
  1. AHC: Make the Soviet Union more Liberterian Socialist and less Totalitarian

    Your challenge, should you choose to accept, is to make the Soviet Union more like the (several) SSRs in Führerreich: Legacy of the Great War and less like the totalitarian nightmare state it was in OTL. Maybe make, well, an alliance of Soviet Socialist Republics instead of a single nation while...
  2. varyar

    Demographics of a post-Soviet "Finland+Karelia" state?

    Say the Winter War goes disastrously wrong for Finland and the USSR annexes the whole thing, merging it with the Karelian ASSR. Many decades later, this Finland breaks away from the Soviet Union along with the other union republics. How many Finns and Swedes would leave during the chaos of...
  3. The Militant Doberman

    AHC: a “Maoist” North Korea & a “Soviet” North Korea

    During the OTL Cold War North Korea managed to play both China and U.S.S.R. against one another, receiving aid from both without committing itself to a fully to either. However, there were factions within North Korea that wanted to see the nation align with one of its bigger neighbors (I’ve...
  4. WI: Finland joined the Polish-Soviet War?

    What are the possible results of Finland joining into the Polish-Soviet War on the Polish side? I know they already had some grievances against the Soviets already and were involved in skirmishes and battles on the borderlands. What benefit would the Poles and Finns have by coordinating? Is...
  5. Fries

    WI: Kennedy's joint moon mission proposal goes through?

    In 1963, US President John F. Kennedy proposed a joint US-Soviet moon mission to the UN, to subvert the costs of the US Space Program as well as help thaw relations. Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko applauded and supported Kennedy's speech, saying that it was a "good sign", and recent evidence...
  6. Lenin's testament

    What if rather than being suppressed in 1924 Lenin's testament was read in front of the 13th Party Congress? Considering it was particularly critic against Stalin, could it have damaged his rise to power? Lenin also advocated for changing part of the soviet istitutions so what would have been...
  7. Timelines exploring a Bukharinist USSR?

    As the title says, I'm interested in reading a Soviet-centric timeline with a PoD of Bukharin prevailing over Stalin, perhaps with ideas similar to those described in this post. Does such a TL exist? I know that A Day in July includes Bukharin within the collective leadership of the Muscovite...
  8. SpaceOrbisGaming

    The Space Race Never Ends

    On July 20 1969 the United States of America landed the first manned mission on the surface of the moon and in so doing winning the space race. After that all manned missions have been done in LEO (Low Earth Orbit) but what if the space race continued. How would a much longer space race have...