1918 Central Powers Victory: Effects On Britain


I'm having trouble thinking of what Germany and the US would confront each other over, Germany had staked her claim in europe and been stripped of her colonies. Unless Germany goes on a colonial adventure in the americas or their interests collide head on in China.

I think Germany would have its hands full in europe for the time being, trying to keep the Social Democrats from real power (especially after a war costing millions of live which wouldn't have bought many tangible benefits to the people), and perhaps some kind of war/insurgency in Russia (i doubt that they'd want to keep Lenin in power).

Historically, German industry was very expansionist in the period leaidng up to the Great War, with a lot of state support. The US was already getting itchy about German involvement in China and Latin America, and with a German zollverein (cutting America out of the European markets), this owuld only continue, IMO.
It would be doubtful that Great Britain would continue the war. Its losses in manpower, Material and riches would be enormous . The fall of the Liberal Government combined with the capture of so many British and Commonwealth troops in France would force the British to make peace. I expect that the Irish problem would reignite if the British did not grant independence.

Whether Great Britain renewed its alliance with Japan is one of those questions that can be argued. If it did it would look at a clash with the US as Japanese and American interest were bound to come into conflict.

Japan would most certainly intervene in the Russian Civil War siding with the Whites and attempting to create a buffer state that was pro-Japanese.
it might be a little cliched but i'm seeing a German backed white regime in european russia, a red siberia, and a japanese backed transbaikalian government. Wrangel, Lenin and Kolchak fighting over Russia's destiny seems like too good of a story to pass up.