AHC: "McCarthyism" becomes anti-Fascist

Morty Vicar

The challenge is to make the 'Red Scare' in the USA similar to OTL, but anti-fascist rather than anti-communist. Obviously it's no longer 'Red Scare' or ''McCarthyism'' per se, but similar. POD can be anywhere between 1920 and 1980.
EDIT: To clarify, you can still have the 50's McCarthyism, and a later anti-Fascist equivalent if you wish.
The only way probably would have been the victory of Nazi Germany, tho everybody knows about the depth of it's actions against the Jews. Fascism would have to remain popular, to a degree, in order for someone to be practicing it. It would be harder for a POD in the 1920s since Fascism was the 'in thing' up until the outbreak of the World War II. It took a lot of different appearances in different countries.