Disaster at Leuthen TL - Frederick the Great dies in battle

Shouldn't the Netherlands still have Maastricht and other parts of Limburg?

The Dutch were forced to cede some land to other powers. Thats what happens when you don't help either side, no one helps you. Of course they still come out better than they did in OTL, being conquered by Napoleon and all. I hope to do an update soon on what the Dutch actually are doing, off in the East Indies.
The flag of the new United Kingdom of Saxony and Bavaria


(courtesy of Razgriz 2K9)
Say, what are the governments of the league actually like? English-style constitutionalism? Figurehead monarchs? Republics/city state federations? I assume the rest of the German states remain effectively absolute monarchies.

Same question with France and Poland actually, what does the government actually look like?
Yeah I'm gonna go with that, seems like the best choice. I've also taken your advice and rename that area Berg. Which also allowed me to make the change of adding Dortmund as a separate city-state ruled by the Grand Marshall, which I think makes sense for the League's capital. Otherwise the ruler of the now Kingdom of Berg would have too much influence.
I think he meant that you should change it to Mark rather than Berg, since the territories in question match the historical borders of the County of Mark more or less exactly.

Dortmund as city state with a sort of Imperial Free City-Emperor relationship with the Grand Marshall makes sense.

The borders of Münsterland annoy me. Not because they are wrong in any way, but that little isthmus connecting the southern and northern halves have always gotten on my nerves. Would be more aesthetically pleasing to give the isthmus to Prussia and make the northern half a separate state. Not sure if that would make sense in the situation though, and it's not like the borders of the HRE were ever drawn to look pretty.
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Say, what are the governments of the league actually like? English-style constitutionalism? Figurehead monarchs? Republics/city state federations? I assume the rest of the German states remain effectively absolute monarchies.

Same question with France and Poland actually, what does the government actually look like?

After I wrap up the Age of Revs (finally) in the next update I plan to do a series of bits that will look in detail at the various countries of Europe and the Americas analyzing their governments, ideologies, goals etc. so you'll get a better answer then.

For now I can say that yes the non-League German states are still absolute monarchies. As is Poland having centralized after the Civil War. France is an enlightened monarchy, with a growing sense of constitutionalism and a stronger parliamentary feel; though I wouldn't go as far to name it a Constitutional Monarchy at this time.

The League states vary. They are all monarchies but they all have a constitution and various degrees of representation and reform, all more so than France.

I think he meant that you should change it to Mark rather than Berg, since the territories in question match the historical borders of the County of Mark more or less exactly.

Dortmund as city state with a sort of Imperial Free City-Emperor relationship with the Grand Marshall makes sense.

The borders of Münsterland annoy me. Not because they are wrong in any way, but that little isthmus connecting the southern and northern halves have always gotten on my nerves. Would be more aesthetically pleasing to give the isthmus to Prussia and make the northern half a separate state. Not sure if that would make sense in the situation though, and it's not like the borders of the HRE were ever drawn to look pretty.

Yeah that makes more sense, well consider it Mark then, will refer to it as such from now on. I thought so, it had already been one of the Free Cities so why not keep it as such? Plus it adds a nice little dynamic in the middle of the League.

The isthmus bothered me as well, but like you said the HRE never had sensible aesthetic borders. Maybe in the future it will become an issue. Possibly leading to a Prussian-League split?
I made you some cartographic fan-art. I hope you like it. :D


If you don't like the flag - or any of the other details - they can easily be changed. I needed a flag to put there, however, so I made one up based on the two most frequently recurring colours among the major League states.
I made you some cartographic fan-art. I hope you like it. :D

If you don't like the flag - or any of the other details - they can easily be changed. I needed a flag to put there, however, so I made one up based on the two most frequently recurring colours among the major League states.

That my friend is beautiful. Makes my map look pretty crap haha. No that is really good thank you. Not sure on the flag, too Spanish looking. I've come up with a flag already, though that's for a possible future federalised league. Regardless though that map is fantastic. Would you mind me asking what programme you used?
How does the flag you came up with look? I realize it's for the future, but I don't want to use anything drastically different from the one they'll use in the future. I figured I could try a Red-Yellow bicolour, with a paler yellow, if this one didn't work out. Would that be better?

As for the program; I usually use GIMP. Inkscape is also good, especially if you have a good tutorial like this one to guide you, but I am not too fond of that program myself.

Oh, and I am glad you liked it. It was fun to make. :D
I like this TL, there's a lot of interesting Butterflies. I also like the alternate American Revolution.

Thank you its always nice to see some new faces. Yeah the butterflies are still spreading. They should be hitting Asia soon.

How does the flag you came up with look? I realize it's for the future, but I don't want to use anything drastically different from the one they'll use in the future. I figured I could try a Red-Yellow bicolour, with a paler yellow, if this one didn't work out. Would that be better?

As for the program; I usually use GIMP. Inkscape is also good, especially if you have a good tutorial like this one to guide you, but I am not too fond of that program myself.

Oh, and I am glad you liked it. It was fun to make. :D

Yeah very good might have to employ you in the future for map making. GIMP? I have that though I never thought of using it for map making, might have a play around with it. Um flag wise. Well the scenario I am sort of devising for a federalised league imagines that the process would be led by the League's dominant states, Cologne, Munsterland and Westphalia. Thus it takes black from the cross of Cologne, red from the arms of Westphalia and blue from the flag of the former Prince-Bishopric of Münster, with the eagle of Dortmund as the capital. Here I'll just show you.

