
  1. Genocide against the Indonesian Chinese by Suharto

    The Chinese in Indonesia are hated by all Indonesians - by the Islamists as "kafirs", by the nationalists as "collaborators of the colonialists", by the rightists as "communists" and even by the communists as "capitalists" - the overseas Chinese are overrepresented in the economy of countries...
  2. AHC: "East Indies Federation" led by LKY that keeps local sultanates and idiosyncracies

    The goal of this feasibility check for this "East Indies Federation" is as follows: Have a state in the East Indies that is as big as possible. Easiest would be Malaysia + Singapore + Indonesia. Papua, maybe; Philippines seem a bit hard. Have this state be led by an "LKY-style government", that...
  3. kasumigenx

    Luzon and Borneo -Two lands forged in the green crescent
    Threadmarks: Arrival of Miguel Lopez de Legaspi

    A chief of Bohol named Catunao would guide Miguel Lopez de Legazpi as a guide to Cebu and he would anchor in Cebu but he would not land due to opposition with the natives and he would be able to ally with the natives of Samar and Bohol and making blood compacts with their chieftains. Rajah...
  4. kasumigenx

    The Plucked Garuda
    Threadmarks: An unlucky noble in Java

    On the late 1200s, Raden Wijaya, the son of Mahisa Campaka would fail to make the necessary connections to conspire with the Mongols to establish a new kingdom in Java, he would disappear from history as a simple noble from Java and would die from obscurity, he returned from another land trying...
  5. Southeast Asian Tigers - The Economies of Kra

    So I am working on this project where Burma, Thailand and Malaysia undergo rapid economic transformation and become tiger economies. The divergences mostly happen after 1948. All your help would be appreciated ^^. For Burma, I'm thinking of perhaps not assassinating Aung San. He was the face...
  6. How to get Greater Malaysia/Indonesia?

    Any POD is fine, nation can be formed either natively or as a result of colonialism. What are some methods to get a Greater Indonesia, with the territories of modern Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, and (maybe) the Philippines under one flag?
  7. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: Malaysia had kept Singapore?

    Singapore was once part of Malaysia, but was expelled in 1964. There are several reasons behind this, including differences between the local government in Singapore and the central government in Kuala Lumpur; a bit of postcolonial/Cold War proxy politics; and ethnic, religious, and cultural...
  8. greeks colonize East indies under Ptolemy Caesarion

    Pls answer the follow up questions and like and share what if Ptolemy Caesarion instead of believing Octavian into being lured back to Egypt continues east along with all the Ptolemaic navy in Red sea to India after learning of Golden Chersonese from traders in India restock and continue to...
  9. Han Dynasty conquer assimilate east asia and south east asia

    Han Dynasty conquers Tibet as retaliation to raids and for more horses To alleviate famines Han wudi starts a policy of conscripting peasants under famine to conquer new territory and settling those peasants there To sustain this policy his successors continue conquering Korea Japan Southeast...
  10. Aluma

    New Holland in the East! If Maurice Nassau was sent to Indonesia

    For those who dont know, here's a quick rundown on who Nassau was directly from our friend Wikipedia:,_Prince_of_Nassau-Siegen With this out of the way My question is, what would have happened if he...
  11. What would a present-day Philippine controlled Sabah (North Borneo) look like?

    Technicalities aside, let us say, that the Philippines did control that chunk of Borneo called Sabah, or at least what the sultanate of Sulu claims. What would it look like now that Borneo is now divided into three, and that the Philippines has a land-border with two countries? - Would the...
  12. AHC: Higher population for Malaysia

    Like the title says, make the population of Malaysia higher than OTL. The POD is Independence from UK in year 1957.
  13. Duke Andrew of Dank

    AHC: Another Christian majority nation in Asia.

    I was thinking about how the Philippines is the only Christian-majority nation in Asia. As well as how it contrasts to the number of Christian-majority nations in Africa today. With that in mind, what would it take for another Asian country to get a majority Christian population?
  14. Višeslav

    WI British Indonesia

    OTL, the British occupied the core parts of the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia0 during the Napoleonic wars and considered annexing the Dutch East Indies outright. Assuming that for whatever reason this went through (well, whatever reason that isn't a Napoleonic victory, which is the best way for...
  15. TimTurner

    WI: Singapore stays part of Malaysia

    What happens in Malaysian politics? How is Singapore affected? Malaya? Sarawak and Sabah? Any butterflies elsewhere?
  16. AHC: Wank Malaysia

    Your challenge is pretty much what the title says: have Malaysia be significantly more successful than it was IOTL.
  17. Simon

    The Kingdom of Sarawak and Malaysia?

    The Kingdom of Sarawak was an independent state that was a British protected state–Britain handled defence and foreign affairs–until 1946 when the ruling monarch ceded the country to the UK as a crown colony due to his belief that it didn't have the resources to rebuild after the Second World...
  18. GameBawesome

    Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere: Kingdom of Malaya and East Indies Kingdom

    When I was reading more about the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, I read saw two unifinished articles call the Kingdom of Malaya and the East Indies Kingdom, which is modern Malaysia, and Indonesia. My question is, did the Japanese actually planned this, and if so, who would be ruling...
  19. Remitonov

    WI: A White Rajah as Sultan of Malaysia

    Credits to this thread for bringing the idea up. Also, bonus points if the title is hereditary instead of elective, but not necessary. Additional bonus points to be had if the religious and/or racial requirements aren't put on it (i.e. Anglo-Christian Sultan), but also not necessary. The White...
  20. GauchoBadger

    How would relations between Europe and a surviving Majapahit Empire go?

    So, assume that the Majapahit Empire doesn't collapse, and/or that Indonesia stays more-or-less united under the hegemony of one island state till, say, the late 16th century. How would this affect relations between Europe and the East Indies? What happens to Portuguese history? With more...