?

    Scenario: the Entente’s war effort is much more successful in the midst of WWI in 1916. Brusilov’s Offensive in the east is properly supported by general Evert or an earlier Romanian DoW, the Battle of the Somme sees more success in capturing German ground, and the Kaiserliche Marine is crippled...
  13. Fates of the Central Powers in an earlier Entente victory?

    Hello again, as the title says what would happen to Bulgaria, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottomans if the allies had won the Great War a year or two early? For this TL I'm going to actually be using the one where Rossevelt wins the 1912 election and uses the Invasion of Belgium...
  14. Bulgaria Joins Entente, no gallipoli

    So my pod is basically a Bulgarian government deciding to join the entente to regain adrianople lost to the Turks , following the desire of it's people to not fight anymore against the other orthodox fellows. Since Bulgaria has Alexandruopoli, the entente can just land with it's army and go...
  15. ETGalaxy

    The Miracle of the Marne: An Entente Victory Scenario

    Hey everyone! One part of history that has always really interested me is the Great War. I've toyed around with Entente victory scenarios in the past, however, as they started to become really popular on this website, I was discouraged from starting yet another timeline where the Entente wins...
  16. DJjablonski

    DBWI: Czech-Slovak Nation?

    I was reading a timeline where the entente wins the great war and after the war, part of the post war treaty was the creation of a Czech-Slovak State out of Austria-Hungary. Im not sure how realistic and stable this idea would be. They are closely related people yes, but i'm not sure how they...
  17. DBWI: Entente Victory

    So, I was reading about the First Weltkrieg awhile back, and I got to thinking... what if the Entente won? Of course, you probably think this is an unrealistic scenario, but it's actually more likely than you'd think. The Germans had this military plan (called the Schlieffen Plan, after the guy...
  18. Napoleon Forever

    AHC Americans join Central Powers but Entente wins anyway

    What it says on the tin in 2 or fewer pods. Winning doesn't have to mean the Tricolour flying over Berlin (didn't even happen in OTL) but can just be a negotiated peace that obviously favours the Entente. The U.S. can join whenever you want but they should do some fighting (to rule out things...
  19. CaekDaemon

    What would the peace look like in a fast Entente victory?

    We've had a couple of WIs and timelines in the past about quick CP victories, all of which eventually begin to turn towards the matter of the post war peace in the event of a quick victory where the winner is still more or less intact, but I can't really recall the opposite - what would the...
  20. "Easy" 1911 PoD for a franko-russian 2-months victory 1914
    Threadmarks: Opening Post : the Question

    @Aphrodite , you asked for/proposed it youself. IMHO the scenario you proposed in the thread the quote above is taken from IS ASB. But you offer to discuss a PoD of 1911 - as you write it, it seems you mean a single PoD -by which it can be "easily done", that the then rendered military power...