A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

I'm sure the British would feel much more comfortable if they could get ships into the Baltic, but I'm not sure that they are *that* much more anxious to remove any mines preventing access than the Danes are and I'm not sure whether the Danes could use *that* much help.

Of course allowing access to the Baltic allows for shipping into *Leningrad*, but every silver lining has a cloud.
And as for Heligoland, I'm not sure there would be the same desire to take it from Germany. With continual access to the European Mainland and less time to develop the long distance Bomber, Heligoland would have been less of a speedbump for the British. Could even be the last part of Germany to Surrender.
Would it be feasible to blow up Heligoland like was done with 'nuisance' islands and seamounts around New York City in the early 20th century? Or would it take too much high explosives thus making it a pain in the ass? (I'm not even going to talk about nukes because of course they could technically erase the entire island but it is also turning the 'eraser dust' into nuclear fallout so yeah no bueno).


Well no Brenner Pass debacle, so Mussolini avoids a worse embarsment than just being too late to prosper from Germany's collapse.

It will be interesting to see how the final peace is achieved with so much of Eastern Europe still having it's interwar governments and priorities. Hungrary is probably going to play hard ball with the Britain and France.

East Prussia could go either way in my opinion. The Poles are likely to get a piece of Germany but I could see the the Poles only getting the Southern portion of East Prussia which is the least German. . With out Soviet strategic interests, I don't think there will be much stomach for population transfers amongst Britain and France where Germans aren't a minority or about equal the portion of the population. The Sudeten Germans are going, going, gone though.
I would think that the fact Poland would have one border less to defend, gain more sea access (so no possibility to cut them from it by just taking Dantzig), and have a compensation for any land lost to Russia which is a nicely fortified area would all make it interesting for everyone but the Soviets to see Poland get all of Eastern Prussia
Would it be feasible to blow up Heligoland like was done with 'nuisance' islands and seamounts around New York City in the early 20th century? Or would it take too much high explosives thus making it a pain in the ass? (I'm not even going to talk about nukes because of course they could technically erase the entire island but it is also turning the 'eraser dust' into nuclear fallout so yeah no bueno).
Was tried in OTL - search for “Operation Big Bang”. 3.2kT equivalent of war-surplus explosives and they only put a bit of a dent in it.
Hitler in a nutshell was Euthanized after surviving an assassination attempt, but receiving major brain damage.
His bodyguards trying to hide his identity, lost track of him in a hospital and became just another anonymous "Useless Eater" whom the State killed and cremated.
Kinda Ironic, dontcha think?
Hitler in a nutshell was Euthanized after surviving an assassination attempt, but receiving major brain damage.
His bodyguards trying to hide his identity, lost track of him in a hospital and became just another anonymous "Useless Eater" whom the State killed and cremated.
Kinda Ironic, dontcha think?

I like the irony, but it risks a future with even more doubt regarding what became of Hitler, with the implications re:neofash.


Just one thing. You have mentioned previously that you have a lot of work on how somethings (Aviation Engineering and many others) would develop on this TL fifties and sixties. If you ever despair of following this TL would you mind providing an access to your notes? In any case thanks a lot for your work.
East Prussia could go either way in my opinion. The Poles are likely to get a piece of Germany but I could see the the Poles only getting the Southern portion of East Prussia which is the least German. . With out Soviet strategic interests, I don't think there will be much stomach for population transfers amongst Britain and France where Germans aren't a minority or about equal the portion of the population. The Sudeten Germans are going, going, gone though.
Given what the Germans have been up to in Poland, not a chance. Poles will demand a militarily defensible border which means removing the ability of Germany to attack from 2 sides ( and even with all of East Prussia included in its new borders, Poland is still a net loser in territory in terms of km2 ) . Same with population transfers , once the word of the Holocaust spreads, no one will bat a lid about Germans being forced out.


There have not been an holocaust. Germany is defeated and shall (probably) lose some more core Territories but is free from the wholesale destruction brought by Bomber Command and the US Army Air Corps. The Nazi Party has been totally discredited, having committed horrible crimes (specially in Poland) but Germany is delivered from the eternal shame of the Holocaust. There is no way that another Stab in the Back myth can survive French and British Army Corps racing through the Heimat. This why I described this TL as the best German Wank on the whole of Alt History
I think Saarland is going to France at the very least, and the Rhineland will probably be under occupation. Not sure about Poland but I would not be surprised if it end up looking very similar to today Poland.
There have not been an holocaust. Germany is defeated and shall (probably) lose some more core Territories but is free from the wholesale destruction brought by Bomber Command and the US Army Air Corps. The Nazi Party has been totally discredited, having committed horrible crimes (specially in Poland) but Germany is delivered from the eternal shame of the Holocaust. There is no way that another Stab in the Back myth can survive French and British Army Corps racing through the Heimat. This why I described this TL as the best German Wank on the whole of Alt History
Relative to OTL it might have a lower body count but the Holocaust in Poland started September 1st 1939, by 1st Jan 1940 it was already over 100K.


Relative to OTL it might have a lower body count but the Holocaust in Poland started September 1st 1939, by 1st Jan 1940 it was already over 100K.
AIUI the SHOA was the ultimate evil. The industrialised attempt to change the Sociological Composition of Europe. As someone said before me "An Conspiracy to Read the Telephone Guide of Paris" and deduce the philological origins of the names in order to choose who to exterminate.
I'm thinking that the German mine fields would be heaviest north of Kiel and across the Odenssee, and another series of belts across the Baltic east of Konigsberg (against Soviet subs) . The British would have been air-dropping mines in the approaches to those German ports within range.

