DBWI: No Operation Tecumseh?

2008's Operation Tecumseh was one of the most unexpected military operations ever. It was not without controversy. There were those who opposed it as it did not involve consulting Congress, others viewed it as overstretching the military, while others were suspicious of the US working alongside Russia. However, the operation was concluded swiftly, and with almost no US casualties.
There are still some questions...
-How would McCain's candidacy have been affected had the US not intervened? Would Bush have still ordered McCain to refrain from commenting? Would Palin be viewed more or less favorably thanks to her semi-closeness to Russia?
-Would Bolton have stayed? Would other advisors? It's unlikely that Cheney would have survived past 2010- he was in poor health, even if his ideas were rejected...)
-Would Obama have picked Kerry, Clinton or Biden had the US not intervened? (Kaine helped in Obama's lead.) Would Obama have changed his view for "both sides" to show restraint?
-Would the swings (small, but significant) to Barr, Keyes and McKinney have happened?
-Would other European nations have intervened, or was fear of reinforcing the Kosovo Precedent enough to keep them out?
-Would the US's not intervening have prevented the US's signing of the revised Helsinki Treaty?
-Would the US's not intervening have affected NATO's expansion?
-Would the US's not intervening have aided the case for EU intervention in Libya? (It likely wouldn't have changed the US's support for change in Tunisia and Egypt, or the US's actions to force change in Bahrain and Yemen...)
-Would the troops still be interned in Iraq, or simply kept under US command?
-How did you react to the intervention? (I was opposed to the intervention simply because I'm of the old-school Congressional Approval types. Still, I followed the attacks with interest- and I couldn't help but smile when the Marine bands played Marx Brothers songs and Beatles songs, along with Civil War songs when they raised the flag over the capitol.)

OOC: Can you guess where this operation took place? I left a couple hints, from the semi-obvious (think of the title...) to the obscure (If you know me, you know why they played Marx and Lennon...).
This line "Would the troops still be interned in Iraq, or simply kept under US command?" suggests Iran as the location to me...
OOC: America attacks Georgia during the South Ossetia war? The explanation for this should be good...
Oh, right, 'Tecumseh' as in General Sherman marching through [the other] Georgia. Non-American poster here, remember...
The United States Supported Putin's GOvernment in crushing the opposition during the Georgian uprising, Yes?
Opposition? Opposition in Georgia was against Saakashvili and senseless war he started. Why would Russia want to crash them? More troubles inside Georgia, better for Russians.
Opposition? Opposition in Georgia was against Saakashvili and senseless war he started. Why would Russia want to crash them? More troubles inside Georgia, better for Russians.
Well at least I was right about it being about the Georgian crisis, even if I biffed it big o nthe other stuff.

In 2008 I was a bit BUSY!