AH Challenge: Reunite the US and the UK

In either the 19th or 20th centuries, reunify the United States and the United Kingdom. This may be caused by war, but it may not be the result of a war (in other words, neither nation can conquer the other, it has to be achieved peacefully).

The nation must either have a stable, democratic government, a constitutional monarchy, or a military ruler.

Extra points will be awarded if Australia, Canada, and New Zealand are included in this Union.

This might be a good place to start...
Would be interesting to see if someone can up with something plausible. Here is my two cents worth.

THe UK had a strong fascist/nationalist movement pre-WWII, much like the US and the German-American Bund party. It would all have to hinge on how appealing these English Nazi sympathizers could make nationalism to the general public. If they could whip up some patriotic fervor for the old empire, then they might mobilize a populist support base, sweep parliament in an emotional vote, and get their own candidate for Prime Minister elected.

What I am thinking is that this happens around 1935, with Hilter having become chancellor earlier. Re-shuffle the deck on his inner circle and throw in some new faces; someone who can compliment Hitler's political brilliance with some much need pragmatic thinking, Bismarck style. An olive branch extended by the Hitler government might lend some much needed support to the British fascists. It also softens the public's view of Hitler (Churchill in fact praised Hitler at one time, if memory serves). Now I certainly might be stretching this, but lets say it is successful. Britain's new fascist government now grows more extreme by the day, keeping pace with Germany. A million or more Englishmen see the writing on the wall and flee to Canada, which is still neutral. The government forces the Queen from the throne. The royal family, along with Churchill and other loyalists, also flee to Canada, without officially abdicating.

Long story short, Europe becomes engulfed in a quad-Axis Empire: Italy, Spain (under pressure to align with the Germans and English), Germany, and the UK. A joint UK and German force spread out across the globe to reinforce England's hold on her territories and commonwealths. Pearl Harbor happens about this time, as Japan is timing her conquest in the Pacific with her allies consolidation in Europe. America is pissed, OTL, and Churchill, who is now "Pime Minister-in-exile", is asking FDR to send troops to help the Canadian and British forces. FDR, shifted official recognition to Churchill and his cabinet, alreayd had the troops waiting before he asked. Short of it is that they stop the force from landing in Canada. Bloody and lasts for three months. So there is the US involvement in the war.

Without two fronts and the shift in the timeline, Axis forces never face a bitter Russian winter and take Moscow, with the Japanese pushing from the East. Eventually they catch Stalin moving from one fortified location to the next and kill him, along with the top ranking generals. This fractures the Red Army and turns them into one big guerilla force.

The Australians are doing their best to resist the Germans. This is the first to to get taken back by the Allies (America, Canada, English exiles). It becomes a staging area for a massive push in the Pacific, up into Japan, with a bloody invasion there. They have simply been containing the European side of the Axis, using ever-increasing airpower in the sky to swat them down, but failing to put men on the ground. Shpping in the Atlantic is virtually impossible, so we have been developing our own subs to counteract the u-boats and extending the range of our planes farther and farther. From Japan we exterminate the Japanese forces still centrenched in China and move into Russia, crossing that vast territory.

At the same time, a large English resistance is loosening the fascist hold in the UK and general unrest in destabilizing Nazi hold there. The fascist government is overthrown and a D-Day style re-taking of the UK takes place. Because of his hold on the UK, Hitler never has the Atlantic Wall built. We're able to push troops into Europe with much less effort. Spain puts up something of a fight, but renounces its alliance and declares its neutrality. Italy is too stretched into North Africa and the Middle East and their lines snap. Germany still has the bulk of its forces invested in its fight in Russia and tries to split them. This takes to long and breaks up both fronts. The Allies sqeeze and push hard. The Germans push back, but eventually, there is no more room to push. They surrender.

I know that is simplistic, has a bunch of holes, and needs a lot of tweaking, but it is a down and dirty timeline. What it gets you is this: American troops are already running half the government functions in Australia and New Zealand. There are as many American troops and Canadian troops in Canada and there are a lot of Americans in Britain. There are also British resistance and British forces spread across Asia and Europe. Re-building and introdcuing democracy to these regions is going to take a lot of work. The only country with the resources and existing infrastructure to help the US is the UK. Basically, we rule two third of the world jointly. The UN isn't going to be possible at this point. Unification doesn't seem like such a bad idea.

Anyway, that is a shoot-from-the-hip explanation. Take it for what it is worth.
No GW1 in 1914- delay it 2 yrs GW1 starts in late 1916 in the Balkans [of course] It gets stalemated like OTL but due to the 2 yrs there are more advanced Weapons, in Late 1920 US Enters but before US troops can arrive Germany has a breakthru. The war ends in 1921 with a German Win.

Due to the longer & more Distrustive war [ Some of those giant German Bombers make it off the drawing Board] England is devistated [aka post GW2 OTL]

The Great Farm Depression Starts in 1922 [IOTL 1919] But with no US Bretton Woods, Super Ecomonic plan, the Industrial Panic follows in 1924.

