Describe this map of Eastern Europe


Describe this map of Eastern Europe.

That purple blob looks like an alt-Lithuania... I guess?

EDIT: And the state by the Baltic looks like a surviving Teutonic order.
Well, we don't have any POD or indication of date. But borders look likes a lot covergnent, just if you took the historical states and copy-paste them into an anachronic map.

I mean i see Swedish Pomerania right now, even if you give it to Poland with medieval borders.
Teutonic Order needs to control trade to survive but Lithuania's expanding perspective as history moves on will mean it will understand ever more clearly the rewards for unseating it. After the eclipse of the mounted knight, where's the order going to get the large numbers of troops it needs from?
Draw rather than a Polish-Lithuanian victory at the battle of Tannenberg, which makes the Teutonic order survive with a lot of lands, while Lithuania expands towards the Black Sea and Poland inherits Pomerania, like it did Saxony.


This is the OTL map from about 50 years later than i think OP map is from.
The differences between OTL and TL from this topic:
- since Kazko Slupski took the throne of Poland, the kingdom is concentrated on the west, not the east. so:
- there is no union with Lithuania and no common war with Teutonic Order.
- that means Order keeps Zmudz connecting them with Livonian Order (they had to give it back to Lithuania OTL after 1410 war and Grunwald battle). Both orders merge together.
- Lithuania pushed off from Baltic shore, seeks the other ways to expand and takes the principality of Moldavia. The first Jagiellons in Poland fought long and bloody conflicts for this land in OTL.
- and their eastern border is not ASB.. they really were so huge untill Moscow started to rise and eat everything around.

Nonsense? Where?

I'd say this is one of the best possible PODs for Poland. Butterflies are huge (how would Polish-Lithuanian neighbourhood develope without the union? How fast would lone Lithuania fall to Moscow? What with Bohemia and Hungary without strong Jagiellons? and so on), but i feel that for sure there would be no Prussia at all in this TL.
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