What do you think? I think its got a nice aggressive power to it.

League Flag.png
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Razgriz 2K9

Nor did I, and I use GIMP, (I used GIMP to design the actual Coat of Arms for Saxony-Bavaria), you've gotta teach me how to make maps like that. :eek:
Yeah very good might have to employ you in the future for map making. GIMP? I have that though I never thought of using it for map making, might have a play around with it. Um flag wise. Well the scenario I am sort of devising for a federalised league imagines that the process would be led by the League's dominant states, Cologne, Munsterland and Westphalia. Thus it takes black from the cross of Cologne, red from the arms of Westphalia and blue from the flag of the former Prince-Bishopric of Münster, with the eagle of Dortmund as the capital. Here I'll just show you.

What do you think? I think its got a nice aggressive power to it.
I am not sure if I approve of putting black in-between red and blue. Kind of messes with the colour balance, and violates the Rule of Tincture as well. (Though the Rule of Tincture is admittedly not as strict when it comes to flags. Just look at Oldenburg's flag.)

I came up with a few flags based on your reasoning for the one you made. Whether you use them or go with your own creation is of course up to you.

League flag. (Red and yellow are the dominant colours in the league as a whole. Cologne is the exception, really.)

Fully federalized, Cologne black included. (They'll get to sue Belgium for stealing *their* colours ITTL...Assuming there's ever going to be a Belgium.)

Alternate version:

Nor did I, and I use GIMP, (I used GIMP to design the actual Coat of Arms for Saxony-Bavaria), you've gotta teach me how to make maps like that. :eek:
The Paths tool is your friend. Sapiento's tutorial is also a good starting point. Certainly helped me, though my own style differs from the one showed in the tutorial. :)
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Sorry for the double post. Updated the map I posted earlier. Mostly just cosmetic changes, though I did add a few things to the infobar on the side. Also changed the flag to something less Spanish-looking than on the previous one.

Sorry for the double post. Updated the map I posted earlier. Mostly just cosmetic changes, though I did add a few things to the infobar on the side. Also changed the flag to something less Spanish-looking than on the previous one.

That is extremely good. I like the things you added as well, specifically the common currency. The flag is better I agree. I'm definitely going to have to send you map requests now for this timeline; though I am playing around with gimp a bit. Oh and the flags you posted above aren't visible for some reason.

Anyway I have an exam Monday morning (British Standard Time) so the Age of Revs Part VI will hopefully be published that night or Tuesday.
I'd be happy to work on any maps you have in mind. Maps of the (former) HRE will likely be done faster than other things, since that's my favourite area to work with. :)

Here's the flags I posted earlier again, in the same order:
The one on the map. Basic early League flag, reminiscent of historical HRE successor state flags.

Same as above with Dortmünd eagle included.

Later flag?

Good luck on your exam!
I'd be happy to work on any maps you have in mind. Maps of the (former) HRE will likely be done faster than other things, since that's my favourite area to work with. :)

Here's the flags I posted earlier again, in the same order:
The one on the map. Basic early League flag, reminiscent of historical HRE successor state flags.

Same as above with Dortmünd eagle included.

Later flag?

Good luck on your exam!

Cheers its on French Government, so maybe see some updates on that in the future. Though more likely I will probably be so burnt out I won't want to even think about France.

Now those last two flags I like. The last one especially I think is very good and will probably find its way into this history.
I like the new map very much. Only problem is the misspelling of Dortmund (no ü).

If you intend to make maps for a later period of this timeline, just keep in mind that "Embden" is an earlier version of Emden. But I don't know when the name changed (early 19th century seems plausible).
I just finished reading through the last update, there's been such a flurry of activity since I last checked in. I think its really great. I appreciate the way you're covering so many different areas with the last few posts and trying to show how different events are becoming more interconnected. I suppose I have a few questions on details but it seems like Germany is being progressively more fleshed out so I'm sure I'll have my answers soon enough. I'm glad to see that your TL still has a lot of momentum, so we can still expect a lot more out of it.
Cheers its on French Government, so maybe see some updates on that in the future. Though more likely I will probably be so burnt out I won't want to even think about France.

Now those last two flags I like. The last one especially I think is very good and will probably find its way into this history.
I hope your next update won't be about France suddenly disappearing from the map then. :p

Glad they were to your liking. :)

I like the new map very much. Only problem is the misspelling of Dortmund (no ü).

If you intend to make maps for a later period of this timeline, just keep in mind that "Embden" is an earlier version of Emden. But I don't know when the name changed (early 19th century seems plausible).
Aw buckit. Not that difficult to change though. Thank you for the heads up, and glad you liked the map.

Tiny fix, if you want it. (Fixed Dortmund and moved a number. Nothing much.)

Edit: 'nother tiny fix. Use this.
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I just finished reading through the last update, there's been such a flurry of activity since I last checked in. I think its really great. I appreciate the way you're covering so many different areas with the last few posts and trying to show how different events are becoming more interconnected. I suppose I have a few questions on details but it seems like Germany is being progressively more fleshed out so I'm sure I'll have my answers soon enough. I'm glad to see that your TL still has a lot of momentum, so we can still expect a lot more out of it.

Yeah I'm trying to wrap up the Age of Revs in the next update (out tonight) so I can move on with the story. I feel like I'm wrestling with an octopus. I've got so many threads now (India, Germany, Spain, America, the Balkans etc.), now I'm trying to bring them all together and revise them. Yup Germany, and its new states and alliances, will be covered in an upcoming update, which will hopefully answer your questions.