AH challenge- more racially tolerant US by WWII

starting roughly around the turn of the century, how could we have a comparativly more tolerant United States by 1939- or at least be on the road to such a situation.
starting roughly around the turn of the century, how could we have a comparativly more tolerant United States by 1939- or at least be on the road to such a situation.

Have the Americans get their butts kicked in Europe, resulting in the Army sending blacks to the front.

And they are the force that defeats the Germans.
Do not have that Great peace leader President Willson order that blacks could only serve as Mess servers in the Navy. Up to then Blacks served in every field in the navy. Rember the KKK got much larger under the Demicrats in the early years of the 1910-20's and the 30's .
A very close 1900 Presidential election. A Supreme Court both biased towards Republicans (as it probably was ) and towards racial justice (which would be different to OTL)

Some racial outrage in the fall of 1900 which Bryan fails to condem (by the way I was never clear how racist he was although a Democrat of that era cannot have been that progressive on this issue)

The Business community (not wanting Bryan) support the insistence on honest manhood suffrage eections in certain states.

Seriously though American, you had the chance between 1865 and seriously fluffed it.
Rember the KKK got much larger under the Demicrats in the early years of the 1910-20's and the 30's .

Actually, the KKK's membership peaked in 1924, and by 1930 was more or less defunct (thanks, to a degree, to the enduring awfulness of David Stephenson).