Alternate WW1 Ideas

So I'm kind of enamored with alternate beginnings to the Great War. But I'm challenged to find an alternate alliance that is both plausible and relatively equal. I'd pull one out of thin air and try to justify it, but that's not the right approach IMO. I'd prefer to find a PoD that I think would work, and take it where it naturally leads.

I'm struggling to see what would link say Britain to say Germany. There's always the fear of Russia and the Great Game, but Britain made some crucial (for her) gains that diminished the perception that India would be under Russian control. There was also the fear that Russia would take the Bosporus, but judging by British policy vis-a-vis the Ottomans, I doubt that fear was common in the British elite (Not that such a fear really woulda been justified)

Italy was initially in an alliance with Germany and A-H, as most people know. But they sided with the Entente when war broke out, for reasons I'm sure most people here already know as well.

I think the following countries are pretty likely to stick together in the same alliance, and I'm hard pressed to come up with reasons why they'd go against each other.



Central Powers:


The Ottomans won't enter the war unless Bulgaria does as well, at least barring a PoD before the Balkan wars. I think the British are much more likely to join the Entente than the Central Powers, but is there any way to swing them to the CP?

While I'm enamored with finding different alliances, I know precious little of the period, and have a lot to learn about.
I can see UK siding with Germany against France if two things happen:

First, Germany must not build up their fleet. A navy-less Germany is much less threatening to the UK, which isn't left wondering why a land-based, colony-less empire needs a large fleet.

Second, the UK and France must come to blows over their colonies. Maybe there's a number of border skirmishes in Africa, Guiana, and/or India (yes, France had holdings in India). Maybe the French actions to modernize their fleet are frightening to a UK who sees only the possibility of a Channel crossing.

France and Russia are probably going to be together, given that they're both most scared of Germany and have nothing to fear of each other.

Germany and A-H might not be allies, if we can get some tension going on at their borders, or an expansionistic/revanchist Kaiser who really wants all Germans under his banner, including the ones that happened to be under the Emperor of Rome when the German Empire was forming.

Italy's loyalties depend on whether they want Austrian or French territories more, and who they think is more likely to win. It's not too difficulty to see Italy sit it out.

The Ottomans also need not be allied to A-H (their ancient and eternal foe) or Germany...but they'll basically be on the side of whoever doesn't have Russia, I think.
I can see UK siding with Germany against France if two things happen:

First, Germany must not build up their fleet. A navy-less Germany is much less threatening to the UK, which isn't left wondering why a land-based, colony-less empire needs a large fleet.

Second, the UK and France must come to blows over their colonies. Maybe there's a number of border skirmishes in Africa, Guiana, and/or India (yes, France had holdings in India). Maybe the French actions to modernize their fleet are frightening to a UK who sees only the possibility of a Channel crossing.

France and Russia are probably going to be together, given that they're both most scared of Germany and have nothing to fear of each other.

Germany and A-H might not be allies, if we can get some tension going on at their borders, or an expansionistic/revanchist Kaiser who really wants all Germans under his banner, including the ones that happened to be under the Emperor of Rome when the German Empire was forming.

Italy's loyalties depend on whether they want Austrian or French territories more, and who they think is more likely to win. It's not too difficulty to see Italy sit it out.

The Ottomans also need not be allied to A-H (their ancient and eternal foe) or Germany...but they'll basically be on the side of whoever doesn't have Russia, I think.

Germany and Britain: Have Friedrich III survive, and Germany and Britain could very well be close allies.

UK and France: Have a much more serious Fashoda crisis, combined with Germany as a credible alternative to France as Britain's Continental ally.

Germany and A-H: The reason Imperial Germany never seriously bothered to try to integrate Austria was because the Junkers didn't wanted more Catholics in the Empire. For the German Empire to be eager to annex German speaking land in Austria you need to cure this Catholic phobia.

Italy: Italy can only side with Austria against France if Austria make some concessions, probably Trento and Gorizia.

Ottomans: Allies with the one who can offer them the best post war deal if they join the war. Best case scenario for them would be not joining, of course. Here many things depend on the PoD, earlier PoDs might butterfly away the Balkans wars, or make them different, which then would have a huge impact on which side the Ottomans would join. The Ottomans always going against Russia is only true if the Dictatorship is in place, and obviously the Balkans wars influenced it too.