All Abroad the Lex Express - A Wrestling Timeline

All Abroad the Lex Express – A Wrestling Timeline



If I were to ask you to imagine a WWF/WWE champion who would you think of? Hulk Hogan with his 20 foot pythons brother or Randy Savage, maybe a more modern example of John Cena and Randy Orton maybe even a little bit of Brock Lenser,with some many men holding the title there are some who fly under the radar and never got a strong reputation as champion who later became fan favourites a modern example of this is The Miz once hated as champion (1) now many dream of his return to the main event scene,however, there is one man who over time has a cult following as champion, many may argue that it was the right place at the right time some have outright denial the very exist of his reign but the passage of time seems to taken a toll of favouritism to the man in question reign, this man in question is Lex Luger and I welcome you to the lex express.

Hello Everyone and welcome to my wrestling timeline you might be wondering why this scenario of all thing to cover, there's a very good reason why I like Lex Luger and always fault that he should have been a wwf champion there's is aother reason but that my friends would be a spoiler, just a warning that it won't a very long timeline but I will try to make up for it, hope you enjoy it.

1. why yes I am the only Miz fan who's would like to see as champion again, call it author biased.
Waiting to see how the all American narcissist will fare ittl,hope he avoids his neck injury too