To make matters worse India revolts, and within several years wins it's freedom.

As GB & the US are frozen out of German lead Europe They turn to each other. The 1911 US/Canada free trade pact is dusted off, with GB being a Particapant.

By the Late 30's the depression is over, but the Ecomonies of the Three countries have been tied to each other.

This trend is hastened by the 1940's Asiatic War between the Empire of Japan and the Anglo/American alliance.

in the mid fifties Canada adopts the US Dollar, and by the early sixties GB having lost it's empire, does the same.

In the 1980's Talk starts about mergeing the US dollar bloc into a political Union.
Union, Soon, With Britain...

Part One

Nazi Germany develops an effective long-range, heavy bomber early on in World War Two.

At Dunkirk, the bombers see their first action. Only 295,000 (as opposed to 335,000 in OTL) Allied soldiers make if off the beaches, weakening the Army fairly substantially. Later, the Luftwaffe uses the bombers against the main fleet at Scapa Flow. While most of the ships are left relatively unscathed, the port facilities are destroyed and the British government is forced to scatter the ships to both prevent their destruction and secure that they have the proper facilities. The RAF is mauled in the summer of 1940: most of its planes, bases, and pilots are killed by the lethal combination of German fighters and bombers.

Following the failure to negotiate a peace, Hitler authorizes the invasion of Britain. Operation Sealion is scrapped, replaced by Operation Seasprite, an organized, single-commander invasion of the British Isles led by Heinz Guderian. On October 10, 1940, German soldiers begin landing on the south coast of England. The RAF is too badly mauled to defeat the swarms of Luftwaffe fighters, and the Navy is scattered too thin to crack the cordon of submarines and mines blocking the English Channel.

Despite their prepared lines of defense, the large numbers of valiant British soldiers are in adequately armed. London falls in December of 1940. By February of 1941, five months after the invasion began, German soldiers have reached the southern banks of the River Trent. At this point, Prime Minister Churchill issues orders to evacuate as many soldiers and as much equipment as possible to Canada. He then guarantees that his loyal deputy, Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, will succeed him as Prime Minister. Two weeks later, Winston Churchill was dead. He died manning a machine gun on the outskirts of Sheffield, a letter of resignation in his pocket.

Meanwhile, evacuations begin from Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Liverpool. In four strenuous months of evacuations, nearly 600,000 soldiers are carried to Canada by the ships of the Royal Navy and the United States Merchant Marine. In July of 1941, with German troops on the River Tweed, the final evacuations occur, including those of the Royal Family, who had stubbornly refused to leave their beleaguered nation. Prime Minister Eden moves his government-in-exile to Washington, D.C., as a matter of simple convenience. Unfortunately, the freighter carrying the Royal Family was sunk by a German U-boat just a week out of port, killing all those on board, and steeling the men and women of the Commonwealth to the fight ahead of them. Edinburgh and Glasgow fall in August, and any large-scale outside connection with the British Isles (Ireland was invaded and conquered five months earlier) is severed.

More to come...
Even if Britain went Fascist, there's a good chance that they won't get along with Germany. Britain's national interests are still Britain's national interests, and one power controlling the entire Continent (incl. all the Channel ports) is a BAAD thing.

Ideology can only go so far...see the Sino-Soviet split.
Matt Quinn said:
Even if Britain went Fascist, there's a good chance that they won't get along with Germany. Britain's national interests are still Britain's national interests...

That's right. The leader of the British Union of Fascists (BUF) was Sir Oswald Mosley. He was accused of conspiring to help German invaders despite the fact that: he had fought the Germans in the first war, he had called for adequate air defences in his maiden speech in Parliament in 1919 (at a time when government was cutting Britain's air defences), he had demanded a well-armed Britain in 1932 on founding the BUF, he had called on BUF members in September 1939 to do their duty if called up for military service, and on 9 May 1940, just fourteen days before his arrest, he had stated in his paper Action: "Stories concerning the invasion of Britain are being circulated. In such an event every member of British Union would be at the disposal of the nation. Every one of us would resist the foreign invader with all that is in us. In such a situation no doubt exists concerning the attitude of British Union." I don't believe that he would have helped the Nazis...
Churchill (I think) advocated a "Union of English-Speaking Peoples" that would include Britain, the US, Canada, Australia, etc. That might be an interesting state...
Which is why German influence wouldn't have remained for long, in that case. There were never enough English to ever maintain a fascist majority like Germany did and those that would have thrown their lot in with the fascists would have either woken up to their stupidity or blamed the Germans for all the war-mongering.
Matt Quinn said:
Churchill (I think) advocated a "Union of English-Speaking Peoples" that would include Britain, the US, Canada, Australia, etc. That might be an interesting state...

That's exactly what I want.
The important thing is that this can solved so easily this very day! :)

ENGLAND, little island nation, you are small and weak, we are large and powerful, you belong to us now! :p

Just kidding here! :D The Brits are tough and courageous. Now, if the goal was to unite the US and France...like anyone would want that. :eek:
A couple quickies...

