AHC: Jefferson in 1796

Exactly as it says on the tin.

What one POD could see Jefferson prevail over Adams in the first post-Washington election?
Well, you don't need much. The election was 71-68 in the electoral college in OTL. Easiest way: Pierre Adet (French ambassador to the US) keeps his stupid mouth shut. His full throated support of Jefferson helped to create the perception that Jefferson was a just a French lackey, a notion the Federalists were already pushing anyway. If he takes a more hands-off approach, or even supports Jefferson in a way that isn't quite so overly enthusiastic, it could easily swing the election to Jefferson.
Well, you don't need much. The election was 71-68 in the electoral college in OTL. Easiest way: Pierre Adet (French ambassador to the US) keeps his stupid mouth shut. His full throated support of Jefferson helped to create the perception that Jefferson was a just a French lackey, a notion the Federalists were already pushing anyway. If he takes a more hands-off approach, or even supports Jefferson in a way that isn't quite so overly enthusiastic, it could easily swing the election to Jefferson.

This. I think Adams in 1800 from OTL is actually the trickier one; but I also think, at least the way I've got it going, Adams in 1800 seems pretty clear from a Jefferson win in '96, because f the XYZ Affair; I think you'd see a Federalist resurgence.

And, given the slow movement of some stuff delaying things with one big estate I'm handling, I *might* start the TL this week. I just never like doing these till i know I'll have time to get atleast a dozen parts in (I've got about 10 written now).