habsburg dynasty

  1. AHC: Surviving Austria-Hungary

    With any PoD after 1909, have the Austro-Hungarian Empire/Habsburg Monarchy survive until the present day with all of their territory as of 1909.
  2. WI: Philip and Charles Habsburg died in 1502

    Say, that Philip Habsburg, son of HRE Maximilian I, and his infant son Charles (OTL HRE Charles V) die from some disease during spring 1502 (alternatively Charles V is born as girl, result would be similar). So Joanna the Mad, heiress of Castilian throne, is young widow with two (or three in...
  3. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: Best Case Scenario for Austro-Hungarian/Habsburg Restoration After WW1

    Devise a scenario where the Habsburgs are restored to power after losing WWI> A pod that comes to mind is the Habsburg attempt at retaking the Hungarian Crown which fell through after Kaiser Karl's death in Portugal. What's the best the Habsburgs could do here assuming they manage to retake...
  4. Maria, Queen of Spain and Isabella, Princess of Asturias

    What if Mary Tudor lived longer than OTL, causing the match between her stepson don Carlos and Elisabeth of France going ahead as originally planned? If Henry II still died in the tournament for Elisabeth‘s wedding and Francis II of France also died after a short reign, Marie Stuart would be...
  5. Empress Juana

    What if Francis II of Brittany lived until 1492 (instead of dying as OTL in 1488) consenting a wedding between his daughter and heiress and Philip IV of Burgundy? And if butterflies prevented the OTL late consummation of the wedding between Gian Galeazzo Sforza and Isabella of Naples? The...
  6. The many daughters of Emperor Maximilian

    What if both children of Maximilian I and Mary of Burgundy (Philip the Handsome and Margaret of Austria) were born as girl and Mary still die as OTL? What Maximilian will or can do for keeping most of Burgundy safely away from the French King?
  7. Mary, Queen and Empress
    Threadmarks: POD

    What will happen if Edward, Prince of Wales died in 1540, followed shortly after by his devastated father? With Henry VIII dead in 1541, Catherine Howard would be the Dowager Queen, a young and rich widow free to remarry, while Mary Tudor will follow his father as Queen. In OTL Mary, after...
  8. Sarthak

    A Better Thought out Sixtus Affair?

    So it's seems that i have caught the Habsburg bug for i seem to be reading on them too much for my own sake. Alright, otl, the Sixtus affair was an attempt by Karl I to get peace in March - May 1917. It failed. Utterly. Partly because the foreign minister thought it was good to talk badly...
  9. Sarthak

    My Thoughts on the Reformation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

    So i recently was able to meet an old Czech man in Brno whose father and grandfather lived during the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was pretty enlightening. A-H did have its ethnic problems yes, however it seems their shared ties to the crown did inspire a lot of loyalty to the empire...
  10. A reborn Lotharingia - A Renaissance TL
    Threadmarks: The beginning 1473-1477

    At the beginning of 1473 the 24 years old Nicholas of Anjou married the almost 16 years old Mary of Burgundy, dying less than two years later and leaving his young widow, pregnant with their second child, and their son Charles, only few months old, in the care of her father Charles the Bold...
  11. Empress Isabella Clara Eugenia and her world
    Threadmarks: Ernest and Isabella’s children

    As usual work-in-progress tree, I will add later some info about events Ernest I of Austria, Holy Roman Emperor (b.1553) married Isabella Clara Eugenia of Austria-Spain (b. 1566) in 1584 Maximilian III, Holy Roman Emperor (b. 1585) married Magdalene of Bavaria (b. 1587) in 1603 Archduchess...
  12. King Edward’s great matter
    Threadmarks: Part 1 - Early 1483

    .After being forced to sign the Treaty of Arras and consigning to France his daughter Margaret and a consistent part of his late wife‘s inheritance Maximilian decided to remarry to Elizabeth of York (niece of his stepmother-in-law, older sister of his son‘s fiancée and rejected bride of the...
  13. WI: "Maria Theresa" was male

    What if "Maria Theresa" was a boy? How might that have changed history?