1.) "Communists overrun Europe" scenario. UK under severe threat invasion/nuclear annihilation. Joins into federation with US for purposes of protection - attack on Britain equivalent to attack on US soil, deterrent effect.

2.) Cuban missile war. US largely untouched, UK devastated. US has to take over to simply prevent mass starvation, etc. Brits decide that if they are going to live in a radioactive wasteland, it's better to live in one backed by US taxpayer.
B_Munro 2.) Cuban missile war. US largely untouched said:
Ahem. Cuban Missile War. NATO refuses to be dragged into suicide by the US. USSR ceases to exist, US badly hurt, Western Europe largely untouched. Brits move in to assist initially, then decide to stay.

The Ressurection Day scenario. One probloem I've always had with that book is that in the end the British occupation force turns back. Bah! :)


The civil war goes very bad for the Union.

The US government goes in excile in Canada while the northern states are in a constant and bloody guerilla war against the Southern occupation forces. The very strong abolitionist movement in UK demands action against the "Slaveowners", and the British Government offers the US government a reunification of their countries (something like the offer given to France in 1940). The US government hard pressed accepts as the new transatlantic union gives wide spread "home rule" and rolling back the rebels is worth a crown here and there. Instantly the RN cuts off the Confederacy from all overseas connections and soon a well equipped British army made up of mainly exciled northerners + some British and a growing influx of anti-slavery volunteers from all over the world goes south. The Southern Army is already heavily engaged in counter-insurgency operations and must withdraw to the south, just leaving more recruitment areas to Her Majesty's Forces. By 1867 the last southern stronghold falls, and the Empire must now focus on demands from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a few others for similar rights to those given to the Americans.

Queen Victorias great roundrtrip to the North American continent in 1869 is a huge success and firmly consolidates Monarchy in the American popular soul...


Steffen Redbeard
A peaceful option..?

Can we please have some peaceful ideas please.


How about..?

POD early 1950s.

British frustration with European countries, such as France over Suez and later on de Gaulle's attitude to Britain and the EEC, leads to Britain remaining much more USA orientated than in OTL.

Coupled with increasing decolonisation in Africa and Asia, this leads to a UK with a less imperial outlook, and with the USA and the new Independent states as a major trading partners. Bring Australia, NZ and Canada into the story and you have, by the mid to late 1960s a much more cohesive trade block based on the Commonwealth + the USA.

Pretty much everything runs similarly to OTL; NATO remains in Europe as a front to the Warsaw Pact, with the only major difference being a Britain involved in Europe from the outside.

Subsequent governments try to look at the UK becoming more involved with the EEC, particularly the Heath government of 1970s, but public opinion remains very traditionally un-European, with Heath resigning over the "Europe" question. The rise of the Thatcher government as a result leads to Britain firmly backing the USA, leading to the establishment of an economic trading area to rival the growing federalism of the EU.

By the 1990s we have, with the decline of the Soviet Union, two very well defined trading units - the EU and the Commonwealth + 1 unit. As a result the Commonwealth + 1 increases harmonisation to keep up with the EU. By 2004 post-Soviet Russia, grateful of C+1 aid following the collapse of the USSR, looks to increasing involvement in the C+! economic bloc, putting it at loggerheads with former allies such as Poland, who have a much more EU centric outlook.

Increasing competition between the two economic powerhouse leads to more integration and hamonisation between the constituant members.
Birmingham 1863

The UK declares war on the Union after the Union has had a year to rearm. The US puts aside the debate about whether to fight the civil war and unites in a spasm of violence and volunteerism to smash the Confederacy in six months by the Sherman method of just outnumbering them and then marching around them with one part while blocking them with the other, forcing them to attack into the teeth of the Union guns or retreat.
That is, instead of fighting half a war and trying to beat them on the cheap, they simply build an army six times as big, in proportion to the population difference between the Confederacy and the Union.
The UK army arrives and discovers that the Confederacy no longer exists, that it's army is in retreat, that the slaves are no longer enslaved and are enlisting in the Union army, and that the conscripted poor whites of the Confederate army have simply gone home, leaving the remnants of the slave holders outnumbered nine to one.
Then the US justs marches one fourth of it's army into Canada and takes over. The rest of the US army is sitting in the coastal cities taunting the British about when they are going to attack and building fortifications around the shipyards they are building the world's biggest fleet in.
The British say 'Oops, our bad, let's make peace."
The Union says, 'Sure, we'll be glad to sign a peace just as soon as you democratically elect a government we can make peace with, and we do mean democratically.'
The UK says, 'No! We'd rather starve without food from the US and Canada than let the poor people vote!'
Two years later the poor are hungry, the rich are poor, and the world's largest fleet flies the US flag. Birmingham leads the revolt and the UK is a democracy. Shortly after that the UK and the US have a common market. Full integration takes another twenty years.