I was first thinking the Germans would want several wide shipping lanes to Swedish ports, but the Swedes aren't under German thumbs in this universe, so maybe not

I'd also suspect, any surving German vessels in the Baltic that could be converted to mine sweeping would be commandeered for that chore.
The problem here is that the Finnish/Swedish Union *and* the USSR aren't at war with 3R. Would the Nazis lay down Mines that would keep the Soviets from shipping things out of Leningrad or the Majority of the ports of the Finnish/Sweden Union (including their capitals)?

While the S/F Union definitely isn't under the thumb of the 3R, they are *still* trading with them. The Soviets have the ability to but the screws in, have been trading with the 3R and would trade internationally as well. All I can come up with as a *possible* work around for the 3R would be mining the Danish Straits and forcing all shipping to go through the Kiel Canal, and I just don't expect that to work with the F/S Union or the USSR.
Relative to OTL it might have a lower body count but the Holocaust in Poland started September 1st 1939, by 1st Jan 1940 it was already over 100K.
Back in 2015, I posted the following in response to the Author
(Begin copy)

Essentially those in German-occupied Poland, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Belgium and Germany itself. Those in Norway can get away pretty easily, while those in France and Holland mostly live in areas the Germans have never conquered. Not quite sure what that comes to - largely because I'm not sure which definition of Poland is used in counting up victims of the Holocaust. Lots of ethnic Poles are under Soviet occupation in what was prewar Poland right now, and in OTL the area was then captured by the Germans and they then will mostly have been murdered.
OK using http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/killedtable.html and cutting Poland's Jews killed in half (the west was more populated, the east, I believe more heavily Jewish, probably cancel each other out ('ish'))

So Number killed in OTL, *guesses* on percentage relative to OTL killed (assuming the Nazi don't conquer any significant additional territory and end up with equivalent percentages where they do) and result.

Poland: 3000K * .5 = 1500K
Baltic: 228K * 0 = 0
Germany/Austria: 210K *1.0 = 210K
Protectorate: 80K * 1.0 = 80K
Slovakia: 75K * 1.0 = 75K
Greece: 54K * 0 = 0
Netherlands: 105K * 0.1 = 10K
Hungary: 450K * 0 = 0
White Russia: 245K * 0 = 0
Ukraine: 900K * 0 = 0
Belgium: 40K * 0.3 = 12K
Yugo: 26K * 0 = 0
Romania: 300K * 0 = 0
Norway: 900 * .5 = 450
France: 90K * .05 =4K
Bulgaria: 14K * 0 = 0
Italy: 8K *0 = 0
Luxembourg 1K * 1.0 = 1K
Russia: 107K * 0 = 0

I get 1.5M Polish Jews + 393K Jews from elsewhere. (yes, I know my percentage in FR/NL/BE may be a little high

Which means that just as iOTL, the 5.7M Jews is round up to 6M, here 1.9M will be rounded up to 2M.

For non-jews, no Soviet POWs, and fewer Poles almost no Roma/Gypsies, but a lot of the other numbers (Freemasons, political opponents, Homosexuals) similar. However the first two represent by far the largest part of the 5 million non Jews.

Thus, my *guess* numbers are 1.5M Jewish Poles, 1M non-Jewish Poles, .5 M non-Polish Jews and .5 M who are neither Polish or Jewish.

So Jews OTL:6M, TTL:2M, Non-Jews OTL: 5M, TTL 1.5M: Total, OTL:11M, TTL:3.5M

(End Copy)
There were a number of responses and discussion from it, and some minor tweeks, but I don't think the Author had a problem with the estimate. (And I don't remember if Slovakia actually sent their Jews, that might affect things in post-war relations)

The *other* thing that comes out of it is that without the loss of Jews in Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltics *and* gaining Eastern Poland (with few Jews killed in the fighting), Stalin's Soviet Union now has more Jewish subjects than *any* leader has *ever* had OTL. (Most of the Czarist lands *plus* population growth). When the Jewish move to Palestine happens because of the horror of this TL's Holocaust (which even if a third of OTL, is still absolutely horrific) this means that Stalin by opening the faucet for Jews to go to Palestine can make Palestine even less governable than OTL. I even raised the possibility that in trying to keep Palestine from being flooded by Jews that a side effect could make Cyprus Plurality Jewish at least for a short amount of time!
Long train ride today, so have an update.
Ohhh, so that was what the Deutsche Bahn was planning for all along...

Thanks for still updating this for time to time - we know you're quite busy, and really appreciate each update! I'm sure I'm not the only one looking forward to the unreleased material you have for the post-war :)
Regarding the Holocaust, prior to Barbarossa, the number of Jews killed was on the order of a couple hundred thousand. Most of the victims perished in the ghettos of Poland due to malnutrition, disease, overwork etc. Since the Reich in this timeline collapses in early 1942, I doubt the number would reach seven figures. The ATL Reich has a lot fewer resources to devote towards genocide, and the specific series of events needed to culminate in OTL's Final Solution won't happen.
Regarding the Holocaust, prior to Barbarossa, the number of Jews killed was on the order of a couple hundred thousand. Most of the victims perished in the ghettos of Poland due to malnutrition, disease, overwork etc. Since the Reich in this timeline collapses in early 1942, I doubt the number would reach seven figures. The ATL Reich has a lot fewer resources to devote towards genocide, and the specific series of events needed to culminate in OTL's Final Solution won't happen.
Unfortunately in OTL when Germany started losing it turned up the ovens. The Nazi mindset does seem to have been , if we are going down so are the Jews. A lot of Jews were, pre Barbarossa, as far as the Nazi's were concerned, being kept alive for use as future slave labour. Without that need they would unfortunately do. worse than OTL.